Conservative. " ' " MORE MUD. ! against the starch factory at Nebraska Oity , Colonel Bryan referring for the second or third time , to the meeting which indignant citizens had held at the court house the Saturday previous , said : "What then was the purpose of the meeting ? It was for political purposes. " Colonel Bryan had no cause for mak ing BO false a statement , except that he reasoned from introspection. He knew perfectly well that the prosecution of the starch works was brought about for political purposes ; he knew the litiga tion instituted by Smyth under his ( Bryan's ) direction was entirely parti san. Looking in upon their own malig nancy , they presume that it is common to humanity generally , and therefore charge that "The republicans of this town thought that they could get behind the starch trust and thus elect men to office whenever never could be elected in the open. " Possibly this thought of raising a new issue and getting behind it was sug gested by the fact that "Imperialism" was put up as a new issue stalking horse behind which the free coinage of silver , at the ratio of 16 to 1 , was to be gotten into power. Colonel Bryan found at the election of 1896 that 16 to-1 advocates could "never be elected to office 'in the open. ' " Thus , again , the valorous soldier who never fought a bat tle , the statesman who never drafted a statute , the financier who never in vested a dollar in any industrial or other plant , the attorney who practiced law without a client , reasoned from intro spection. He got behind imperialism to hide 16-to-l. Times-H BRYAN'S DEAL , Jhe WITH CROKER.ald correspondent is able to state authoritatively and of his own knowledge the following facts concerning this bar gain which Mr. Stone , representing Mr. Bryan , made with Mr. Croker : 1. The deal was first discussed in de tail between Mr. Croker and William J. Stone when the latter spent a week or ten days in New York a month ago. 2. Mr. Stone reported Mr. Croker's terms to Mr. Bryan at a meeting in Chicago attended by Chairman Jones and Committeemeu Johnson and Oam- pau. 8. Upon his return to New York city with Mr. Bryan's approval of the deal Mr. Stone opened national headquar ters there and Mr. Croker began to raise'a campaign fund and talk for Mr. Bryan. 4. Mr. Oroker has promised to carry New York for Mr. Bryan. To do it he has agreed to raise a campaign fund of $2,000,000 , and he has promised to give $100,000 in cash to the democratic na tional committee. On his side Mr. Oroker is to receive the control of all federal patronage in New York Oity , and ho has the promise of the secretaryship of the navy for his bosom friend , former Senator Murphy , in the event of Mr. Bryan's election. G. The sole cause of Mr. Oroker's recent zeal for Mr. Bryan's election is the promise he has received of federal patronage in case of the latter's elec tion. If a man knew nothing of the facts in the deal between Messrs. Croker and Bryan he would nevertheless have little difficulty in making up his mind about the existence of such a deal from the change that has come over the political situation in New York Oity in the last few weeks. Mr Bryan re- NEBRASKA CITY STAKCH WORKS , cently talked about the starch factory in his state , which the Nebraska attorney general is trying to drive out of business , and he attempted to defend the action of the state officer and to maintain the superiority of small cor porations. He seems to think that there is a fundamental difference be tween the corporations doing a big busi ness and those doing a small business. The Nebraska Starch Company does not belong to a trust in the legal sense of the word. It is the property of a big starch manufacturing corporation , whose business is managed by the offi cers of that corporation. The attorney general is trying to prove that the for mer owners of the local company have violated a state law in selling their property to a larger corporation. Mr. Bryan may have satisfied himself and his audience , but he did not satisfy any one who knows what the National Starch Company is. Combination is always legal and has always been permitted , and was never opposed until men began to charge that what was harmless for a man owning $100- 000 was a crime when done by a man owning $10,000,000. The idea which lies at the basis of much of Bryanism is that the possession of wealth is a mis demeanor. The Bryanite program is , as Abram S. Hewitt said the other day , the revival of the ideas of the Jacobins of the French revolu tion , when monopoly was made a capital offense and when the state fixed a profit which a merchant or a manu facturer might make and when the prices at which commodities were to be sold were established by law and producers compelled to sell them at the fixed prices oven though such a course involved a loss. The legal prices were for the good of the state and the citi zen must be willing to sacrifice himself for the good of the state if necessary. The Jacobin program did not produce that heaven on earth which its advocates had predicted , and the normal laws of trade soon forced business into the old channels under the old principles. Mr. Bryan ought to know that no statute law can repeal the law of sup ply and demand and that it is impossi ble to enforce any statute which de prives a man of the right to sell that which is his own , or which can make it a crime for a man to buy with his own money that which is offered for sale. Brooklyn Eagle , October 2 , 1900. ' ADDING INSUI/T . TO INJURY.m hls speech at Nebraska City , on September 26th , referred to the great mass meeting of tax-payers , which had assembled the Saturday evening before and filled the court house for the pur pose of protesting against the malicious assault by the attorney general upon the starch works here , thus : "They called this a nonpartisan meeting. But this is a farce. It was a political meeting and meant for no other than political purposes. " Never before did a public man of note stand before a community which he and his party had endeavored to wrong and so wantonly insult its good judgment , its common sense , and impugn its pa triotism. More than four hundred names attached to the resolutions adopted by that meeting give the lie to Colonel Bryan's statement that it was a ' \ political meeting. " Moreover , their votes will next month , give the lie to his statement that it was a "farce. " The citizens and tax-payers then convened were in dead earnest. Instead of a "farce , " they were gathered together to prevent a tragedy. They were con voked for the purpose of protecting be tween 200 and 800 wage-earners and their families from the malignant par tisan prosecution of Smyth , Bryan & Co. Those men , in order to get votes for doctrines of free silver , populism and general economic depravity , brought the action to close the Argo starch fac tory in Nebraska City to injure the business interests of the whole commun ity , and to wreak partisan vengeance upon the gold bugs who built , control and operate those works. Colonel Bryan's oi ° . rrr against "mili tarism" is not rallying to his sup port the voters of foreign birth in such vast numbers as his optimistic nature had led him to believe. The reluctance of the German-American voter to fall in line is especially noticeable. He thinks and reasons just as any other in telligent being. He is not to be misled into endorsing hairbrained theories against which his conscience and judg ment rebel , in order to avoid dangers more imaginary than real , remote rather than immediate. They sensibly look upon the voluble utterances of the de-