12 The Conservative * DESIGNATED DEPOSITARY OF THE UNITED STATES. National Bank of the Republic OF CHICAGO. OJVJB MILLION DOLLARS. JOHN A. LYNCH , President. W. T. FENTON , Vice President and Cashier. J. H. CAMERON and H. R. KENT , Asst. Cashiers. R. M. McKINNEY , 2d Asst. Cashier. LITERARY NOTES. It is commonly supposed presumably by the very young , and the misinformed and unthinking that books having to do with a religious interpretation of life are the resource only of preachers and old women. It is said to be a fact which publishers' accounts would al most certainly verify that religious thought was never before so active among all thinking classes in this country , and that liberal religions and theological works command much and ready atten tion , and attain large sales. "The Age of Faith , " by Dr. Amory H. Bradford , of Montclair , New Jersey , which was published late in October by Messrs. Houghton , Mifflin & Co. , is a volume which addresses itself to the liberal religions community , and seeks , in clear , reasonable , hopeful tones , to interpret the fatherhood of God.and to indicate the effect of the idea upon human institu tions. It is never dogmatic , and there fore is in harmony with the philosophi cal spirit of the time , audit contends that the science and philosophy of the age have made it one of faith rather than of doubt faith , not indeed , in dogma , but in the unity of life and the benevolence of the existing world-order. It belongs to the beneficent class of books repre sented by the works of Dr. Abbott , Dr. Hunger , and Dr. Gladden. A series of short biographies , intended to afford a knowledge of American history by a study of the lives of its leaders , political , religious , industrial , military , scientific , and otherwise , is in course of publication by the Messrs. Houghton , Miffin & Go. , and will be known as "The Riverside Biographical Series. " The first of the issue will be "Andrew Jackson , " by William G. Brown ; and this volume , of but few more than a hundred pages , will be fol lowed monthly by others on Franklin , Jefferson , Cooper , Penn , Jaokson , Eads , Lewis and Clark , and Grant. Itis r hoped that ultimately the series will form a Bigraphical History of the United States. The several volumes will be published in two editions , one for school use , and one , with photogravure portrait and library style , for the general public. They are small 16mo in size , and will contain each about 200 pages. Incorporated 4849. Charter . _ Perpetual. SPRINGFIELD Fire and flarine Insurance Co. Of Springfield , Mass. Annual Statement , January ist , 1900. Cash Capital , - - $1,500,000.00 Reserve for Re-Insurance , - 1,476,584.27 Reserve for all unsettled Claims , 245,262.45 NET SURPLUS , - - 1,685,092.34 TOTAL ASSETS , - $4,906,939.06 The Springfield has continuously transacted business for fifty years , and has disbursed for losses over $26,000,000. It has borne its share of the burdens imposed by the great conflagra tions at Troy in 1862 , Portland in 1866 , Chicago in 1871 , and Boston in 1872. It is one of only three fire insurance companies that have been repre sented in Chicago continuously since 1851. It has never failed to promptly meet its just obligations with 100 cents on the dollar. It stands today in the front rank among American underwriting insti tutions. It insures against fire , lightning and tornadoes , and has agencies in all prominent localities throughout the United States. A. J. HARDING , Manager , Western Department , Chicago , 111. N. S. HARDING , State Agent , Nebraska City , Neb. . , >