The Conservative (Nebraska City, Neb.) 1898-1902, October 18, 1900, Page 12, Image 12
12 Conservative. DESIGNATED DEPOSITARY OF THE UNITED STATES. National Bank of the Republic OF CHICAGO. CAPITAL , OJVB MILLION DOLLARS. JOHN A. LYNCH , President. W. T. FENTON , Vice President and Cashier , m j. H. CAMERON and H. R. KENT , Asst. Cashiers. R. M. McKINNEY , 2d Asst. Cashier. IKS % I QUESTIONS KKYAN'S SINCERITY. The Reform Advocate , a leading Hebrew paper , commeutiug upon Mr. Bryan's position upon anti-imperialism and militarism , says : "It is very hard for us to believe that Mr. Bryan , in pressing these matters upon the attention of the voters , is either honest or sincere. His anti-im perialism is so different from that of Mr. Schnrz that a scientist would not classify them as belonging to the same genus. Mr. Schurz is clearly in earnest iu his contentions on this subject. Mr. Bryan is clearly not in earnest. His views on the Philippine question were adopted and are now exploited merely because they promise to secure the votes of men who could not otherwise be dragged into the democratic camp. "It is the same with militarism and with trusts. The former is , perhaps , the most flimsy and meaningless issue ever injected into a political campaign. No person in his senses imagines for a moment that enforced military service will ever burden the citizens of these United States. Yet there are some male women , of foreign birth and small ac quaintance with the spirit of our in stitutions , who fear that perhaps , by some remote possibility , if perchance the allegations of McKinley's imperial aspirations should peradventnre be true , there might arise ( who knows ! ) a thousand years hence a sort of Caesar who would , perhaps ( God forbid ! ) con ceive the plan of attempting to compel their precious descendants to serve against their will in some army that might then be organized if something did not happen in the meantime to pre vent such a dire catastrophe. "We know of only one parallel to the militarism argument of Mr. Bryan , and that is the story of Clever Alice , to be found in the collection of the Brothers Grimm. Alice went into the cellar to draw some beer. While engaged in that ennobling occupation she happened to observe a hatchet sticking in the raf ter overhead. She began forthwith to weep. After awhile her mother went down to discover why her Hebe tarried and found the fair one in tears. Press ed for an explanation Alice said 'O mother , suppose the gentle Hans who lives in the next village should fall in THE AUDIT COMPANY OF NEW YORK. Queen Building , N. Y. Zzfe Building , JG\\- York City. C/i/cago. OFFICERS : Acting President , Vice-President , AUGUST BELMONT. WILLIAM A. NASH. Manager , Secretary and Treasurer , THOMAS L. GREENE. EDWARD T. FERINE. The Audit Company begs to announce the opening : of Western Offices as above. Hereafter , at both the New York and Chicago Offices contracts may be made for audits of accounts , and financiai and physical exam inations of properties , with certificates , reports and appraisals. The Western Board of Control of the Company and the Manager of the Western Office will be as follows : WESTERN BOARD OF CONTROL : JOHN J. MITCHELL , Chairman , President Illinois Trust & Savings Bank , Chicago. JOHN O. BLACK , President Continental National Bank , Chicago. JAMES B. FORGAN , President First National Bank , Chicago. JAMES H. ECKELS , President Commercial National Bank , Chicago. EDWIN A. POTTER , President American Trust and Savings Bank , Chicago. Counsel to Western Office : L. MAYER , Moran , Mayer & Meyer , Chicago. Western Manager : A. W. DUNNING. love with me , and we should marry and have a child ; and that when our dear child was old enough to go into the cel lar and draw beer you should send him on that errand ; and the hatchet which sticks in the rafter should fall and strike him on the head , and he should die ! Alas , the thought is more than I can bear ! ' Then her mother also wept. After a while the father of Alice descended and being told the reason of his daughter's anguish , he mingled his lament with hers. Soon the other mem bers of the family , one by one , came down and stayed awhile and wept , and when it was all over they decided that never was there such a clever girl as Alice. Mr. Bryan's militarism and Alice's baby's tragic death deserve to go down in history together. " IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNI TED STATES FOR THE DISTRICT OF NEBRASKA. In the matter of Rebecca Chatterton , bank rupt. In bankruptcy case No. 603. To the creditors of the aforesaid bankrupt : You are hereby notified that on the 1st day of October , A. D. 1000 , the bankrupt heroin , Rebecca Chattorton , filed with the cleric of said court her petition for discharge from her provable debts ; and that a hearing -will be had on said petition at the office of the un dersigned. Referee in Bankruptcy , at Nebraska City , Nebraska , upon the 80th day of October , A. D 1000 , at 11 o'clock a m. , at which time you may appear and show causn , if any you have , why the prayer of said petition should not be granted. Dated at Nebraska City , Nebraska , this Oth day of October , A. D. 1000.JAS. JAS. W. EATON , Referee in Bankruptcy. Special Clubbing oner. During the presidential campaign THE CONSERVATIVE may be secured in clubs of five at the rate of one dollar per year for each subscriber. Address : THE CONSERVATIVE , Nebraska City , Neb ,