The Conservative (Nebraska City, Neb.) 1898-1902, December 06, 1900, Page 11, Image 11
I , . . , "Che Conservative. 11 between each producer of utilities of form and the producer who adds there to a complimentary utility of place , is especially'valuable in connection with this great mass of railway traffic. The consumers who obtain their sup plies in a particular market will pay a definite price for a certain quantity of any commodity. If more is offered they will , within certain limits , not now material , take it at a lower price ; if less is available they will bid the price to a higher figure. These conditions of course are equally applicable to monopo lized commodities , but they do not affect the railway rates applied thereto with similar force. The reason for this difference is simple if the article is monopolized , the carrier may demand a certain rate and may refuse to carry unless the rate is paid. Then only so much will be shipped as can profitably be marketed after meeting the transpor tation charges that are demanded. Thus the carrier by limiting its rates can de termine the volume of shipments , i. e. the supply in the market reached , and , of necessity , the price will be that which the local producer is willing to accept at the local point plus the rates imposed by the carrier and other incidental ex penses of transportation. On the other hand , with regard to articles that are not monopolized the railway can con trol neither the supply nor the price. The market will be supplied in some way either by local producers or through the aid of other carriers even though a particular carrier withdraws its services , and it is probable that in any event the aggregate supply will be drawn from many and divergent sources. ( CONCLUDED NEXT WEEK. ) THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE. We'll begin with a box and the plural is boxes But the plural of ox should bo oxen , not exes Then ono fowl is geese , but two are callec geese , Yet the plural of mouse should never be meese ; You may find a lone mouse , or a whole nest of mice , But the plural house is houses , not hice ; If the plural of man is always called men. Why shouldn't the plural of pan be called pen The cow in the plural may be cows or kino. But a cow if repeated is never called kine , And the plural of vow is vows , never vine , And if I speak of a foot and you show me your feet , And I give you a boot , would a pair bo called beet ? If one is a tooth , and a whole set are teeth. Why shouldn't the plural of booth bo called beeth ? If the singular's this and the plural is these , Should the plural of kiss be nicknamed keese Then ono may bo that , three may bo those , Yet hat in the plural would never be hose , And the plural of cat is cats , not cose. We speak of brother and also of brethren , But though we say mother we never say moth ren ; Then masculine pronouns are ho , his and him But imagine the feminine , she , shis and sliim So the English , I think , you all will agree Is the dod rottest language you ever did Bee. Cheyenne Sun-Leader. CHICAGO'S ONE CONDITION. A Nebraska paper says that " the best policy for Chicago is to stand by and > nild up the western cities and states with its surplus capital and young men , " for this is "a western city dependent on the development of the west" and hav- ng nothing in common with Wall street and Liverpool except for purposes of sale. Ohicagoans would bo ignorant indeed if they were unaware of the close con nection betweeen the prosperity of their city and the development of the west. If there were no transmississippi region Chicago would be a small affair com pared to what it is. The building up of ; he agricultural and other industries of ; he west is something the importance of which Ohicagoans realize. It is for that reason they take the lively interest they do in irrigation schemes to add millions of acres to the cultivable area of that region. When conditions are normal Chicago is always ready to invest its surplus capital in the development of the west , knowing well that no more profitable use can be made of it. The city is not so ready to part with its young men , for they are a valuable portion of its work ing capital. But Chicago is continually drawing active , enterprising young men from the villages and towns lying to the east and to the west of it , and it is only fair that it should send some of them away from time to time to assist in building up other sections of the country and to make their fortunes often in doing so. Up to a recent period , however , the conditions in some of the states west of the Mississippi have not been such as to make it expedient for Chicago to send to them either capital or enterprising young men. While Nebraska and Kan sas were in the hands of the populists it was not safe to send capital to those states. The energies of the men who ruled them were consecrated on efforts to confiscate or drive out capital. These efforts met with so much success that the active young men steered clear ol Kansas and Nebraska. They felt they were not wanted there. The slight in crease in the population of the two states in the last decade bears witness to the deadly influence of the populist legisla tion of which there was so much during that period. Both of these states have been re deemed from populism. Capital can go there with safety. There are in dncements for young men to go there Ohicagoans will cooperate gladly to the extent of their ability in developing the resources of Kansas , Nebraska , am every other western state that wishes to be developed. Their prosperity is the prosperity of Chicago. Their citizens are the good customers of this city. But if they wish Chicago capital or young men they must abjure populism. Chicago Tribune. MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT. It is the curse of American city gov ernments , one which has made them the reproach of foreign nations , that they are governed generally by the worst elements of the community and that the best citizens , those whose property and enterprises really constitute the city's support , hold aloof from municipal poli- ics and permit the riffraff to usurp tempt ing and lucrative offices and levy j reckless and profligate tribute li upon the tax papers. The carnival of misgovernment in every large city in the country is partially checked at times by spasmodic upheavals of latent public sentiment , and then only when its excuses become too flagrant and un checked. After these outbursts affairs soon readjust themselves in the same old way and the abuses continue , the public purse is looted as usual , and the civic budget of expenses is out of all proportion to the service given.Finance. . The simplest things are the things that really appeal to us most , and that is only because when we are simple we are natural. An enjoyment that is natural is always the deepest and truest. The moment the artificial , the conventional , comes into our lives , that moment the sweetest realizations go out. Edward Box in the December Ladies' Home Journal. In the Pay Envelope Tial's where our education affects you. What The Inter national Corres pondence Schools , Bcranton , Pa. , are doing. First Teaching mechanics the theory of their work. Second Helping mis placed people to change their work. Third Enabling young people to support themselves while learning professions. 250,000 students and graduate1) in Mechanical , Electrical , Btcutn , Civil and Mining Engineer ing ! Architecture ! Drawing and Designing ! ChemUtry ; Telegraphy ; Telephony ; Stenog raphy ; Book-keeping ; EnglUh Branches. When writing state subject In which Interested. INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOLS , ElUbllihed 1801. CtplUl $1,600,000. Box 1296 , Scranton , Pa. WEARE COMMISSION COMPANY Grains , Provisions , Stocks and Bonds , Old Colony Building. CHICAGO.