The Conservative (Nebraska City, Neb.) 1898-1902, November 15, 1900, Page 5, Image 5

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'Cbe Conservative.
it has the reputations and the estates of
millions of men , bat the lesson , if learn
ed , will be worth to the democracy and
to the republic all that it has cost and
more. Chicago Chronicle.
KansiiH KovoltH.
The expected has happened in this
state , and in the country at large. Fusion
has been overwhelmingly defeated in
Kansas , and Bryan has been absolutely
crushed in the country at large.
The result of the late presidential
election is far-reaching. William J.
Bryan will never again be the leader of
the national democracy ; and fusion
cannot revive its dying embers in Kan-
pas. It is hopelessly beaten.
Will the Mack Love democrats and
the Breidentbal populists continue to
work the played-out fusion racket ? If
they do , they will ba worse beaten two
years from now than they were on last
Tuesday. This is certain.
Will the blinded fusion democrats and
the crank populists strange bed fellows ,
agree to dissolve the partnership that
has brought such destruction upon them ,
and journey alone in the future ?
We believe that only by a radical reor
ganization of the democratic party in the
state and nation , can the breath of life
be preserved in the democratic party in
Kansas. Topeka Democrat.
Maryland Protests.
Gorman , Governor Smith , Chairman
Vandiver of the state committee , and
other prominent men in the party or
ganization would entirely elimin
ate the silver question and all populistic
theories from the party.
Nearly all the leaders of the regular
party organization are sound money
men. They worked for Bryan to keep
the party organization intact in this state
for the fight next year for control of the
legislature , which elects a successor to
Senator Wellington , and before which
Mr. Gorman or Governor Smith will be
the candidate for senator.
While Mr. Gorman was not friendly
to Cleveland during his second term , it
can safely be said that many of the
most prominent democrats iii the city
and state would favor party organization
with such men as Don Dickinson , Wil
liam C. Whitney , and Grover Cleveland
as leaders. Baltimore Dispatch.
A Voice From loivit.
If William Jennings Bryan will settle
down to honest work on his farm , and
remain there for at least four years , he
may outgrow some of his foolish theories
about popular government. He .will at
least make a good start in the right
direction. For the past five years he has
been a disturber and a demoralizer.
Davenport Democrat.
E. F. Ware , of Topeka , Kansas , in
reply to a letter from an aspirant for a
dukedom , gave the following instruc
tions as to how to go about it to secure
the royal decoration. :
' 'As the empire is now an established
fact and you had a son in the Twentieth
Kansas , you have a just claim to the
appointment of duke. My advice to you
is to make application soon. Don't ask
for something 'equally as good , ' but you
insist on a duke. They may want to make
you an earl or a marquis or something ,
but don't you be switched off. You
just hold the emperor up by the gills
and he'd bound to come to your terms.
Dukes don't have to be confirmed by
the senate , and its a life appointment.
There is no salary attached to the office ,
but you have a right to enslave and hold
in bondage any democrat or pop wher
ever he is found. They are what we
call in law 'fertc naturae , ' that is , wild
stuff. The man that gets them has
them just like ground hogs and pelicans.
If you get in early yon get your first
pick. You want to go for Webb McNall
and D. O. McCray just as soon as you
get your commission. They expect it.
They said if MoKinley were elected we
would be a nation of slaves. They have
their mind made up to be slaves. You
tell them : 'Empire is here. I'm a duke
and yon are my meat ; follow me. ' And
they will follow you right off anywhere.
I think Joe Waters is all right too.
' You want to have iron heels put on
your boots and make your slaves wear
turndown collars so that you can put
the iron heel of despotism on their
necks without the consent of the
governed. The duties of the office are
few and simple. I've been in Europe
where they have dukes. You wake up
in the morning and you call in your
slaves as you want them and you talk
Shakespeare to them. For instance ,
yon summon McOray and shout at him :
'Forsooth , knave ! Bring me this morn
ing my matutinal martini. ' He goes
out and brings you in a cocktail of
which he drank half in order to prevent
you from being poisoned by the jointist.
Then you shout : 'What , minion , ho ! '
and in comes McNall , and yon order
oatmeal or codfish balls or anything you
want and then say , 'Arroint , ' which
means for him to kick himself off. Then
you bring in Joe and say , 'Ha , varlet , a
Key wester three for a dollar. ' Then
Joe will get down on his hands and
knees and say , 'yes , your dnkeness , '
and then you will say , 'exeunt omnes'
and everybody will immediately go out
in brackets. Don't be apprehensive
about where the money is to come from.
You'll have plenty. You will coin the
sweat and blood of the serfs. If they
won't work , you can have the regular
army kill them. Think of forty demo
crats in the back yard clanking their
chains , with hot , scalding tears running
down their furrowed cheeks , while you
swing listlessly in your hammock
listening to the musio of the bondsman's
groan. It will be like a trip to Long
Branch. You will be listening to the
serf sea ?
"Anything I can do for you with the
emperor , let me know. Yours ,
Mr. Ohas. R. Flint says : "Had
Bryan been elected , it would have re'
suited in throwing out of employment
this winter not less than 750,000 wage-
earners. As it is , we have an assured
basis for business and I look for a good ,
healthy trade. Orders amounting to a
very large sum were contingent upon
the result of the election. If Bryan
had been elected , the concerns in which
I am interested would have been forced ,
owing to the contraction which would
have followed mistrust , to have closed
down manufacturing to such an extent
that it would have thrown 10,000 work
ers out of employment. Doubtless new
industrial corporations will be organized
and existing industrials , which are well
managed , will , in my opinion , have an
excellent prospect for business ahead of
them , but the industrials that do not
adopt up-to-date methods and which do
not give the public a substantial part
of the benefits of the economies which
are secured by consolidation , will invite
the competition of new companies.1'
It is said that burglary exercises such
a fascination that , once the delirium of
its danger is tasted , a man can never
put that fatal wine away. An old and
distinguished lawyer once told me that
one of the most brilliant young lawyers
he ever knew said to him , at the con
clusion of a legal duel in which he had
resorted to the sharpest kind of practice
and won : "That was the most delicious
experience of my life. "
Yes , and it was the most fatal. He
became , and is , an attorney of uncom
mon resource , ability and success , with
many cases and heavy fees ; neverthe
less his life is a failure , for his profes
sion and even his clients know him for
a dealer in tricks. Senator McDonald ,
an ideal lawyer in ethics , learning and
practice of his profession , told me that
one of our justices once said to him of
a certain great corporation lawyer of
acknowledged power and almost unriv
aled learning :
"Mr. would be the greatest
lawyer in the world if he were not a
scoundrel. As it is , I brace myself to
resist him every time he appears before
me. " One of the ablest Circuit court
judges of the federal bench said almost
precisely the same thing of the same
man. Saturday Evening Post.