The Conservative (Nebraska City, Neb.) 1898-1902, January 24, 1901, Page 11, Image 11

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    Conservative * 11
-knowledge , penetrates all recesses of
doubt , but proposes , certain and definite
means by which man may advance in
virtue and acquire eternal happiness.
The doctrines regarding the nature of
God are stripped of all their former
absurdities , the dogmas concerning the
human soul , the moral phenomena
that surrounds our present existence ,
the origin and end of man , which all the
acuteness of sages had not been able to
solve and whose solution they acknowl
edged beyond reason's power , are all
placed in a clear , simple and compre
hensive light. The doctrines of Chris
tianity carry with them , no long chain
of axioms , theories or corollaries. They
are adapted to the intellect of the weak
est , by reason of their simplicity , and
leave room for the exercise of the facul
ties of the most learned. All previous
theories wax pale before the splendor of
this system ; the former were of darkness ,
the latter of light. One is the work of
earth , the other of heaven. Christianity
forms a system of doctrines calculated
to meet the wants of all mankind and to
satisfy the cravings of the entire human
race , The natural beauty and obvious
simplicity of its basis as contrasted with
the manifest imperfections of all former
systems could not come from man.
Universality of Christianity.
Its universality applies to every rank
in life , every age in clime , which makes
the terms whereon men are received
into the pale of religion equal to all ,
whether learned or illiterate , rich or
poor , could never have been conceived
by merely human wisdom.
Its efficacy , as proposed and taught
by example , is equally sublime. The
unity and symmetry of all its teachings
surpass in grandeur the conceptions of
all former ages.
Their wonderful harmony , obvious
simplicity and beautiful coordination of
parts are so lofty , so far above all
human wisdom that they must be con
sidered the work of God's hands. The
character of Christ is so sublime and so
consistent. It stands forth with such
dignity and majesty that it must be
considered something more than man.
In Him are centered all virtues , in all
their completeness and simplicity ,
virtues , too , which were unknown before
His time , adorn His life and daily
actions. Magnanimous without pride ,
humble without servility , prudent with
out conceit He shines forth in His
meekness a model for all. His gentle
ness , His sweetness , His profound wis
dom , His constancy and presence of
mind under affliction , His refinement
and justice in all his answers , His un
bounded charity that prompted Him to
die for all alike , are more than human.
The Pagan poets never dreamed ol
such a sublime character and the charac
ter of Christ as handed down to us with
the teachings of Christianity is so real
so true , so beautiful , so unique and so
sublime that there is no doubt the Hereof
of Christianity was "The God Man. "
External Arguments.
External arguments of Christianity
drawn from history and authority :
1. 1,900 years ago the world was
2. Today the world is Christian.
8. Conversion of the world is the
work of a person. Christ , assisted by
twelve poor fishermen.
4. ' Jesus of Nazareth was a crucified
5. A crucified Jew was the most
detestable object under heaven.
6. For the last 1,900 years the world
has adored the crucified Jew.
7. Over 1,100,000 of martyrsor more ,
trom all conditions of life and countries
cheerfully accepted death in order to
honor and worship this crucified Jew.
8. The world has advanced in intelli
gence , in virtues , in liberty , in civiliza
tion , while adoring this crucified Jew.
9. All nations that do not adore this
crucified Jew lie buried in the darkness
of barbarism , held fast by the chains of
slavery , unable to move in the ways of
civilization , i. e , witness Chinese ,
Turks , Arabs , etc.
10. No nation leaves its darkness ,
bursts its chains , walks in the way of
progress but by adoring the crucified
11. Every nation that ceases to adore
the Jew loses its morality and falls back
into Paganism and barbarism.
Many other external proofs could be
adduced from "The Resurrection of
Christ. " If Christ be risen from the
dead Christianity is true. But Christ is
risen from the dead. So Christianity is
true. Even the enemies of Christ admit
the resurrection of Christ. Again we
might cite the miracles and prophecies
of Christianity. Miracles and prophecies
are the work of God and not of man.
Christianity is the work of God. Again
the wonderful propagation of Christian
ity , despite men's passions , desires and
inclinations , is a proof of its divine
origin as well as preservation. Either
the internal arguments or the external
arguments are sufficient proof and
evidence of the truth of Christianity ,
but where taken together they are
cumulative and irrefutable.
Blair , Neb.
The government of the United States
has for some years been spending mil
lions of dollars in raising , buying and
sending out seeds to the farmers of the
country. It is now proposed to increase
the amount appropriated for this pur
pose , and it is reported that the con
gressional committee is ready to repor
in favor of the increase. A committee
of seedmen has gone to Washington to
protest against the fraud , and this com
mittee should have the backing of all
right-thinking people.
There is no good reason why our
government should be turned into a dis-
) eusary for the sake of the farmers or
anyone else. And there is no more
reason why the government should issue
free seeds than free ham and eggs , free
medicine , or free anything else. Good
farmers who understand their business
do not use the seeds furnished by the
government. They have learned from
jitter experience that these seeds are
Dought from every Tom , Dick and
Harry , that the seeds are not true to
name , and often anything but what
they are represented to be. When care
ful farmers receive their quota of seeds .
they feed them to their chickens or hogs
or burn them.
It is also well known that many con
gressmen do not send' out their allot
ments of seeds. They sell them to local
jobbers and pocket the money ; and it
ms been intimated that some of them
sell the seeds through brokers back to
the government. This is , of course , a
fat thing for the congressmen , but
scarcely the legitimate work of a states
It is perfectly right for the govern
ment to have experimental farms where
every sort of seed shall receive a fair
test. The government can legitimately
spend money to discover new things in
agriculture just as it spends money to
promote scientific investigation in other
lines. But the government's activity
should end with the publication of the
results of its labors.
The whole system of sending out
packages of seeds is an outrage and a
fraud. It is used to perpetuate con
gressional incumbency , and as a means
of personal aggrandizement. It costs
the government millions of dollars and
benefits no one except the members of
congress and a few jobbers who fur
nish the seeds at outrageous prices. St.
Joseph News.
Officers of several of the big railroad
systems are considering plans to induce
agents and others concerned to make
stronger efforts to beautify station
grounds and buildings. During the
past year or two particular attention
has been given to making the stations
more attractive. The Burlington has
accomplished a great deal in this direc
tion. Last year it issued orders to all
employees that the grounds and build
ings adjacent to the company's right-of-
way must present a neat and attractive
appearance. The company's gardener
gave his especial attention to beautify
ing the suburban stations for forty
miles out of Chicago. Before last sum
mer closed , switch shanties , tool houses ,
yard offices and round houses had been
prettily covered with running vines and
the grounds about each building con
verted into fine lawns over which shrub
bery had been planted. During the
coming spring and summer this work
will be greatly extended , and in time
the Burlington expects to have the
most ornamental station grounds in the