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About The Conservative (Nebraska City, Neb.) 1898-1902 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 13, 1900)
TTbe Conservative * 13 to their ancestral costume to about the same extent as do the Highlanders of Scotland today. We forbear to speculate on the fate of those whose sense of duty to society prevents their haying children. Mr. W. J. Bryan will be consistently advocating the free and unlimited coin age of silver dollars by the United States government at the ratio of 1C to 1. A. T. E. To California and Back. It doesn't cost very much to spend a couple of months in California. For $200 you can make the round trip to Los Angeles , and stay there for seven weeks. Here are the figures : Railroad fare , ( second class , ) Omaha to Los Angeles $ 40 DO Berth in tourist sleeper 5 00 Meals en route 6 00 Seven weeks' board at $6.00 per week 42 00 Excursions 20 00 Incidentals laundry , etc. . . - 2000 Railroad fare , Los Angeles to Omaha 40 00 Berth 5 00 Meals en route 6 00 Total $184.00 Nowhere in the world will $200 buy so much comfort , satisfaction and pleasure as in California. There are fifty places near Los Ange les which can be reached in from one to three hours , and at a cost of from ten cents to four or five dollars. There is Santa Monica , for instance , right on the sea coast and surrounded by scenes of remarkable beauty. Santa Barbara , one of the prettiest places in Southern Cali fornia , is but four hours ride from Los Angeles. San Diego , which enjoys the reputation of having the most perfect climate in America , is only 120 miles distant. Pasadena , the winter home of millionaires from all parts of the coun try , is to all intents and purposes a suburb of Los Angeles. These , and many other equally at tractive places , are described in "Cali fornia , " a book of 72 pages , published by the passenger department of the Bur lington Route and mailed to any address on receipt of six cents in stamps. The Burlington Route is the line to take to California. It runs through standard sleeping cars daily from Omaha to San Francisco ; tourist Bleeping cars , three times a week , Omaha to Los Angeles. One car runs by way of Kan sas City and the Santa Fe ; the others via Denver and the "Scenic Line. " A good plan to follow is to go west by one of these lines , returning by the other. No additional expense is involved and the sight-seeing opportunities are just twice as great as would be the case if you used the same railroad in both directions. Write for information about the cost of reaching California best way to go , etc. , to J. Francis , General Passenger Agent , Omaha , Nebraska. WEARE COMMISSION COMPANY Grains , Provisions , Stocks and Bonds , Old Colony Building. CHICAGO. H. W. JOHNS' Asbestos Roofings Pure Asbestos , No Coal WATER AND ACID PROOF , REQUIRE NO COATING. One Quality. Many Styles. Low Prices. Application Simple & Inexpensive , Asbestos Roofings are Fully Guaranteed , H. W. JOHNS M'F'C CO. , NEW YORK. CHICAGO. PHILADELPHIA. BOSTON. MAKERS OF Asbestos Materials. Liquid Paints and Stains , Pipe and Boiler Coverings , Electrical Materials. MORTON PRINTING COMPANY , South Sixth St. , NEBRASKA CITY , NEB. BANK , SOCIETY , COMMERCIAL , BOOK AND CATALOG PRINTING. . \fttrjrftfftftffftfffftffftffffffffffffftff. ipans Tabules , clean and pure , , ndigestion soon will cure ; ains from all such kindred harm \ Iways vanish 'neath their charm ; one should ever be without , uch their value , none / can doubt. Ytr ANTF.DA : case of bnd health that n-I'P'A'N S will not bonent. They banish pnln . nnd Pr ° lP"S' ' } ( * ' . W One gives lelU-f. Notu tlio word R'l-l' A'N'H on the | incUnKo nnd ncc--pc no BUbstltute. IM-H-A'N-S. 10 for 6 cents , may ho had nt any dnifc store. Ten earn | > les and one tboiieamI . , . icstl- No. 10 Spruce monlaU * 111 bo mailed to any address for a cunts , forwarded to tno Ulpans Chemical Co. St. , Kcw York.