12 The Conservative * DESIGNATED DEPOSITARY OF THE UNITED STATES. National Bank of the Republic OF CHICAGO. , ONE > MILLION DOLLARS. JOHN A. LYNCH , Ifresident. W. T. FENTON , Vice President and Cashier. J. H. CAMERON and H. R. KENT , Asst. Cashiers. R. M. McKINNEY , 2d Asst. Cashier. MR. WILSON'S WORK FOR TARIFF REFORM. Wo have loug regarded Mr. Wilson's appearance to close the debate ou his tariff reform bill as one of the finest in cidents in the history of the house , and probably equalled by nothing since Wil liam Pitt was carried to the House of Commons to deliver his speech denoun cing the war on the American colonies. Mr. Wilson was still weak from the ravages of fever. In addition to that , ho suffered a most painful neuralgic attack. But on August 15 , 1894 , he was helped to the House of Representatives , and he made the closing appeal to his colleagues in favor of reduced taxation. With his throbbing head swathed in bandages , and with his eyes covered from the light by a handkerchief , and with every fibre of his -body either weak ened by disease or palpitating with pain , ho stood in the house and reminded his colleagues , in the words of Burke , that the "battles of civilization were fought around the question of taxation , " and summoned the democratic members to answer the roll-call of freedom which the Wilson bill , with all its imperfec tions , granted the American citizen. The scene was one that will not be for gotten by anyone who witnessed it. He sat down amid the wildest enthusiasm on the floor and in the galleries , and sub mitted himself to the almost hysteric embraces of his friends. He had done something for human freedom. He had lifted some of the burden of taxation from the shoulders of the American people. He had led congress in a step towards civilization. What a pity that sordid and selfish interests have con spired by the aid of accidental circum stances to reverse that step. Utica Ob server ( dem. ) THE SILVER PLANK. Ex-Congressman Geo. E. Adams of Chicago advances the following explana tion for Bryan's retention of the 1C to 1 plank in his platform. "She only logical explanation has been given at Washington. It is said , . , , . thatCol.Bryanhad Sflf-lloliuuce. , , that plank put in the platform to secure his own posi tion as leader of the democratic party , which ever way the election went. It kept the silver end of the party up and The Popular Personally Conducted . .To. . California and Oregon. Special Attention Given to Ladles and Children TravelIng - They are well cared for by the Conductors who ac Ing : Alone. company each of these excursions to California and Oregon , and passengers can depend upon receiving the most courteous treatment. The Conductors are all men of experience in excursion travel , and will see that the com fort of all patrons is carefully attended to. One of the Most Attractive Features of these Excursions There is a difference between the first and second- Is the Economy. class passage in railroad and sleeping car fares of nearly $25 per passenger. This sum can be saved by patronizing the Union Pacific Personally Conducted Excursions. The New Pullman Ordinary Sleeping Cars assigned to this service were built expressly to accommodate the excursion ists to California and Oregon. All are Lighted with the famous Pintsch Light , arc well ventilated , have separate lavatories for ladies and gentlemen , and all cars are carpeted and upholstered , with moveable partitions separating the sections , thus insuring all the utmost privacy. No Smoking Is Allowed in the excursion cars , there being A Smoking Car provid ed for that purpose on the train. THE ABOVE EXCURSIONS LEAVE ST. PAUL , MINNEAPOLIS , AND CHICAGO EVERY THURSDAY , AND OMAHA EVERY FRIDAY. For full information call on your nearest agent or address E. L. LOMAX , 6. P. & T , A. , Omaha , Neb , it kept the gold democrats down. He would be glad to have the rank and file of the gold democrats come back and vote for him. He would rather not have the gold democratic leaders like Cleveland , Carlisle , Eckles , Morton , and the rest , come baok if he oould win without them , and he thought he could , . If they came back they might make him trouble. He did not need them as leaders. He had leaders , enough. He had himself and Altgeld , Oroker and Tillmanand a few young and rising men of destiny. There was not room for more. " "Besides , Bryan , as a good politician , may have felt that if the Cleveland leaders came back they might hurt him , not only after the election , but during the campaign. It is a fact that when Olney and Bourke Cockran did straggle baok the reasons they gave and the ar guments they used made Bryan wince and made republicans chuckle. " i Guarantee Hog § | Cholera Cure Co. | ft W ft V ft V ft The only Hog Cholera V ft V ft Cure sold under an ab- V ft v ft solute guarantee. V ft V ft V ft V y Hog Raisers who are using the GUARy ft AMTEE HOQ CHOLEKA CUKE us a preV T vontivo , are never troubled with sickNJ ness of any kind among their hogs. \y ft M/ ft V OPF-ICE , / ISo. S02 BROADWAY , A V ft V A Council JBZuffs , Jo va.