The Conservative (Nebraska City, Neb.) 1898-1902, December 06, 1900, Image 1
' f * t Che Conservative. 4VOL. III. NEBRASKA CITY , NEB. , THURSDAY , DEC. 6 , 1900. NO. 22. PUBLISHED WEEKLY. OFFICES : OVERLAND THEATRE BLOCK. n , T. STERLING MORTON , EDITOR. A JOURNAL DEVOTED TO THE DISCUSSION Or POLITICAL , ECONOMIC AND SOCIOLOGICAL QUESTIONS. CIRCULATION THIS WEEK 9,610 COPIES. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. One dollar and a half per year , in advance , postpaid , to any part of the United States or Canada. Remittances made payable to The Morton Printing Company. Address , THE CONSERVATIVE , Nebraska City , Neb. Advertising Rates made known upon appli cation. Entered t the postofflce at Nebraska City Neb. , as Second Class matter , July 20th , 1808. FURNAS. commonwealth of Nebraska has out of his own mind , muscle and fortune accomplished more for its agricultural , horticultural and general material and mental develop ment than ex-Governor Robert W. Furnas , and some of his intimate friends are asking why he would not , as a United States Senator , reflect honor upon this people , and why he may not be elected ? COURAGE. . always just and resolute , cannot be diverted from a fixed purpose , either by the misdirected criticisms of his fellow citizens or by their threats of exile from popular favor. Moral courage the power and ability to follow one's own conclusions and to fight for them against out-numbering adversaries is much demanded and little supplied in American politics. In his reflections revolution , , Ed mund Burke says : "A disposition to preserve , and an ability , to improve , taken together , would be my standard of a statesman. " Nebraska in selecting senators may find men who can preserve the good name and fame of the state and , at the same time , have the ability to improve both in the estimation of wise and thoughtful people. Brains wbioh have thought , arms which have wronght , honors hot bought , advancement in the public service unsought , are desirable characteristics for a United States Senator. A COMPROMISE. . . the Uni ted States is a government of com promise. The census of 1790 showed that Delaware , the smallest state in the union , contained 50,096 inhabitants. Virginia was at that time the largest and contained a population of 747,610. Thus originally the constitution gave twelve and one-half men in Virginia no more voice in selecting one-thirteenth of the senate than it did to each man in Delaware. The state of Nevada in 1900 contains 42,884 people , while New York shows a population of 7,208,009. Thus 171 people of New York count for only as much in choosing United States senators as does a solitary broncho-buster or cowboy in the sage brush of Nevada. From the above it is apparent that in the beginning the inequality as to senators - _ , , ators was almost as Senatorial Inequality. . . . . marked as it is to day even when New York and Nevada are cited. Inequalities in a republican form of government are absolutely un avoidable and nnerasable. Numerically two states may have precisely the same number of representatives in the house , but one state has in its delegation a Tom Reed er a William R. Morrison , and the other merely an assortment of Omar M. Kerns. Thus the inequality of repre sentation is intellectually explained and mentally illuminated. It is im possible for all states to furnish the ability of Mr. Reed and the courage and intellectuality of Mr. Morrison. If representation in congress is now actually based upon population , instead of upon citizens , popnlational centers , like New York and Chicago , where there are innumerable unnaturalized foreign ers , hold a great advantage over those rural districts where foreigners are not numerous. The state of Massachusetts , perhaps , has almost as great an advan tage in the disproportionate number of females which it contains and who do not vote , as South Carolina or North Carolina may have in the number of negroes which they hold , who are not permitted to vote any more than women are in Boston. In 1896 Connecticut gave McKinley six electoral votes. Each one of them represented 29,065 The Electoral Vote. , , . . . , popular ballots. At the same election Idaho gave Bryan three electoral votes and each one of them represented only 8,898 votes. At the same election New York gave MoEinley * thirty-six electoral votes , each one of which represented 89,552 American citi zens who had voted at that election. On the same day of the same year Nevada gave Bryan three electoral votes , paoh one of which represented only 8,488 citizens. These inequalities show that the entire system of government for the United States is based upon compromises and inequality which sooner or later may give rise to discussions and dissen- tions which will bring about a recon struction of the entire republic. THE CONSERVATIVE will endeavor to calmly discourse from time to time upon these questions upon the proper solution of which the perpetuity of the Federal Union largely depends. RICHARD.Misfortunes do POOR RICHARD. not come singly to Mr. Orokar. His grief over political reverses was indeed touching and keenly pathetic. He sought to forget his sorrows by leaving the scenes of his humiliation and defeat and going abroad to mingle with British sports amid the pleasures of the race course. He had hardly reached British soil with his prize pugs and other congenial com panions when the tax gatherer swooped down upon him and deftly touched him for an income tax. A goodly sum of Tammany revenue went to swell the exchequer of her majesty. Mr. Oroker will soon be due for another outburst of sympathy for the oppressed Boer. His experience with the British revenue officer , will , no doubt , materially inten sify his kindly feeling for Kruger's cause. AFTER ELECTION. The late populist candidate for the presidency complacently remarked im mediately after the re-choosing of McKinley : "I shall stay in politics as long as I live. " The Marine Register of an early day contains a remark made by Commodore Jonah immediately Joimh. . . subsequent to the stomachic convulsions of the whale which threw .him upon the shore' , a reeking derelict : "I intend to be in a whale as long as * \ I live no matter how hard he wishes to spew me out. " t . The Red Sea Record is constantly re- V' t f erring to Pharaoh as the "peerless N leader" notwithstanding he lured his followers into an aqueous and remorse less grave. Peerless Pharoah has pro totypes in modern times.