The Conservative (Nebraska City, Neb.) 1898-1902, January 31, 1901, Page 13, Image 13
* / j&kifc y- : ' . . > . .A > > _ _ . - rr 'Che Conservative * 13 NebrasKa City Manufactories. The following list of the more important manufacturing plants in Nebraska Oity will be a standing advertisement in THE CONSERVATIVE- Persons addressing any of them , because of Beeing this , will please mention THB OONBKBVATIYI. National Starch Company , Nebraska City Iron Works , Dullenty Plow Co , , King Press Drill Co , , Tank Building Co , , Paul Schminke ft Co. ( Flour mills ) , Mattes Brewing Co , , Chicago Packing and Provision Co. . Nebr , City Packing Co , , Nebraska City Cereal Hills , Nebr , City Canning Co. , The above named make the best quality of commodities. Their trade ia eon tantly increasing. All their patron * are pleated Trv them' ' H. W. JOHNS' Asbestos Roofings Pure Asbestos , No Coal Tar , WATER AND ACID PROOF , REQUIRE NO COATING. One Quality. Many Styles. Low Prices. Application Simple & Inexpensive , Asbestos Roofings are Fully Guaranteed , H. W. JOHNS M'F'C CO. , . . . . NEW YORK. CHICAGO. PHILADELPHIA. BOSTON. MAKERS OF Asbestos Materials Liquid Paints and Stains , Pipe and Boiler Coverings , Electrical Materials. them'H. SOUND MONEY MENI SUBSCRIBE FOR Cbe Conservative NEBRASKA CITY , NEB. J. STERLING MORTON , Editor. A Weekly Journal Devoted to the Discussion of s } Political , Economic and Sociological Questions. & 1.5O Ter year Galena Coach , Engine t and Car Oils Are the Standard Railway Lubricants of the World. They are more Economical and Effective than any other Railway Lubricating Oils to be had Anywhere. If you are not familiar with these facts , and are at all interested , please inquire of Railway People. FOR FURTHER PARTICULARS WRITE OIL COI PKNV , * FRANKLIN , PENNSYLVANIA. CHARLES MILLER , President. 4 *