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About The Conservative (Nebraska City, Neb.) 1898-1902 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 29, 1900)
Conservative * It is a credit to IMI'OSSIIILE. _ TT m. . . , . . . T. H Tibbies that he made no extravagant claims after election , and is inwardly disposed to look at the result as the very best thing that could have happened to the state and nation. Tibbies is not as foolish as ho looks. State Journal. He couldn't bo. Nobody coald. The corn crop in HEAVY CHOI' . Nebraska is boun tiful. But the candidate crop is marvel ous in volume , weight and character. There is a good man prominent in every county of the state who would accept the United States senatorship. There is such opulence in this particular crop that THE CONSERVATIVE can not , as yet , invoice , estimate or measure it in detail. LEADERS.Richard Croker , LUSTROUS LEADERS. Jim Dablman , J. K. Jones , Gnin shoe BUI of Missouri , and other wise and otherwise leaders of the allied forces in "The Second Bat tle" are opposed to any reorganization of the democratic party. Many good citizens agree with them because they think that the party only needs to get rid of dis-organizatiou and dis-organ- izers. Recently a luna- for sane at Lincoln , delivering an oration on "All the world is mad but us , " said of the outside sane : "They shall not come back. " And again with pathetic tend erness : "If they array themselves in ashes and sackcloth and beg us to be taken in we may take them on proba tion. " No sane man tried to get back or to get in. And now the crazy inmates propose to reorganize the asylum them selves and institute regulations based entirely upon the consent of the gov erned. Who wishes to go back ? The only great BON-FIRES. victory for popu lism , anti-injnnctionism and fusion for- office-sake , in the northern states was scored in Colorado. That state gave the Croker candidate for the presidency a majority of about thirty-five thousand and while Nebraska repudiated the whole fusion conglomeration , and cele brated the same by bonfires made of boxes , tar barrels and shavingsColorado rejoiced by burning an idiotic negro at the stake. Seven-hundred hilarious savages gleefully witnessed the barbarity and Governor Thomas of that state , says the fusion , confusion , illusion , de lusion agglomeration called the silver republican-populist democracy needs no reorganization. It certainly needs no more dis-organization or disgrace. Civilization blushes for Colorado. Daniel Moore Bates ha , published - ed an interesting compilation of statistics about our cot ton export trade with China. In ten years , from 1887 to 1897 , our cotton trade with China increased 120 per cent. During the same period Great Britain lost 15 per cent. , a net gain for the United States over England of 185 per cent. Our trade with China is now con fined almost exclusively to the coarser grades of cotton goods. In these we have been able to undersell the British manufacturer , while in the finer grades we have not been so successful in meet ing the competition of the Britisher. American manufacturers should im prove their facilities for producing the finer cotton fabrics , thereby lessening the cost of production and bettering the quality of the goods and thus meeting English competition and securing con trol of all lines of the cotton trade with China. John Barrett , former United States minister to Spain , referring to our cotton - . . . , , ton trade with Cotton Trade. _ , . China said : " Few people appreciate that she pro vides the chief market for the export of our manufactured cotton goods , and that the majority of the new cotton mills established throughout the south are solely supplying the Chinese trade. "It is remarkable that among the most popular manufactured cotton pro ducts in China today are those which come from the southern mills. The de mand for this line of goods is already large , but the best judges of Asiatic trade say that there is no reason why it should not reach into scores of mill ions. " * * * Our cotton trade with China for 1899 amounted to $9,000.000. The principal market for our goods in the East is in North China. Not one thirtieth of this is yet supplied. Mr. Barrett esti mates that our Chinese cotton trade will , in ten years , amount to over § 80- 000,000. That which will aid , more than anything else , to bring this about will be the " open door. " LIAR HABIT. Herald became so inebriated with mendacity during the late campaign that it seems incorrigibly addicted to the habit of lying. Thus it declares a political prescription , of some years ago , which provided for the swallowing of populism by democracy to have been precisely the same as the prescription by Doctors Butler , Weaver , Towne , Croker , Tillman and Altgeld , that democracy be swallowed by popu lism. The World-Herald will learn after some cramps , pains , aches and paroxysms in the uneasy stomach of populism , whither it descended with all its follow ers on Nov. 0 , 1900 , the difference be tween being the swallower and the swallowee , between playing Jonah and playing Whale , JASPER A. WAKE. . . , forty years the late Mr. Ware was a resident of Nebraska City and Ofcoe county. In all that long stretch of time he never purposely said or did anything to injure a human being. He was a man of kindly heart , purity of intention and generous impulses. He was a faithful husband , a vigilant and affectionate father and an upright citi zen. Douglas county CLAIMS EVERYTHING.clalms tne of defeating Poyn- ter. But Otoe county , which in 1896 gave a majority of between two and three hundred for the political sausage- meat ticket , desires to be remembered as casting about four hundred majority on November 0 , 1900 , against Poynter and all other leading candidates 011 the warmed-over-silver- hashed- warmedoversilverrepublican - - up-populist-and mock democratic ticket. ° f A TOWN MEETING. . the Three Tailors of Tooley street who said in their pro- unnciamento : "We , the people of Eng land , " has been equalled. At a hotel in Chicago on Saturday , November 24th , 1900 , Charles A. Towne , residuary legatee of the silver republican party , and Fred Dubois , heir in possession of the only available asset of that party , held a meeting to determine , with the recently defeated populist candidate for the presidency , the management of the democratic party for the next four years and arrange for its nomination in 1904. "We , the democracy , " saith Dubois , Towne & Co. CHRISTIANITY. CHRISTIANITY.a victim of the frenzy of the French revolution , as she approached the guillotine , raised her eyes to the statue of liberty and exclaimed , "Liberty , what crimes are committed in thy name ! " As we contemplate the wanton destruction and pillage of Chinese temples and tombs , wrought by Christian nations , we may rightly ex claim in our humiliation and horror , "Christianity , what crimes are com mitted in thy name ! " It is strangely incongruous that the missionaries , those to whom is specially intrusted the spreading of a gospel of peace on earth , good will toward men , should be the first to approve of acts of vandalism and lawlessness when directed against the heathen of the Orient. Piety seems to be imbued with the idea that the end justifies the means ; that evil may be employed to bring about good and that the heathen has no rights which Chris tians need respect. The rude hand of violence is used in merciless destruc tions of the sacred institutions of a pagan people and the Christian world applauds.