The Conservative (Nebraska City, Neb.) 1898-1902, November 22, 1900, Page 13, Image 13
"Che Conservative. 13 NebrasKa City Manufactories. The following list of the more important manufacturing plants in Nebraska City will be a standing advertisement in THE CONSERVATIVE : Persons Addressing any of them , because of seeing this , will please mention TOT CONSERVATIVE. United Starch Company , Nebraska City Iron Works , Dullenty Plow Co , , King Press Drill Co. , Tank Building Co. , Paul Schminke & Co. ( Flour mills ) , Mattes Brewing Co. , Chicago Packing and Provision Co , Nebr. City Packing Co. , Nebraska City Cereal Mills. Nebr. City Canning Co , The above named make the best quality of commodities. Their trade is con- tantly increasing. All their patron * are pleased. Try them I The Popular Personally Conducted ' mt. Excursions . .To. . California and Oregon. Special Attention Given to Ladies and Children Travel- They are well cared for by the Conductors who acing - ing Alone. company each of these excursions to California and Oregon , and passengers can depend upon receiving the most courteous treatment. The Conductors are all men of experience in excursion travel , and will tee that the com fort of all patrons is carefully attended to. One of the Most Attractive Features of these Excursions There is a difference between the first and second- is the Economy. class passage in railroad and sleeping car fares of nearly $25 per passenger. This sum can be saved by patronizing the Union Pacific Personally Conducted Excursions. The New Pullman Ordinary Sleeping : Cars assigned to this service were built expressly to accommodate the excursion ists to California and Oregon. All are Lighted with the famous Plntsch Light , are well ventilated , have separate lavatories for ladies nnd gentlemen , and all cars arc carpeted and upholstered , with moveable partitions separating the sections , thus insuring all the utmost privacy. No Smoking Is Allowed in the excursion cars , there being A Smoking Car provid ed for that purpose on the train. . THE ABOVE EXCURSIONS LEAVE ST. PAUL , MINNEAPOLIS , AND OHIOAGO EVERY THURSDAY , AND OMAHA EVERY FRIDAY. For full information call on your nearest agent or address E. L. LOMAX , 6. P. & T. A. , Omaha , Neb. | MfMMM | > i | > fMMM | f | iiiN I Galena Coach , Engine f -vxX/ NXrsXXXv > X V / " > rV/ I and Car Oils * * Are the Standard Railway Lubricants of the World. * They are more Economical and Effective than any other * * Railway Lubricating Oils to be had Anywhere. * If you are not familiar with these facts , and are at all * interested , please inquire of Railway People. FOR FURTHER PARTICULARS WRITE OIL. CO7UIPHNY , * * FRANKLIN , PENNSYLVANIA. CHARLES MILLER , President.