10 'Che Conservative.
picture. Every voter not deceived by
glittering phrases or blinded by parti
sanship knows that we would enter
upon its realization the day that Bryan's
election should be announced. Bryan's
purposes are clear , and their effect is
undoubted by many who are support
ing him. They merely hope that he
will not execute them. In 1896 Carl
Sohurz said that the price we would
pay for Bryan's election would be the
subversion of business and national
credit , indefinite industrial paralysis
and distress , ruthless spoliation of sav
ings , Increase of idle labor , and the cur
tailment of the value of wages. The
price we would pay now would be OP
much greater as we have more to lose.
The single issue is the cost to this conn-
try of Bryan's election. We refused it
to the greenback inflationists. Shall
we pay it to the silver inflationists of
Bryanism ? The Argonaut.
The executive committee of the Na
tional democratic committee have issued
the following address at Indianopolis :
To the National Democracy , the Gold
Democrats of the United States : Four
years ago your patriotic position saved
the country from the peril of Mr.
Bryan's election. Yon were not deceiv
* " vf'tt ' ed by the plea of regularity in his nomi
& nation. You saw him truly as the nom
inee of a combination which had taken
your party name to gild principles un
known to democracy.
You stood steadfastly by the financial
views and political philosophy of Jeffer
son , Jackson , Tilden and Cleveland. In
your national convention at Indianapo
lis you declared that you had "assem
bled to uphold the principles upon which
depend the honor and welfare of the
American people in order that the dem
ocrats throughout the Union may unite
their patriotic efforts to avert disaster
from their country and ruin from their
party. "
That convention said that "the demo
cratic party has survived many defeats ,
but could not survive victory won in
behalf of the doctrine and policy pro
claimed in its name at Chicago. "
You went firmly to your duty and did
it well , in the hope that there would be
no further attempt to use your party
name as a mask to the abhorrent prin
ciples advocated by Mr. Bryan. In his
defeat , his misled supporters wore ad
monished and chastened to an extent
which turned them away from the path
to which he allured them. The Kansas
City convention was adverse to reaffirmation -
ation of the Chicago platform , and a
majority of its delegates honestly hoped
to purge the party of the vicious heresies
which had lost it the respect and con
fidence of the country.
Alaska and Hiwrnll Determined the
But through the power of his organi-
zation and by reason of the hope of suc
cess , born in his nomination by the pop
ulists , Mr. Bryan prevailed against the
better judgment of the convention , com
pelled endorsement of the false doc
trines of 1806 , and by the votes of Alas
ka and Hawaii forced the specific re
statement of his dangerous and destruc
tive financial theory. Ho stands now ,
therefore , for all he advocated in 1806 ,
and , accepting the populist nomination ,
has added thereto the declaration in
favor of the unlimited issue of green
back currency.
He is pledged by his own declaration
to destroy the gold standard , to effect
Che free coinage of silver at the artificial
ratio of 16 to 1 , to the expulsion of both
gold and silver from the country by a
resumption of an issue of greenbacks , to
destruction of judicial independence
and revolution in the judicial tenure , tea
a system of direct legislation which
transfers lawmaking to the ballot box
and destroys our representative institu
tions , and to a change of the veto power
from the executive to the ballot box ,
removing one of the checks provided by
the Constitution and unbalancing the
system created by that instrument.
This assault upon the three coordin
ate branches of our government , if it
succeeds , will revolutionize and destroy
the whole system. What will follow is
already visible in his appeals to class
hatred , envy and prejudice. Since 1806
the National Democratic party has promoted
meted the purposes which then justi
fied its existence. We have urged and
accomplished legislation to strengthen
the gold standard. In that standard the
interest on the public debt has been re
duced to 2 per cent , and the national
credit has been so strengthened that our
2 per cent bonds are at a premium.
Private credit has felt the impulse of
this improvement.
Appeal to the Country.
The producing and wage-paying in
dustries of the country are promoted by
the command of abundant capital at the
lowest interest known in our history.
Cheap capital , represented in economy
of production , has opened the world's
markets to our surplus , and we hold
primacy in the world's trade. The gold
standard has transformed us from a
debtor to a creditor nation , and has
made the United States the clearing
house of the commercial world. It has
increased the consuming power of the
people by industrial restoration , and
has added value to the farm crops of
the country and to the land which pro
duces them. The further effect of the
gold standard is the ready employment
of American labor and payment of its
wages in the best money in the world.
The destruction of that standard , the
degradation of the public credit , the
paralysis of industry , the restriction of
commerce , increased cost of production ,
and descent to a paper basis , are the
disasters threatened by the election of
Mr. Bryan , and he is pledged to inflict
them on us as soon as he gets the power.
Ho seeks that power by an appeal to
the anti-expansion and anti-trust senti
ment of the people.
The difficulties of our external policy
were as unforeseen as their solution is at
present nnrevealod. The evil of trusts
has no party parentage , and will be
remedied by the combined intelligence
of our parties. Without minimizing
the perils of either , we affirm that no
greater evil can befall our government
than the impairment of its vigor , the
destruction of its credit , and the ruin of
our industries , which Mr. Bryan is spe
cifically pledged to effect if ho gets the
power. Therefore , we appeal to our
countrymen again to avert disaster
from their country by his defeat.
By Charles Tracy , Chairman.
dare to-day to
work for to-morrow are remembered
best. The trimmer and office-seeking
politician who complies with the seem
ing demands of the multitude and for
sakes convictions for expediences , is not
an upbuiider of either the material or
political welfare of the Republic. The
man whose whole record is of words ,
words , and void of deeds as the sea is of
dust , will be forgotten. But the man
who has acted and achieved will be re
membered and honored. When Bryan
shall be merely a shadow , incidental to
the current history of his time , Cleve
land will be defined and accentuated as
a statesman and a patriot , than whom
there is none better in our day and gen
Whether it will
, ,800 to 4,000.
pay to operate a
starch factory of a capacity for working
up only 2,800 bushels of corn a day , or
not , on the small margins of profits
upon which starch is now made , is a
serious question.
THE CONSERVATIVE believes that four
thousand bushels a day will pay and
that twenty-eight hundred will not pay.
The Argo should be enlarged [ or shut
down permanently ] if Bryan and Smyth
will permit. If Nebraska City wishes
the expansion of the factory to four
thousand bushels per day let it so vote.
organ of fusion
and Bryanarchy , confusion and anarchy
is edited by a "squaw man" who is now
indulging in his accustomed ghost dances.
These supernatural gymnastics and con
tortions in 1806 were bagun j ust before
the election and reached the paroxysmal
stage of ho-hysterics the day after the
election when , Bryan began to write
that great volume of forecasts , "The
First Battle. . "