The Conservative (Nebraska City, Neb.) 1898-1902, November 22, 1900, Page 16, Image 16
16 Conservative. WHITEBREAST FUEL COMPANY , OF ILLINOIS. IOWA AND CLEVELAND. PEKAY. ILLINOIS SMOKY HOLLOW COAL. DUNFERMLINE. S. A. FORBUSH , JR. , GEN. SALES AGENT , OTTUMWA , IOWA. \inijT4f\\jf\ir4f\\ij\ir\ifTAf\iir\r\AriJ\iririir\iJ\irir\ fifi hum ( WOT ( ) ( ) ( ) PRINTERS , ( ) © PUBLISHERS. ® G ) g > © MANUFACTURERS OF © Folding J3oxes , Stravrboard Shells , Art Isabels , Etc. N. 8. Harding. J. J. Hoohstetler. Oldut Ininrinoi Afinoy In thi Stitt. Established 1867. HARDING & HOCHSTETLER , Fire Insurance. 711 Centril Ave. Nebraska City , Neb WE SELL "Anchor" ornamental fences ; "Anchor" stock fences ; "Anchor" fence material ; "Anchor" gates ; ornamental Wrought iron fences ; chicken fences ; poultry netting , etc. , etc. Tell us what you want and we will .quote yon prices. Omaha Anchor Fence Company. . 205-7 North 17th Street , Omaha , Neb. fetes | ) flarigm $ and ® wst 09 CEDAR ST. , NEW YORK CITY r ' Capital $2,000,000 Surplus 02,230,000 Money deposited with the Company receive3 interest monthly and is subject to check. Travellers abroad need the facilities of Letters cf Credit. None are more convenient than those issued by this Company. Correspondence receives careful attention. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE : CHARLES D. DICKEY , Brown Bros. & Co , New York. LUTHCR KOUNTZE , Kount/e Bros , Rankers. New York. CHARLES R. HENDERSON , Banker , New York. RICHARD A. McCURIJY , Pros. , The Mutual Life Ins. Co. , N.Y. GUSTAV E. KISSEL , Pinker , New York. JAMES TIMPSON.2cl A-.M. Treas.The Mutual Life Ins.Co. , N.Y. GEORGE W. YOUNG , President of the Company. Do a General Cold Storage and Freezing Business , and Ulcstcrn Cold make Liberal Advances on Eggs , Butter , C ase and Poultry stored , at a low rate of interest. j Storage Co. Largest Cold Storage and Freezing House in the World , CAPACITY CARS. , 4,000 . Direct Connections witn all Rail and Water J/ines. Warehouses : A. B. C. D. E. and F. Warehouses : J. M. , R. K. and W. North State and Michigan Streets , North Side. llnols Central Ra IroadJMer No. 2 , South Side. CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. MAIN OFFICES : 39 NORTH STATE STREET CHICAOO.