The Conservative (Nebraska City, Neb.) 1898-1902, January 31, 1901, Page 10, Image 10

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    10 Conservative ,
tion of lumber and timber in woodwork
ing industries in order to add every
possible profitable increment to the value
of the products of our forests before
they leave our shores. The growth of
woodworking industries in the south ,
the progress of the furniture industry ,
the vehicle industry and the box and
barrel industries for foreign account all
show what can bt done in this direction
for the development of values. With
the development of values will come
that premium on timber lands which
must automatically pat an end to the
vandalism of wasteful timber produc
tion. W. E. Curtis , in the Chicago
There was an incident in the debate
in the senate last week on Senator
Sewell's amendment to the Army bill
for the promotion of Brigadier General
Shafter to the rank of Major General
which is interesting in demonstrating
the powerful influence of the adminis
tration on congress.
A report of the proceedings says that
when the
"Amendment was called up Mr.
Pettigrew desired the clerk to read an
account of the Santiago campaign from
a history of the Spanish war from the
pen of 'the most eminent of modern
historians. '
" 'Who is the author ? ' some one
" 'Senator Lodge , of Massachusetts , '
responded Mr. Pettigrew.
"A general laugh , in which Mr. Lodge
joined , followed. "
A significant part of Senator Lodge's
history then read stated that in the
Santiago fight General Shafter had
issued a single order , which was dis
obeyed by his subordinates , for the
reason that it was an order to retreat.
Senator Lodge eat by listening to his
crushing arraignment of Shafter's in
efficiency , laughed at it with his fellow
senators , and then voted to make the
man he had so thoroughly condemned a
Major General of the regular army of
the United States.
The vote of Senator Lodge in this case
illustrates the indifference of senators to
their own personal opinions or convic
tions and their remarkable subserviency
to the influence of the administration.
The Shafter promotion amendment was
distinctively an administration measure ,
and even so morally pretentious a sena
tor as Mr. Lodge voted for it despite his
own public arraignment and condemna
tion of General Shafter's record in the
Santiago campaign.
Mr. Bryan's salutatory is a very
laborious , dull exposition of the word
"Commoner. " It will never equal J.
Sterling Morton's CONSERVATIVE in point
of pith , Niobrara Pioneer.
, * "
< *
A place in Oregon is called Paradise.
It is said not a populist is to be found
within its borders. .
It can no longer be said that names
are not appellative when Dawson
county , the home of the pop , boasts of
A. Rohrbacker.
They are offering in Chicago as a
proof of the insanity of Mrs. Snell that
she mourned for her husband and carried
flowers to his grave.
Congressman. Stark still insists that
Nebraska was colonized. Will he look
carefully over the returns and indicate
in which state he finds any republicans
After two voyages " up Salt Creek "
the peerless has decided to settle down
upon its classic banks and give weekly
demonstrations of the cause of the
second defeat.
If Kruger had not been so careful to
bring his own funds with him safely to
Europe he might awaken a little more
enthusiasm in others to contribute to the
cause of the Boers.
With the election of Clark of Montana
the honors are even with Quay. We
now know how beautiful and pleasant
a thing is the republican and Bryanes-
que idea of reform.
If a man imagines himself a king they
send him to the asylum , but if he
imagines himself a statesman he is sure
to find some one to suggest him for the
United States senate.
L. D. Richards has lately been resur
rected as a candidate for the senate. His
friends allege that his views upon all
publio questions are as pronounced as
those he held upon prohibition in 1890.
There is no greater evidence of the
belittling effects of populist association
than the recent letter declining to meet
General Lee , written by a man who was
once worthy the consideration of Grover
There seems to be an idea in the minds
of some members of the legislature 'that
a caucus will reduce the markec value
of votes. There are some members who
can never forgive the man who refused
to buy them at the last session.
Mary Yelliu Lease can not really have
the animosity toward mankind of
which she is accused. She at least had
sufficient consideration for her husband
to get a divorce. She is evidently will
ing to do her best to promote domestic
As a starter for his initial number
"The Commoner"
might philosophize
upon how a reputation can be built up
and political honors won by defense of
the democratic doctrine upon the tariff
and lost in the abysmal depths of popu
list vagaries of finance.
Rainbow Jones of Arkansas denies
the rumor of his resignation. Tnis is
useless. Jones will never resign any-
thing. He is not even resigned to the
situation. He points with pride to the
fact that by his generalship Bryan only
lost 82 000 of his plurality in Arkansas
last year.
A news item , states that a railroad is
to be built into Logan county and John
Finch of Arnold to be vice president.
How are the mighty fallen ! John
Finch howler-in-chief to their
, - - populistio
majestiesto be vice president of a cruel-
grinding , terror-inspiring monopoly.
The glory of Ouster county has de
It is very exhilarating to read that
Bryan , Towne and Dubois are to renew
the democratic party. The first has
never supported a democratic candidate
for president or governor since he came
to Nebraska , except himself , and the
other two never even claimed to consider
democracy as any thing but a necessary
evil to be enanred for the purpose of
obtaining an office.
Why this crazy idea of creating a
fifty-cent dollar for the Philippines or
any other country ? If the money of the
United States , for any reason , cannot be
made current in "our dependencies"
then create a coin of their table of value.
Call it a "Peso" or any name but a
dollar. We had the experience of a
"trade dollar" and it proved to be
neither a good trade nor a good dollar. If
there be any lesson taught by the logic
of the last two campaigns , it is that the
American people are in favor of every
dollar coined in its mints being worth
100 cents.
The unswerving devotion of the re
publican party to political purity in the
expulsion of Senator Olark is emphasized
by the election of the Hon. Mat. Quay
of Pennsylvania. Pennsylvania bears
the proud record of the most purely re
publican state in the Union. The purity
of its republicanism is untainted by a
trace of democracy. As Protestants love
to point to Spain as an examplar of
Catholicism unfettered and the Catholics
dote upon Scotland as an exponent of
Calvinism , so can we turn to Pennsyl
vania and learn the beauties of political
purity of the pure and unadulterated
republican vintage. Even the prayers
of the saintly Wanamaker , with his
Monday bargain of a cabinet position ,
could not prevail against St. Matthew
of the Quay. ,
With the death of Victoria England
loses her first respectable sovereign from
a moral and social standpoint. To
Victoria , and Louise of Denmark , Europe
owes a reformation that even Luther
and the church had failed to effect.
That of changing the European monarch
from a libertine to a gentleman. These
two noble women inculcated into their
families the principles of true morality
and nobility , and every throne in Europe
has felt the power of the noblest queen
who ever filled a throne. The low do-