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About The Conservative (Nebraska City, Neb.) 1898-1902 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 18, 1900)
tlbe Conservative * 11 STKEET'S BRYAN BANNER. Another Bryan banner was floated in the Wall street district yesterday , close to the one put up by Richard Oroker at the corner of Rector street and Broad way. The new banner hangs across Wall street , from the United Bank building , at No. 2 , to the building at No. 7. On the banner , which attracted great attention as soon as it was up , are no portraits , but only these senti ments : "If there is any one who believes the gold standard is a good thing or that it must be maintained , I warn him not to cast his vote for me , because' I promise him it will not be maintained in this country longer than -I am able to get rid of it. " William Jennings Bryan , Knoxville , Tenn. , September , 1896. " "The party stands where it did in 1896 on the money question. " William Jennings Bryan , Zanesville , Ohio , Sep tember 4 , 1900. It was rumored at first that the ban ner had been floated by free silver men who did not relish the way Mr. Oroker had left out free silver when he con cocted his banner for Wall street. This was not so. Members of the New York stock exchange and the consolidated ex change who had noted the omission of Mr. Bryan's free silver views from the Broadway banner thought it best to remedy the omission. Earnest Groes- beck , a governor of the stock exchange , started the fund to buy the banner and a few of his friends completed the sub scription. Mr. Groesbeok , who super intended the raising of the banner , said : "I think it expresses the opinion of Wall street regarding Mr. Bryan's atti tude. That banner in Broadway hav ing somewhat omitted to mention money views , we thought it might be a good idea to bring them to the atten tion of the public. In ordering the banner I merely clipped out of the Evening Sun the quotations from Mr. Bryan's speeches that that newspaper has been printing each day at the head of its editorial page. " The hundreds of persons who saw the banner after it was floated were quick to see the point. Chicago Inter- Ocean. We are advised that the H. W. Johns Manufacturing Co. , of New York have secured a contract for supplying and applying their Asbestos Fire Felt Cov ering for the steam pipes , boilers and brine pipes at the Havana brewery , Havana , Cuba. We learn that they are sending skilled labor from New York to carry out their contract and it is the first instance of this kind that has come to our notice. There are a number of new power plants being constructed in Havana , and the H. W. Johns Manu facturing Oo. believe in being on the field with- their skilled labor and ma terials to insure their getting the work. JUST VANISHING. Ah I Where is summer ? 8ho was hero Just now with shimmering crown 1 Beyond the hill-top she is near ; Or in the corn-fields brown Where rustling plumes appear. This moment she was passing by , And glows of radiant haze And all the gayest tints that lie O'er coming Autumn's ways Shone out as she went by. Not far away the summer goes , Her voice with echoing calls Where'er the singing river flows , Where'er a flower falls , In each soft wind that blows. She loiters in the woodland's shade Where falling , fluttering leaves With scarlet fleck the peacefnl glade , Or out 'midst harvest sheaves , The summer may have strayed. Just on beyond the summer goes , And joys of beauteous days That reached the heart o'er breath of rose , Are vanishing in golden haze As smilingly she goes. MAUY FRENCH MOUTON. THE PASSING OF GEORGE FRED WIIXIAMS. The rebuke administered on Wednes day to George Fred Williams by the democrats of Worcester and the sur rounding ( /owns constituting the Third Congressional District [ by the renomi- nation of John R. Thayer , the demo crat who supported the Gold-Standard Act ] was severe and punitive. It sig nifies that the term of this swaggering , would-be boss of the democratic party in Massachusetts is coming to an end. It signifies further that the democrats of the state are in open revolt against having 16 to 1 made the shibboleth of party fealty hereafter. They never be lieved in it as a party , and fewer of them now believe in it than at any time since 1896. For its reafflrmation in the Ohicago platform they do not care a rap , and they will treat it with silent contempt or open indignity as circum stances may dictate. The passing of that doctrine of fraud and dishonor means the passing of George Fred Wil liams as the master of the democratic organization in this state. Boston Her ald ( Ind. ) Don't Be Deceived ! "Read all sides of the Money Ques tion before you vote. ' 'The Library of Live Questions , " ten books , 1452 pages , is what you need , Written by Republicans , Democrats , Popu lists and Socialists. Publisher's price $1.85 ; ours only $1. "Western Supply House , " Nebraska City , Neb. The Popular i Personally Conducted Excursions . .To. . Galifornia and Oregon. Special Attention Given to Ladles and Children Travel- They are well cared for by the Conductors who acing - ing Alone. company each of these excursions to California and Oregon , and passengers can depend upon receiving the most courteous treatment. The Conductors are all men of experience in excursion travel , and will see that the com fort of all patrons is carefully attended to. One of the Most Attractive Features of these Excursions There is a difference between the first and second- Is the Economy , class passage in railroad and sleeping car fares of nearly $25 per passenger. This sura can be saved by patronizing the Union Pacific Personally Conducted Excursions. ' The New Pullman Ordinary Sleeping Cars assigned to this service were built expressly to accommodate the excursion ists to California and Oregon. All are Lighted with the famous Plntsch Light , are well ventilated , have separate lavatories for ladies and gentlemen , and all cars are carpeted and upholstered , with moveable partitions separating the sections , thus insuring all the utmost privacy. No Smoking Is Allowed in the excursion cars , there being A Smoking Car provid ed for that purpose on the train. THE ABOVE EXCURSIONS LEAVE ST. PAUL , MINNEAPOLIS , AND CHICAGO EVERY THURSDAY , AND OMAHA EVERY FRIDAY. For full information call on your nearest agent or address E , L LOMAX , G , P , ft T , A , , Omaha , Neb ,