The Conservative (Nebraska City, Neb.) 1898-1902, February 14, 1901, Image 1

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    "V3ssr ? w * jtoft"'W ' * * ' $ ir ? v * T'jvr7 * > ' ? , , > * a i
Che Conservative.
One dollar and a. half per year in advance ,
postpaid to any part of the United States or
Canada. Remittances made payable to The
Morton Printing Company.
Address , THE CONSERVATIVE , Nebraska
City , Nebraska.
Advertising rates made known upon appli
Entered at the postoiflco at Nebraska City ,
Nob. , as Second Class matter , July 29 , 1898.
There came ,
THE COMMON many years ago , to
PEOPLE. Arbor Lodge , as a
welcome guest , a
young man from the state of Ohio who
was seeking a location in the new terri
tory of Nebraska. He only remained
over one day and night and then pushed
on to Omaha where he finally located.
He was strong in good habits , accurate
of judgment , far-seeing and absolutely
honest. In 1860 he became the builder
of the first telegraph line connecting the
Atlantic with the Pacific coast. His
was a strenuous life upon the plains and
in the mountains , among hostile savages
and environed day and night with
dangers which would have appalled a
man of less courage , fortitude and
endurance. But he knew no fear , no
indolence and pushed the great work to
early completion so that New York
soon talked with San Francisco over the
"Western Union telegraph wires. Sub
sequently he invested in mining supplies
and vast freighting equipments for the
gold diggers in Montana. Eventually
he became a financial and commercial
leader for the centralizing of capital at
Omaha and for the upbuilding of that
metropolis. Work , ceaseless work , was
his alchemy for transmuting into gold
his genius and energies. His success
was commensurate with his integrity
and ability and when he passed away he
left to institutions of learning and
charity , through the hands of his
brother , about two millions of dollars.
And the indigent are thus through the
munificence of Edward Creighton
placed in touch with the means of educa
tion at the college which bears his
honored name , while the sick and
afflicted find at the Oreighton Hospital
in Omaha comforts and care which his
abors and life have provided. His
brother , John A. Oreighton , with won
derful fidelity to the memory of Edward ,
is constantly contributing to the enlarge
ment of these noble institutions which
are the monument to one of the right
land of common people !
Oh ! that Nebraska may have more
and more of such characters , more and
more of men whom the demagogues and
place-hunters denounce as plutocrats ,
gold-bugs and aristocrats. Nebraska
needs and welcomes such men. They
are the pride , the glory and the richest
fruit of this free government , under
which the common people may rise to
the loftiest heights of usefulness and
In 1857 and 1858 there was a deli
cate , pale-faced youth filling , in
Omaha , the position
David H. Moffat. of teller of the
Bank of Nebraska.
THE CONSERVATIVE knew him well
and had the satisfaction of being
upon terms of personal friendship with
him. His habits were those of an
ambitious and industrious youth aiming
to make unto himself fame and fortune.
He was truthful , capable and honest.
He could be and was implicitly trusted
and confidence reposed in him was never
betrayed. And so he worked and toiled ,
day after day , saving from his scanty
earnings as best he could , until the gold
discoveries at Cherry Creek , in Colorado ,
where Denver now stands , attracted his
attention and aroused his energies to
become a pioneer to Pike's Peak , as the
parlance of that day termed all the gold-
bearing part of the Rocky Mountains.
And in the spring of 1859 , armed with
an ox-gad with which to propel the
bovine motors that he was to engineer
across the plains , with a rifle , a revolver
and a letter of commendation from the
acting governor of Nebraska , this finely
organized individuality , which had been
evolved , from a frugal , industrious and
intellectually strong family , in central
New York , left Omaha for the mines.
With whip in hand , courage in heart
with will to do , and eye to see , and judg
ment to weigh opportunitytho youngster
went westward whistling , "Jordan am
a hard road to travel. "
That young man never asked for
legislation that should moke him an
opportunity. He never made orations
damning all his environments and de
claring that he was getting poorer and
the rich getting richer , nor did he seek
to make himself a public man or to get
office for the money that might bo in it.
On the contrary he worked. Ho thought.
Arriving in Denver , as it is now called ,
10 studied the possibilities. He saw
into a Future which is today his Present
and he planned and strove tirelessly to
make it materialize. He succeeded and
David H. Moffat for that was the name
of the youth is now rated one of the
wealthiest men of the country the
wealthiest in Colorado and estimated at
twelve millions of dollars.
And ho is the typo of man , the charac
ter of citizen , whom the agrarians , the
populists , the vagarists , the maliciously
envious and indolent mouth-workers of
Bryaiiarchy deride , condemn and de
nounce. Of the common people who
live by work , not talk , by deeds , not
words , who know cheese from chalk and
never complain that they have no chance
to achieve , to acquire , to rise higher and
higher in the social scale financially ,
politically and in every way , are all the
best types of Americanism , in every part
of the republic. Wo want more and
more of the common people to more and
more emulate and imitate tfie big men
who have climbed the heights and
flouted their flogs of victory defiantly
over the rough and rugged asperities
which they have vanquished. This is a
free country. The nice for fame and
fortune is open to all who will think ,
work and be temperate.
Captain K i d d
PIRATES. and the bloody
rascals who sailed
with him under the black flag were
relatively when compared to the hold
up lobby at Lincoln voiy conscientious
and admirably honest gentlemen. The
laws relative to kidnappers should offer
a bounty for the kidnapping of all the
members of the lobby gang , now engaged
in introducing bills inimical to the very
best and most important industries and
interests of Nebraska. Even the em
ployment of Pat Crowe as state kid
napper for the purpose of catching and
killing the dirty , cowardly lobby at
Lincoln which prepares and introduces
bills threatening capital in oveiy form ,
for the purpose of extorting money from
corporations and individuals whoso
property is menaced would bo almost a
righteous thing. It is a wonder that
Nebraska can allure capital in any cor
porate form to plant itself in Nebraska
while such a lobby is tolerated and such
legislation proposed.