The Conservative (Nebraska City, Neb.) 1898-1902, November 22, 1900, Page 14, Image 14
The Conservative. Gloss Storch Is the whitest , purest and strongest of all Starches ; is peculiarly adapted to flue Fabrics and Laces , and gives to all Clothes a beautiful , snow-white Satiny Finish that is so much desired and admired. A Pure Starch is a White Starch , and a White Starch ( being pure ) is a Strong Starch. Starch satisfies every demand , causes no injury , and is perfect for all uses. Starch is packed in all styles and sizes of packages and can be obtained of all Leading Grocers. national Siarch Company , NEBRASKA CITY , NEB. Thanksgiving s ' ' Time in California Is a season of outdoor diversions and delicious s weather. One may pick oranges , bathe in the S sea , visit ostrich farms , or sit in the shade of tropical palms. s One may play golf , tennis , or polo , go coaching , climb mountains , or loiter in the genial sunshine. s S The California Limited Tri-weekly , Chicago to Los Angeles , via Kansas City. Beginning early in December , daily , \ Chicago to Los Angeles and San Francisco , via S Kansas City. s SANTA FE ROUTE. ss S s W. J. BLACK , General Passenger Agent S The Atchison , Topeka & Santa Fe Railway , TOPEKA. There's no reflection so dainty , no light so charming as the mellow glow that comes from CORDOVA Wax Candles Prepared in many color tints to harmonize with sur roundings in dining room , drawing room , bed room or ball. Sold everywhere. Made by , STANDARD OIL CO. Pure Spring Water Free , The drinking water served in the New York Central Dining Cars is from the Celebrated Polaris Springs at Boonville , on the Borne , Watertown & Ogdensburg Divi sion , in the foot-hills of the Adi rondack Mountains , and is abso lutely pure. ' is i Guarantee Hog s M/ Cholera Cure Co. vjM vjV / MV i V M/ The only Hog Cholera ii Cure sold underan ab i solute guarantee. VJ/ Hog Raisers who arc using the GUAR ANTEE Hoa CHOLERA CURE us a pre t ventive , are never troubled with sick ti ness of any kind among their hogs. VI/ ti i MV VIM syM - i OPF-ICE , No. 8O2 BROADWAY , /S ! I A Council JBluffs. Iowa. MM / /