The Conservative (Nebraska City, Neb.) 1898-1902, October 25, 1900, Page 13, Image 13
I "Che Conservative. 13 NebrasKa City Manufactories. The following list of the more important manufacturing plants in Nebraska Oity will be ' standing advertisement in CONSERVATIVE. i1 Persons addressing any of them , because of seeing this , will please mention THB CONSERVATIVE. United Starch Company , Nebraska City Iron Works , Dullenty Plow Co , , King Press Drill Co , , Tank Building Co , , Paul Schmlnke & Co , ( Flour mills ) , Mattes Brewing Co , , Chicago Packing and Provision Co , , Nebr , City Packing Co , , Nebraska City Cereal Mills , Nebr , City Canning Co. , The above named make the best quality of commodities. Their trade is con * tautly increasing. All their patroni are pleaaed. Try them I Parched Rolled Oats * "QUAIL BRAND" mark a great advance In the character of Breakfast Foods , having that Tine , fresh , Pruity Flavor , which has so long been sought for. USE QUAIL , ROLLED OATS and you'll pronounce your Breakfast a success , the Deli- clous , Healthful Oats bringing harmony of body and mind. USE ONLY Parched Rolled Oat ® . "Quail Brand. " OBTAINABLE OF PROGRESSIVE GROCERS. MANUFACTURED BY Nebraska City Cereal Mills , NEBRASKA CITY , NEBRASKA. Galena Coach , Engine I * $ and Car Oils Are the Standard Railway Lubricants of the World. They are .more Economical and Effective than any other fj Railway Lubricating Oils to be had Anywhere. % If you are not familiar with these facts , and are at all * | . interested , please inquire of Railway People. T FOR FURTHER PARTICULARS WRITE GMUENM OIL. COT PKNY , * * I * FRANKLIN , PENNSYLVANIA. CHARLES MILLER , President.