The Conservative (Nebraska City, Neb.) 1898-1902, December 06, 1900, Page 3, Image 3
4r W The Conservative * 3 STATE INSTITU- TIONS. casions SERVATIVB has urged the practicability of taking oar state institutions out of poli tics and placing them under the control of a state board and , to accomplish this , advocated the enactment of the neces sary legislation at the next session of the legislature. It is gratifying to note that this suggestion is being favorably re ceived by the press of the state. The many scandals in state institutions dur ing the last year have been an object lesson to a great many people and have convinced them that a business-like and efficient administration is impossible until we have a system that will insure the appointment of honest and capable men as managers or superintendents. By placing the Blind Institute under the control of a state board , removed as far as possible from politics , it would tend to prevent a change of management and teaching force with every political change in the state. As long as the present system of political rewards pre vails it will be impossible to secure good men to manage or assist in state institu tions because of the lack of permanency of the employment. The members elect of the legislature should seriously con sider this question and give us some wholesome legislation along this line. The present treas- AN OFFICIAL , GUARANTY.urer ° f fche COUnty of Otoe is Charles P. Lloyd. Some time since , after being sworn into office for his second term , he gave a bond guaranteeing indemnity to the county from loss by any act of his. On that bond are William Gress , W. O. Lowrey , D. Mo Williams , F. Hashenberger , F.Smallfoot , F.Ganzel , Jacob Schneider , F. P. Heinke , John Neuhalfen , K. E. Lloyd ( Lloyd's wife ) , W. Roloff , O. W. Stahlhut , James McElhauey , J. Eeimer , Henry Wickhorst. This bond is in the sum of one hundred thousand dollars. No person upon the same qualified as to any certain sum. When the commis sioners meet , will they or will they not have an accounting of the funds and the usual settlement with the present in cumbent ? THE tATE SENATOR DAVIS. The late Senator Davis will be long remembered as a notable instance of a man in public life who never stooped to the tricks of the demagogue. He took the position he believed to be right , whether it was "smart politics" or not. This was brought out in his attitude toward the Porto Rioan tariff bill. His advice had been instrumental in in ducing the president to write his "plain duty" message to congress. Later , when the protectionist interests forced the republican party to levy a tariff on Porto Rican products , Senator Davis fought the measure , and was one of the few republican senators who voted against it. Again , a few years ago , during the railroad strike in the North west , Senator Davis sent a long letter tea a labor leader , telling why he could not support a resolution in behalf of the strikers in the senate. It is men of this stamp , with the courage of their con victions , who are most needed in a re public. By the death of Senator Davis the country loses one of the too few public men of great ability and indepen dent character. Kansas City Star. PROTECTION OF FORESTS. The decision of a federal judge that the act authorizing the secretary of the interior to make regulations for the pro tection of forest reserves is unconstitu tional , because , in effect , it delegates legislative power to an administrative officer , may be good law , but it outrages common sense and is mischievous in its consequences. It throws the forest re serves open to the sheep men and defeats the very purpose for which the reserves were made. Unless regulations for the protection of forests can be enforced , the water saving capacity of the reserves will be destroyed , and calamity will surely come to the agricultural regions adjacent. If the decision stands , Congress must legislate directly and adequately for the preservation of the forests , and do it promptly. Philadel phia North American. THE SHIP SUBSIDY STEAL. When it is considered that the pur pose of this scheme is to give annually as a free gift to the comparatively few ship-builders and shipowners the great sum of $9,000,000 , or in thirty years the enormous sum of $270,000,000 , all which the people must contribute in the form of taxes , it will be perceived that it is a measure of more than ordinary import ance. American coal can now be shipped abroad and sold at a profit at a lower price than the English article sells for. Indeed , large quantities of American coal have been already shipped abroad and fair profits realized upon them. Yet there have been and there are no millions taken from the public treasury to insure these profits to the shippers of coal. Why should there be any ? Why should the whole body of the people be taxed $9,000,000 a year for thirty years , or for -a single year , to increase the already fair profit of persons engaged in a private enterprise ? The shippers of corn , wheat , flour , cotton , tobacco , meat , iron and steel , or of a hundred other commod ities get no subsidies ; they have asked for none. Why then should the govern ment virtually build and sail ships in order that the profits of the Pittsburg Coal Company , which has a capital of $64,000,000 , shall be enhanced by sub sidies to be paid out of the publio treas ury or out of the pockets of the people ? Philadelphia Ledger ( Rep. ) THE IMPROVED SANTA FE. A party of Boston gentlemen recently went over the Atohison property on a tour of inspection. A member of the party said : 1 "The company's equipment shows a great improvement. I was especially pleased with its new engines , which are of the heaviest type. "The company's business is simply enormous. Every siding contains loaded freight cars , most of them having two engines. Its freight trains are so long that they have to see saw in and out in order to let the passenger trains pass. The passenger traffic is very heavy and all the trans-continental trains are run ning in two sections. "I was struck with the great interest in the property shown by the employees. In Messrs. Ripley , Morton and Barr , Atohison stockholders have a trium virate I believe to be unexcelled in prac tical railroad management. "Great attention is being paid to the encouragement of industries along the line of the road , and this accounts in a measure for the diversified character of the road's traffic. "Atchison has a bonanza in the Grand Canyon. A small road connects the Atohison with the Canyon , but it is in bad financial shape and it will undoubt edly be taken over by the Atohison. "I believe the Atohison will make of the Grand Canyon a rival attraction to Niagara Falls and that it will secure a very large tourist business in cense quence. Stockholder. WORST ON RECORD. The following are the popular plurali ties given for presidential candidates in ten presidential elections : 1900 McKinley 812.725 1896 McKinley 602,555 1892 Cleveland 880,961 1888 Harrison 100.476 1884 Cleveland 28,005 1880 Garfield 9,464 1876 Tilden ' . 264.292 1872 Grant 768.007 1868 Grant 808,584 1864 Lincoln 411,448 It thus appears , with respect to the popular vote , that Bryan is the worst beaten candidate who has appeared be fore the American people in more than a generation. In fact the pluralities against him are larger than against any presidential candidate since the organi zation of the government. The nearest approach was when Greeley went down before Grant ; but then , it should be re membered , test laws disfranchised thousands of democratic voters in the south. Grant carrying Virginia , both the Oarolinas , Florida , Alabama , Mis sissippi , Louisiana and Arkansas. Mr. Bryan is much worse beaten than Greeley , for unquestionably in the south as in 1872 Greeley votes were suppressed so this year MoKinley votes were sup pressed. Das Moines Leader and Demo crat.