The Conservative (Nebraska City, Neb.) 1898-1902, January 03, 1901, Page 11, Image 11

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TTbe Conservative * 11
hill they wont in going out , and down
this draw they caine in returning. "
These students wonder at the inertness
of Nebraskans , especially of the uni
versity people , who they say are doing
nothing in this most interesting and
valuable line. And even so does the
outsider wonder at the course of the
American Archaeological Institute ,
which is carrying on investigations in
Asia Minor , while private parties , in
defiance of the laws , are demolishing
the prehistoric Pueblos and cliff-dwell
ings of the southwest , tearing them
down foot by foot to the bare soil and
shipping every object that comes to
light to the dealers in "Indian curios"
for their market value to the summer
i We pass two battlefields of the civil
war , and presently come to Lamy ;
which is named , not as one might think ,
for Peg Leg Smith nor any other fron
tier cripplebut for a French Archbishop ,
once stationed in this diocese. And
here we are taken up by a little stub
train , which presently sots us down , in
[ i > the chill and darkness of the evening ,
where a dark figure in a gaudy serape is
loafing motionless on the station plat
form , and our nostrils are greeted at
once by the perfume of the old town of
Santa Fe ; for the air of that place is as
heavy with incense-like smoke , and
especially after dark , as is the air of a
cathedral after the celebration of high
JANUARY 8 , 1001 , 8 P. M.
The Beginnings of a State Presi
dent's Annual Address J. Sterling
Biographical Sketches :
Senator P. W. Hitchcock G. M.
Senator A. S. Paddock "W. E. Annin.
The Grange and Farmers' Alliance :
Beginning of the Grange K. A. Haw-
ley. Remarks by J. H. Dundas , J. H.
Powers , et al.
The Farmers' Alliance J. M. Thomp
son. Remarks by Hon. N. V. Harlan ,
Ex-Gov. Oronnse , et al.
Business Meeting.
JANUARY 9 , 8 P. M.
Reminiscences :
H. W. Hardy.
Biographical Sketches :
Senator T. W. Tipton R. W. Fnruas.
Representative W. L. Greene W. D.
Freighting :
H. T. Clarke. Remarks and Discus
sions by W. A. Paxton , et al.
Early Roads and Routes in Nebraska.
O. E. Persinger.
Business Meeting , Election of Officers ,
NOTE We desire to call attention to
the tact that the meetings of the Terri
torial Pioneers , and of the State Horti
cultural Society , occur on the same
A ' days. Alternating programs have been
fl > arranged so far as practicable.
jljj J. STERLING MORTON , President.
H. W. OALDWELL , Secretary.
As an evidence of the efficiency of the
Union Pacific management , the princi
pals of public schools are constantly ap
plying to this road for maps , pamphlets
descriptive of the territory it traverses
and data on the history and buildings of
this famous transcontinental line.
Upon this phase of school work many
of the principals of the public schools
declare there is no text so valuable as
that of the Union Pacific , the principal
artery of traffic and industrial life in the
great west.
The principal of one of the largest
public schools in the state of New York
writes : "These books are used in all
geography classes from year to year
until worn out. The children talk at
home with their parents over what they
learn about the Union Pacific railroad
and the country through which it goes ,
and the publications fill a daal role ,
viz. : that of advertising mediums and
that of educational instructors.
As a matter of fact , the mere build
ing of the "Overland Route" was a
great engineering triumph in itself , but
the war of the rebellion demonstrated
the construction of the road was a neces
sity. A United States history which
dealt with the great west would be poor
indeed if it did not recount the historic
efforts of many public spirited men from
Whitney to Abraham Lincoln ( and
others since ) to organize and carry
through to completion this great nation
al highway.
The recent irrigation congress held in
Chicago illustrates the value of the
missionary work of this great road.
Until the Mormons conveyed the waters
from the mountain streams of Utah and
distributed them over the valleys and
table lands there was no progress made
in the west in the matter of irrigation.
In fact it was hardly thought of until
the Union Pacific took the matter up
and urged it upon settlers of the west.
Typographical maps and reading mat
ter descriptive of the country and a
synoposis of irrigation laws are being
turned out in profusion for the enlight
enment of the public generally.
The Union Pacific's history of the
nation's new possessions ( "Our New
Colonies , " ) descriptive of the Hawaiian
islands became so popular that the pub
lic schools of the country , appreciating
the value as an adjunct to histories and
geographies in use , made great demands
for this publication , and it has been
largely adopted as a text book on this
Other publications which have been
issued from the advertising department
of this road are descriptive of the re
sources of Nebraska , Kansas , Colorado
Wyoming and Utah , and territory trib
utary to the Union Pacific. Thousands
of these have been printed and sent
broadcast over the United States and
Europe , used as advertising mediums for
inducing settlers to come west. They
have been effective in this , as thousands
of the business men and investors have
come solely on account of descriptive
matter contained in the little volumes ,
and the facts therein contained.
One book that has attracted particu
lar attention is "Some of Wyoming's
Vertebrate Fossils. " This is descriptive
of the great burying ground of Wyom
ing , where lie the bones of the thous
ands of great animals that roamed over
the western hemisphere when it was
unfit for the habitation of man. This
publication has been read by men of all
classes and has formed the subject for
innumerable lectures by the professors
in the colleges of the east.
Instead of merely using bill boards
and dead walls for calling attention to
the running of trains the advertising
department of the Union Pacific has
followed the plan of putting out attract
ive reading matter , thus getting the
books before the public and making
them valuable additions to the library
and the household. The Chicago
"Chronicle" December 9th , 1900.
Cut a Figure
in the World
We offer tlio
of the best
to c h n 1 c a 1
BcboolH to
m c u and
women who
are deter
mined to
carve out
their fortu nes
by the sure
method. The
Schools , Scranton -
ton , Pa. , are
Teaching mechanics the
theory of their work
Helping misplaced people
to change their work
Enabling young people to support
themselves while learning professions
Course ? , entirely by ninll , iu Mechanical ,
Eleetrleul , Steam , Civ ! ' ind Mining Kncln-
cerlnct Architecture ! I'liiinbliii : ; llcutlng ;
Kel'rlirerutloii ; I'uttcrn Drafting ; Drinvlng
unit Designing ; Clicmlxtr ) ) Tclecraphj (
Telephony ; Stenography ; Book-kecplnc ;
KnuIlHli Ilranchc * ; Method * of Teaching.
When writing Btatesnbjcct iu which Interested.
International Correspondence Schools ,
KiUlillihed 1S01. C.iillnll | , 600,000.
* Box 1296 , Scranton , Pa.
United States Depository.
Capital and Surplus , SOO.OOO.
HERMAN KOUNTZE , President. F. H. DAVIS , Cashier.
J. A. CREIGHTON , Vice Prest. C. T. KOUNTZE , Ass't Cashier.