The Conservative (Nebraska City, Neb.) 1898-1902, November 29, 1900, Page 13, Image 13
J" 1 ' I" 'Che Conservative * 13 u * Nebraska City Manufactories. The following list of the more important manufacturing plants in Nebraska Oity will be a standing advertisement in Persons addressing any of them , because of seeing this , will please mention THB CONSERVATIVE. United Starch Company , Nebraska City Iron Works , Dullenty Plow Co , , King Press Drill Co , , Tank Building Co. , Paul Schminke & Co , ( Flour mills ) , Mattes Brewing Co. , Chicago Packing and Provision Co. , Nebr. City Packing Co. , Nebraska City Cereal Mills , Nebr. City Canning Co. , The above named make the best quality of commodities. Their trade is con- itantly increasing. All their patron * are pleased. Try them I The Popular Personally 9 Conducted Excursions I r . .To. . California and Oregon. Special Attention Given to Ladles and Children Travel- They arc well car oil for by the Conductors who accompany - Ingf Alone. company each of these excursions to California and Oregon , and passenRers can depend upon receiving the nuwt courteous treatment. The Conductors are all men of experience in excursion travel , and will BCO that the com fort of all patrons is carefully attended to. One of the Most Attractive Features of these Excursions There is a difference between the first and second- is the Economy. olasi passage in railroad and sleeping car fares of nearly $25 per passenger. This sum can be saved by patronizing the Union Pacific Personally Conducted Excursions. The New Pullman Ordinary Sleeping Cars assigned to this service wore built expressly to accommodate the excursion ists to California and Oregon. All are Lighted with the famous Pintsch Light , are well ventilated , have separate lavatories for ladies and gentlemen , and all cars are carpeted and upholstered , with moveable partitions separating the sections , thus insuring all the utmost privacy. No Smoking is A Mowed in the excursion cars , there being A Smoking Car provid ed for that purpose on the train. THE ABOVE EXOUESIONS LEAVE ST. PAUL , MINNEAPOLIS , AND CHICAGO EVERY THURSDAY , AND OMAHA EVERY FRIDAY. For full information call on your nearest agent or address E. L. LOMAX , G. P. & T. A. , Omaha , Neb. I Galena Coach , Engine * $ and Car Oils T * Are the Standard Railway Lubricants of the World. I They are more Economical and Effective than any other Railway Lubricating Oils to be had Anywhere. f If you are not familiar with these facts , and are at all I interested , please inquire of Railway People. * * FOR FURTHER PARTICULARS WRITE T * GKL-ENK OILCO2VIPHNY , FRANKLIN , PENNSYLVANIA. CHARLES MILLER , President. * *