The Conservative (Nebraska City, Neb.) 1898-1902, November 08, 1900, Page 2, Image 2

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    The Conservative.
PATHETIC."onhest"organ the
Omaha World-
Herald , contains the following tender
tribute to "the peerless one"
under whose leadership the northern
democrats have sacrificed eighteen seats
in the United States senate , every state
legislature , and every governorship , be
sides seven seats in the senate occupied
by republicans from south of Mason and
Bison's line :
"The allied reform forces of the Unit
ed States , however discouraging the
news flashed over the wires tonight ,
would have been supremely proud and
almost happy could they have witnessed
the simple and unaffected and truly
noble manner in which their gallant and
chivalrous leader and his winsome wife
bore the weight of a second defeat. No
one beholding William J. Bryan in the
hour of this reversal , noting his undis
turbed equanimity and serene and lofty
courage , but felt that in his presence
one stands before a high-minded , sin
cere and devoted patriot , in whom sel
fish personal ambition is moat strikingly
absent. "
Allied Oroker , Tillman , Altgeld and
Bryan mean reform. And the same
journal in emblazoned headlines by im
plication , calls McKinley a robber and
Bryan Jesus Christ saying "not this
man , but Barabbas. " Can infatuation ,
impiety and partisan frenzy go further ?
See St. John , Chapter 18,40th verse and
weep for the World-Herald.
The vote on presidential
INDUSTRIES. idential electors at
Nebraska City was
of more than local interest. The result
here was watched by the investors of
capital all over the country. By their
ballots the people of Nebraska City were
to determine whether they would pro
tect or persecute those who had in-
Tested their money in property at this
place. The candidate of the amalga
mated forces of anarchy and calamity
forced the issue. Several months ago
the attorney general of Nebraska , under
the advice and direction of Mr. Bryan ,
filed a petition in the supreme court of
the state , alleging that the Argo starch
factory of this city was a part of a
starch trust and making demands which
if complied with would mean the
closing of the local factory. As asserted
by THE CONSERVATIVE at the time of
the filing of the petition , the feeling
among those most familiar with the
circumstances was that the suit was in
stituted not to enforce a statute of the
state but to make political capital and
to .avenge private quarrels. As the date
of election approached this feeling be
came a positive conviction.
The attorney-general made no attempt
to bring those interested in the starch
company into court. They were not
even notified of the filing of the suit
against them. In short , absolutely no
effort was made to prosecute them. In
the meantime Mr. Bryan and his at
torney-general came to Nebraska City
and , at a public meeting , denounced
those engaged in the manufacture of
starch at this place and warned the people
ple of Nebraska City to beware of the
men who were carrying on the indus
tries of the town and paying wages to
The issue was thus clearly drawn be
tween those who were aiding to upbuild
_ , _ the industries 01
The Issue. . *
Nebraska City and
those who were striving to tear them
down. It became the duty of the citizens
to choose between' the builder and the
destroyer , and he did not hesitate to
choose the former.
The voters of Nebraska City , by a
majority of over two hundred against
Bryanism , announced to the country
that this is a town where capital will
enjoy protection , and property rights
will be held sacred. They have indica
ted by their votes that they wish and
invite capital , either corporate or indi
vidual , to come in and aid in the develop
ment of the material resources of
Nebraska City and Otoe County and
assure it that it will be protected from
the assaults of demagogues and "Windy
Willies. "
the Chinese lo
cate the intellect in the stomach. While
I recognize that there are some people in
this country who seem to be hampered
with what we may term "mental stra
bismus , " and who read every thing back
wards and upside down , perhaps it
would be too much to say that their in
tellect and bowels arc thus intimately
co related , though if we may judge
them by their public utterances on
finance and industrial conditions , we
may say , if an autopsy should not dis
cover their brains somewhere south of
the diaphragm , we would be at a loss to
know where else to look for them.
oociated candidates
on the populist ticket in Nebraska ,
Colonel Bryan is also behind the guber
natorial candidates in Illinois and every
other northern state as to votes received.
Nebraska may have given its electoral
vote to Bryan but he is not running as
well as the pardon-maker , Poynter. The
official count is required to determine
whether the peerless in palaver has , with
other populists , a plurality of the votes
cast in Nebraska on November 6th , 1900 ,
the day William MoKinley was reelected -
elected president of the United States
by a ratio , among thinking taxpayers ,
of about sixteen to one. Nebraska City
and Otoe county gave four hundred
against the colonel who carried it four
years ago by more than one hundred.
TIVE has received a
great many telegrams from prominent
citizens throughout the country. These
dispatches indicate that there is not a
great deal of mourning among the solid
citizenship of the republic because of
Bryan's defeat. Below we give a few
of the messages :
CHICAGO , 111. , Nov. 7 , 1900.
Nebraska City , Neb.
The country demonstrates that it
knows the difference between democracy
and populism. We congratulate you on
the good you have accomplished. "
CHICAGO- . , Nov 7 , 1900. -
Nebraska City , Neb.
Bryan must be feeling limp this morning
ing/ Better send him a box of Argo
CHICAGO , 111. , Nov. 7 , 1900.
Nebraska City , Neb'
Embalmed , cremated and buried.
Wire local result.
CHICAGO , 111. , Nov. 7 , 1900.
Nebraska City Neb.
The republicans of the country owe
you and the gold democrats a debt of
gratitude. Accept congratulations on
DETROIT , Mich. , Nov. 6 , 1900.
Nebraska City , Neb. ,
Thanks for your dispatch. Three
cheers for Nebraska anyway.
The. ° n
" leader"
TAILER. "peerless
heretofore applied
to Mr. Bryan should now be changed to
"peerless tailer. " He succeeded splend
idly in getting fewer votes than any of
the candidates for governor save in
Kentucky and Missouri. A leader is
one who leads. Unless the original
meaning of ' 'lead" has been lost Mr.
Bryan hardly meets the requirements. '
At Auburn
_ _
York , Colonel
Bryan assaulted Odborne aad his
methods of running a manufactory , and
the ballots there give McKinley a trem
endous majority over the "peerless
failure. "
At Nebraska City the colonel and
General Smythe transformed a fusion
majority of more than one hundred into
a republican majority of more than 400
by pitching into the Argo starch factory
and the solid business men of the town ;