The Conservative (Nebraska City, Neb.) 1898-1902, January 31, 1901, Page 15, Image 15
/ v . * * J Hva 'Cbe Conservative * 15 I FIFTY-SIXTH ANNUAL REPORT OF THE New York Life Insurance Company , JOHN A. MCCALL , PRESIDENT. OFFICE : 346 & 348 BROADWAY , NEW YORK. - 1 , 1QO1. ASSETS. Real Estate . . - . $ 16 925 900 " * Bonds and Stocks . 170,854 974 Bonds and Mortgages . 84 7H8.942 Loans secured by collaterals . 2 894 000 Premium Loans . 16 516.188 Cash in Office and in Banks and Trust Companies . 14.070. 1 77 Interest and Rents due and accrued . 1,680 405 * Net amount of uucolleoted and deferred Premiums . 4,955 981 Total Admitted Assets as per Certificate of Insurance Department $263,106,512 LIABILITIES. Reserve Value of Policies and Annuities ( those issued prior to January 1 , 1899 valued as per Combined Experience Table of Mortality with 4 % interest ; those issued since January 1 , 1899 , as per American Table of Mortality with & % interest ) , as per certificate of New York Insurance Department . . $218,082.202 " General Liabilities . . . ,8,175,059 Additional Reserve on Policies which the Company values on a S % or a 8J % bat-is , over the 4 % valuation by the Insurance Department . 4,288,077 Reserve to provide dividends payable to policy-holders during 1901 , .and in sub sequent years , per policy contracts Payable to Policy-holders in 1901 . $8,537,790 Payable to Policy-holders , subsequent to 1901 , as the periods mature : To holders of 20 Year Period Policies . 19.704.511 To holders of 15 Year Period Policies . 7,422 746 To holders of 10 Year Period Policies . 46 1.976 To holders of Year Dividend Policies . 257,882 Aggregate . 81,885 855 Other Funds for all other contingencies . 10.820.319 Total Liabilities . $262,196.512 INCOME. y Total Premium Income . $48.758 578 Interest. Rents , etc . 10,155,941 Total Income . $58,914,519 DISBURSEflENTS. Death-Claims paid . $12 580 993 Endowments paid . 2,949.575 Annuities , Dividends , Surrender Values , etc . 7,825,258 Total paid policy holders . $28,855 826 Commissions , Brokerages , and all other payments to Agents . 6 586 522 Home Office and Branch Office Salaries and Physicians' Fees . 2 898 671 Real Estate exoenses , Taxes , Advertising and all other expenses . 2.285 844 Total Disbursements . . $35,126.363 New Policies Paid for during 1900. 115.299 , insuring $232.888 255. r Total number of policies in force January 1 , 1901 , 511,600 , insuring $1,202,156,665. floents Wanteti-flpplu to Nebraska Brancti office , New York Lite Bldg. , Ornate , flakers of FOLDING BOXES and STRAWBOARD SHELLS. Cbe l orton printing Co , BANK , SOCIETY , COMMERCIAL , BOOK AND CATALOG PRINTING Overlap Theatre Printers of HIGH ART LABELS , CARTONS , ETC.