'Cbe Conservative. 11 to the Spaniards for the establishment of schools throughout the colony , and their unremitting exertion to pre serve and propagate Christianity by this best of all possible means , the diffusion of knowledge. ' ( Journal of an embassy to China , oh. viii , p. 442. ) 11 'It is said,1 observes the wife of the American navigator , Captain Morrell , that in Manila there are more convents than in any other city in the world of its size , and the general voice of natives and foreigners declares that they are under excellent regulations. ' And then she describes their inmates. 'They all seemed full of occupation. There is no idleness in these oonventp , as is generally supposed , ' as her own account of the various work accomplished in them sufficiently proves. Moreover , 'their devotions begin at the dawn of the day , and are often repeated during the whole of it , or until , late in the evening , in some form or other. ' Altogether , the effect produce'd on the mind of this lady was remarkably different from that which Mr. Abeel records. 'I was born a protestant , ' she says , 'and trust that I shall die a protestant , but hereafter I shall have more charity for all who profess to love religion , whatever may be their creed. ' ( Narrative of a voyage , by Abby Jane Morrell , oh. ii , p. 44 ; oh. v. , p. 90. ) "In 1833 M. de la Gironiere , who spent twenty years in the Philippines , informs us that the present race of missionaries is not unworthy to be com pared with their martyred predecessors. Thus he relates how Father Miguel de San-Francisco , a friend of his own , used to collect the young men in his house , four at a time , keep them with him for a fortnight under diligent instruction , and then send them in different direc tions to communicate to others the les sons which they had received from his patient charity. In this way he would contrive gradually to leaven a whole district. M. de la Gironiere also notices the important fact that while Manila and its suburbs contain about one hundred and fifty thousand souls , the Spanish and Creole population hardly amount to one- tenth of that number. ( Vingt aunees uux Philippines , par P. de la Gironiere , p. 89 (1858. ( ) "In 1845 an American statistical writer addressed to Mr. Ingersoll the following account of the Philippines : 'The colony is in a very flourishing condition. Most of the native Tagalos and Horaforas have been converted to the Catholic faith. There are three saffragon bishops in the provinces ; one of them , the bishop of New Segovia , island of Luzon , wrote me in 1837 , that 'his diocese con sisted of upwards of six hundred thousand ' and Christian souls. ' ( Letter to the Hon. Charles I. Ingersoll , etc. , by Aaron H. Palmer , p. 14. ) Let these facts be compared with the history of Dutch or English Protestant missions in the same part of the world. " I think from this it will clearly appear to yon that the slur upon the various orders of Catholic priests in the Phillip- pines contained in the article signed by Mr. Evans , whether that slur be original with Mr. Evans or contained in Mr. Yon Ferdinand Blumentritt's book , is en tirely unwarranted , is not based upon facts , and , strange to say , contains its own refutation in that part of the very article signed by Mr. Evans which is written for the purpose of showing that 8,000,000 Filipinos are Chris tians , educated , highly accomplished , and in every way fit for self-govern ment ; for the facts are that , if all of Mr. Evans * article about the eight million Christian Filipinos is true and they are in every way fit for self-government , they owe that condition entirely to the very orders of Roman Catholic priests who are slandered by the article signed by Mr. Evans. Yours respectfully , PAUL BAKEWELL. St. Louis , Mo. , Oct. 13 , 1900. THE QUALIFICATIONS OF VOTERS. All rules which govern elections are of particular interest at this time. The electoral laws of Belgium provide free transportation to voters who have ceas ed to live where they are registered ; there they are compelled to vote , unless before election day they give satisfac tory reasons to a justice of the peace in their district why they cannot come to polls. Elections are held under the su pervision of a magistrate and police commissioner , who must have corrected lists of all the voters in their precincts before them. The officers see to it , not alone that the votes are properly east , but also that they ore all cast. The man who neglects to vote is cited at once to appear before a justice , who either rep rimands or fines him , unless he can show that he was excused from coming by proper authority granted before elec tion day. A second offence is more severely punished , and the name of the refractory citizen , with a statement of his delinquencies , is published by the magistrate and posted on the gates of the town hall. The man who without excuse has abstained from voting four times in ten years is considered unwor thy of citizenship ; his name is stricken from the poll lists , and for ten subse quent years he is debarred from holding any public office. Whoever is convict ed of having intentionally absented himself from the polls for the purpose of affecting the result of any election is fined to the extent of five hundred francs and imprisoned for a month , to gether with the person who may have induced him so to act. Duty of Citizens to Vote. Punishments are inflicted on the slug gish citizen in republican Switzerland and other countries of Europe ; similar laws existed here in Georgia and other American colonies before they became states ; if they remain on the statute books they are no longer enforced. Yet in times when grave questions are to be decided such laws would be useful. Since 1860 , when a majority voted for the abolition of slavery by choosing Abraham Lincoln , no election has taken place the result of which will have a greater influence on the destiny of the country than the present one. Citizens who abstain at this juncture from voting because they are indifferent or because both candidates are distasteful to them , neglect a duty which they owe to the commonweal. They ore not worthy of the privileges which they enjoy under our institutions , because they do not help to perpetuate them. If we had laws like they have in Belgium to pun ish their neglect , to hold them up to public scorn , eventually to disfranchise them , they probably would exercise their privilege of suffrage. The impossibility of curtailing the elective franchise in Belgium , a densely populated and flourishing country , which in name only is a constitutional monarchy , while in reality ite institu tions are republican , induced the framers - ers of its electoral laws to substitute for restrictions premiums which entitle citi zens who deserve it to additional votes. The qualifications required from an ordinary voter are similar to those of a citizen of ourstates. . But a married man of thirty-five or a widower with children who pays as much as one dollar a year in taxes is entitled to two votes instead of one. When we consider how this rule would apply to our conditions we must admit that a man who marries and rears children has more interest in the admin istration of good government and should have more influence than he who re- mains single. Louis Windmuller in Harper's Weekly. Support Yourself While Learning a Profession Building ereeteil and occupied 1 > 'j J The International Correspondence Schooli. Our now circular will show a way for you to corn a pootl Hillary in a pleasant position while learning the profession of your choice. As you learn more you will earn more. The circular Is free. You can become a Mechanical Engineer Electrician Architect 800,000 KtudcnU and grnduntcN In Me- clmnlcal , Electrical , Stenm , t'ltll mid Blln. Inc Engineering Arcliltei-ture | UrunliiR and ] > c l8nliiR | Vhcmlotry ; Telegraphy ; Telephony ; BtcnoRrnphyj Book-keeping EnKlUli Brunches. When writing state sub- jeot in which interested. INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOLS , E tabllehcd 1891. Cnpltul Olt&OO.OOO. Box 12UOBCKANTOX , PA.