The Conservative (Nebraska City, Neb.) 1898-1902, January 24, 1901, Page 6, Image 6

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    6 Conservative *
The following resolutions relative to
the death of Oarl Morton were unani
mously adopted by the House of Repre
sentatives of Nebraska on January 14 ,
1901 :
Whereas , The Divine Ruler of this
universe has removed from life Carl
Morton , a citizen whose skill , ability
and industry have materially benefited
the commercial and manufacturing
interests of the state of Nebraska ; and ,
"Whereas , We recognize the inesti
mable value to the state of such strong ,
active , efficient and enthusiastic citizens ;
and ,
Whereas , By his death his eminent
father , his wife and children , his rela
tives and friends have sustained an
irreparable loss and the state loses a
most worthy and valuable citizen , there
fore , be it
Resolved , That we deplore the death
of Oarl Morton in the vigor of his early
prime , the physical and intellectual
strength of manhood.
Resolved , That with bowed heads and
sorrowing hearts we tender our sym
pathies to those bereaved and assure
them that the influences of the life of
Oarl Morton are immortal , and that the
memory of his life , character and ex
ample is a rich legacy , second only to
his living presence.
Resolved , That this preamble and
these resolutions be spread upon the
minutes of the house and that copies be
sent to the family of the deceased.
The resolutions were signed by Richard
Wilkinson , David Brown , Clifford R.
Teff t and J. E. Hawthorne , all members
of the special committee appointed last
week by the speaker.
At a regular meeting of the Oity
Council of Nebraska Oity , Nebraska ,
held Monday evening , January 14 , 1901 ,
the following resolution was presented
and adopted :
Whereas , An All-Wise Providence
has removed from his family , from our
midst and from the field of his labors
our esteemed and honored friend , Oarl
Morton , while yet in the very prime of
life , with his labors just begun.
Resolved , In his death we realize that
Nebraska Oity has lost one of its most
enterprising citizens ; a man who , it was
his uppermost thought and act to do the
greatest good to the greatest number ,
and the family u devoted son and a
loving father.
Resolved , That we extend to the
bereaved family our deepest sympathy
in the loss of one so dear to them and
every resident of this city. 1
Resolved , That a copy of these reso
lutions , properly engrossed over the seal
of the city , be presented to the family
and that they bo spread on the record.
JOHN MATTES , JR. , Mayor.
Wo , the members of the Nebraska
Oity Fire Department , with deepest
sorrow learn of the death of one of our
best known and most highly esteemed
young men , Mr. Carl Morton , and we
realize that in his death Nebraska Oity
has lost one of its best friends and the
community one of its most promising
young business men. He was a staunch
and warm friend of this department and
ever ready to assist it in every manner
Resolved , That the Fire Department
extend its heartfelt sympathy to the
bereaved family.
Resolved , That a copy of this reso
lution be sent to the family and also be
spread on the records of the Depart
M. BAUER , Chief.
0. M. HUBNER , Secretary.
Pursuant to a call of the president ,
there was a meeting of the Nebraska
City Commercial club last evening at
the office of H. O. Freeman. There was
a large attendance and the meeting was
called to order by President N. A. Duff ,
who stated the object. On motion of
Secretary Steinhart , Wm. H. Hayward
presented a set of resolutions , which he
had drafted in the rough , at the request
of a number of the club , and they were
unanimously adopted. They were as
follows :
Whereas , An All-Wise Providence
has removed from his family , from our
midst and from the scene of his labors
our beloved and honored friend , Oarl
Morton , suddenly called from an active
life and an extended field of usefulness ,
Resolved , That the members of the.
Commercial club of Nebraska Oity ,
unite in an expression of great respect
for his worthy and useful life , and in
deep sorrow for his untimely death.
Resolved , That , recognizing in him
unfailing loyalty to the best interests of
this community , we realize that Ne
braska City has suffered an irreparable
Unostentatious in his liberality , true
to his friends , pure in his private life
and possessed of that integrity , energy
and ability which enabled him to fill
with distinction those elevated business
positions which he held in the business
world , his absence will be keenly felt.
Resolved , That a copy of these reso
lutions be presented to his family.
It was then decided to present a floral
offering and a committe , consisting of
Wm. H. Hayward and F. E. Helvey ,
was asked to look after the matter.
It was decided that the members of
the club and others who desired should
meet the remains at the depot tomorrow
morning on their arrival and escort
them to the family residence. Nebraska
Oity News , Jan. 8 , 1901.
The following resolutions were adopt
ed by the State Historical * Society at
their regular meeting held at Lincoln ,
Nebraska , January 8 , 1901.
Whereas , the president of this society
has just suffered grievous and irrepar
able loss in the death of his youngest
son ;
Be it resolved , that the Nebraska State
Historical Society hereby tenders to its
president and his bereaved family its
profound and sincere sympathy in this
hour of sorrow and affliction.
Resolved , That this society recognizes
in the late Oarl Morton a man of sterling
character and a worthy son of an
honored father , and one whose death is
a serious loss to this commonwealth of
which he was a native and with which
he has been honorably identified during
practically his entire life. And
Resolved , That these resolutions be
spread upon the records of this society
and that a copy thereof be forwarded to
the bereaved family.
Carl Morton is dead. In the very use
fulness and vigor of manhood , endowed
with suberb ability which manifested
itself in every enterprise withwhich he
was connected , strong in his attach
ments and faithful in all things , he has
suddenly been called to another sphere
by the relentless messenger of death.
His sickness at his temporary home in
Waukegan , 111. , was of brief duration.
Information had been received by his
father that he was affected with pneu
monia , and Sunday morning word was
received to prepare for the worst. How
ever , during the day more cheering
news came that there were indications
towards improvement and that all
symptoms were for the better. But
yesterday morning the sad and bitter
fact flashed ever the wire that Oarl
Morton died at 5 :40 : o'clock a. m. The
report was soon circulated throughout
the community , casting a deep gloom
every where , for it was very difficult to
believe that it was true. Then it
dawned upon all that Nebraska Oity
had lost one of its most enterprising
citizens , one who had devoted the best
years of his young life for its upbuild
ing and good name , and who had other
enterprises for its advancement in view
which , if his life had beed spared , un
doubtedly would have been consum
His life shows conclusively that his
determination to succeed could not be
swerved in any manner so long as he
knew he was right in the premises. No
such thought as disappointment or
failure could find a resting place in his
mind. In a continuous busy strain ,
with his active brain and busy judg
ment , he kept moving on until in the
very zenith of success death overtook
him and the light went out. Nebraska
Oity Press.
Oarl Morton , youngest son of J. Ster
ling Morton , died at Waukegan , 111. ,
after a very short illness last week. He
was a brilliant young business man of
exemplary character a worthy son of a