Conservative * UAKRJSON'S CLARION-SPEECII. By far the most remarkable utterance from any American citizen during the last twelvemonth is the recent power ful and loftily patriotic address of ex- President Harrison at Ann Arbor. The more it is studied , the more camly cour ageous and unanswerable is it in vindica tion of the bedrock principles of justice and constitutional liberty that underlie our republic. In clearness of reasoning , in entire mastery of the whole question , and in its resonant ring for freedom , that speech recalls Abraham Lincoln. It is a bugle-clarion that ought to arouse the nation. Now that the ghost of Bryanismis laid , we Lincoln republicans who helped to put William MoKinley in the White House for the next four years have a right to be heard , and a patriotic duty to perform. We take our president at his own word , and solemnly protest against further "criminal aggression. " You may remember that I wrote in these columns ( before the election ) an urgent appeal to all anti-imperialists to unite in saving our nation from the mischiefs and miseries of Bryanism. And I added that I- was perfectly confi dent that "the conscience of the Ameri can people , and the irresistible logic of events would yefc insure justice to the Filipinos. " Every day is confirming that prediction. As "the stars in their courses fought against Sisera , " so is the logic of events defeating the attempt to vassalize those Filipinos who have for many years been struggling for inde pendence. Congress refuses to act , and tosses the responsibility on the presi dent. He , in turn , disclaims responsi bility and senfls"out "commissions" who have no legislative-or executive athority ! How much longer must this tragic travesty of republicanism go forward ? I trust that the .petition and remon strance now beipg- circulated will be signed by tens of thousands who voted for MoKinley , but did not vote for im perialism. What a Christmas to end the nine teenth century ! The angel's song of "peace on earth" drowned by the roar of guns and the wails of the wounded The foremost Christian nation of En- rope butchering in South Africa fellow- Christians who are repeating the heroism of Thermopylae I Christian America butchering a people to whom we were three years ago utter strangers , and whenever never had a thought to harm us 1 This too , in defiance of the judgment of Harrison risen , Cleveland , Hoar , Hale , Edmunds Carlisle , and other leading statesmen whom all the world honors 1 In view o all these things I am ready to shout , anc tens of thousands will reeoho it , "Got bless Benjamin Harrison 1" Theodore L. Cuyler , in New York Evening Post H. W. JOHNS' Asbestos Roofings .Pure Asbestos , 2Vo Coal Tar , WATER AND ACID PROOF , REQUIRE NO COATING. One Quality. Many Styles. Low Prices. Application Simple & Inexpensive , Asbestos Roofings are Fully Guaranteed , H. W. JOHNS M'F'C CO. , NEW YORK. CHICAGO. PHILADELPHIA. BOSTON. MAKERS OF Asbestos Materials. Liquid Paints and Stains , Pipe and Boiler Coverings , Electrical Materials. MORTON PRINTING COMPANY , South Sixth St. , NEBRASKA CITY , NEB. BANK , SOCIETY , COMMERCIAL , BOOK AND CATALOG PRINTING. ipans Tabules , clean and pure , y jj 11 ndigestion soon will cure ; * SSy IJains from all such kindred harm nBI rAluways vanish 'neath their charm ? one should ever be without , uch their value , none can doubt. < r I C. Now York. | , t < www/ww