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About The Conservative (Nebraska City, Neb.) 1898-1902 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 31, 1901)
12 The Conservative * EX-PRESIDENT CLEVELAND'S FRO- TEST. Ex-President Cleveland preached to the Holland Society in New York a ser mon that should be repeated with earnest emphasis from every pulpit and platform in the land until its truths are impressed upon the minds and hearts of the American people. It was a plea for the conservatism in which this govern \ ment had its birth and a warning against "the confused rage of national greed and bloodiness" that is sweeping away the restraints of the constitution and reverence for the principles of the Declaration of Independence. It was the protest of a wise citizen , not the plaint of a partisan. Philadelphia North American ( rep. ) His plea ought to be heeded at Wash ington , just as those of the millions of other sober men ought to be heard. And is it too late to hopn that some attention may be paid ? Boston Evening Record ( rep. ) The word sermon , Mr. Cleveland's own word , appropriately describes his protest. The difference between Eng land and \mprica. as he noted , is that England , in fighting the Boers , is fol lowing the traditions of its post , while America , in fighting the Filipinos , is making a radical departure from the traditions of its past. It is this thought , so strongly emphasized by General Harrison , the only other living ex-presi dent , which gives peculiar force to Mr Cleveland's sermon. To thoughtful men his question "What shall be the end ? " is fraught with far more of menace than any solemnity of descrip tionof the "horrors of war , " Waterbury - bury American ( ind. ) On purely partisan issues , Cleveland and Harrison ba e been arraed in square antagonism to each other ; but in respect to the project to hold a great expanse of insular territory on the other side of the globe by force of arms , they stand shoulder to shoulder. A cause which brings two such men together on common ground can afford to face all the sneers and ridicule with which its opponents have attacked it. Philadel phia Evening Bulletin ( rep. ) Mr. Cleveland's solemn words on the "strange voyage" the country has em barked upon ought to and will produce a deep impression. He has had so little to say of late , and is so far unidentified with the partisan opposition to the Mo- Kinley administration , that the Holland Society speech must approach ex Presi dent Harrison's protest in weighty effect upon the people. Springfield Bepnbli can ( ind. ) * The very first to respond to the re quest for material for the Press was J , Sterling Morton , and the response came in that cheerful , whole-souled manner so characteristic of the man. A few days later the sketch , ' 'An Early Devil , " followed , with the promise of more concerning early newspaper life in STehraska. Having been present when the first newspaper published in the state was worked off , at Bellevae in 1854 , and having seen and read nearly every paper that has been published in the state from that date to this , Mr. Morton may be considered the Nester of the Nebraska press , and it was with more than ordinary gratification that his promise of assistance with the association daily was received , because there seemed no doubt but that a rich treat was in store Tor the readers of this paper. Before the time came for the other articles to be forwarded , however , a great affliction Fell upon the sage of Arbor Lodge , and the stress of poignant grief undoubtedly drove the matter of the association daily from his mind. After this it did not seem the right thing to do to intrude our wishes upon the house of mourning , and he was not reminded of his promised contributions , though their absence is no less disappointing. No editor in the state of Nebraska is regarded with more sincere affection among the whole fra ternity , knowing as we do his kindly nature an \ genial disposition , than J. Sterling Morton , and our deepest sym pathies go out to him in his loneliness , and we weep with him over the loss of his youngest son. From the Nebraska Press Association semi daily , Omaha , January 22 , 1901. LEGAL NOTICE. To All Whom It May Concern : Notice Is hereby given that the Overland Real Estate and Investment Co. , a corporation organized under the laws of this state , at a meeting of its stockholders held on Januarv 10 , 1901 , duo notion of which meeting had been given to all stockholders of said corpo-ation , resolved by a vote of more than two-thirds of all its stockholders , representing more than two-third" of its capital stock , tc amend the articles of incorporation of the company as follows : Article IV to read , "The authorized amount of capital stock shall be fifty thousand dollars ( $50,000) ) , all of which shall be paid up at such times as the board of directors may de termine. " Article VI to read , "The highest amount of indebtedness or liability to which this corpora tion shall at any time subject itself shall be thtrty-thrfH thousand dollars i $33,000) ) . " Article VII to read , "The officers by whom the affairs of this corporation are to be con ducted shall be a president , vice-president , secretary and treasurer , manager , and a board of directors , " the remainder of the article re maining unchanged. Notices of said increase in capital stock , and } amendments , have been duly filed in the offices of the secretary of state of Nebraska and the county clerk of Otoe county , Nebraska , on the 17th day of January , 1001. Dated Nebraska City , Neb. , January 17 , 1001. THE OVERLAND REAL ESTATE & INVESTMENT COMPANY. A. T. RICIIAHDSON , Manager. Tabules clean and ipans , pure , ndigestion soon will cure ; ac H Mains from all such kindred harm vanish 'neath their charm ? one should ever be without , uch their value , none can doubt. UrAHTKD ! A CMS of ted health that nTF-A'N 8 wUl not bandit. Thfy banl h pain and proljmo lite. TV One . the word R'l'J' A'N-H the . Rl ei rullef. Note on package and accept no gubntitnU. tr-A-M-S. 10 for 6 cent * , may be bad at any droR itor . Ten lamplM and one thousand testt- nlaU 111 be mailed to any addreu lr t eenu. forwarded to tbe Rlpani Chemical Co. , No. 10 Sprue * M KrvTork.