The Conservative (Nebraska City, Neb.) 1898-1902, October 11, 1900, Page 15, Image 15
4 Conservative. 15 PERIODICAL ILIOUS ATTACKS " 1 am in my fiftu-th year and suffered for a long time from periodical bilious attacks.says Mrs. L. C. Dougherty , a purchasing a ent , liv ing at 301 Stevens St. , Camden , N. J , "About two months ago , after a very tiresome day's shopping , 1 came home sick and exhausted and my son insisted on my taking a Rip ins Tubule. It acted like magic and in a short time I felt re lieved and invigorated. Since then I have used a great many of them and am a firm believer in the remedy. I am not an advoca'e of patent medicines Generally and never wrote a testimonial before but 1 feel grateful for the benefit 1 have derived from ivipans. ft. There are so many things in their favor among them the convenient form , 'making them easy to carry in a pocketbook - book ) and the price , bringing them within the reach of all. WANTK.n A ease of bad health that B-1-P-A-N-S will got benefit. Tln-y banish pain and prolong life. One fire * r - lief. Note the word Il-1-P-A-NS on the package and ac cept no substitute. U-1-P-A-N-S. 10 for 0 cents , maybe ! * ! * be had at any drug store. Ten samples and one sssafe thousand testimonials will bo mailed to any u- dress for 5 cents , forwarded to Klpans Chemical Co. . No. 10 Bpruce St. , New York. MORTON PRINTING COMPANY , . South Sixth St. , NEBRASKA CITY , NEB. BANK , SOCIETY , COMMERCIAL , BOOK AND CATALOG PRINTING. H. W. JOHNS' Asbestos Roofings JPure Asbestos , JVo Coal Tar- , WATER AND ACID PROOF , REQUIRE NO COATING. One Quality. Many Styles. Low Prices. Application Simple & Inexpensive. Asbestos Roofings are Fully Guaranteed , , H. W. JOHNS M'F'C CO. , NEW YORK. CHICAGO. PHILADELPHIA. BOSTON. MAKERS OF Asbestos Materials. Liquid Paints and Stains , Pipe and Boiler Coverings , Electrical Materials. LATEST ISStTK. . on Tuesday , be- * ween sobs , said : ' - "As I pass along the street and as I ook into the faces of some of the care worn women who never get a chance to take a summer vacation at some pleasant watering place , I wonler how the bus- lands and sons of these women can find it in their hearts to support the policies which are to-day amassing great wealth in the hands of a few with a rapidity never before known in the history of the world. " THE WAT TO GO TO CALIFORNIA is in a tourist sleeper , personally con ducted , via the Burlington Route. You don't change cars. You make fast time. You see the finest scenery on the globe. Your car is not so expensively tur- nished as a palace sleeper , but it is just as clean , just as comfortable , just as good to ride in and nearly $20.00 cheaper. It has wide vestibules ; Pintsch gas and high back seats ; a uniformed Pullman porter ; clean bedding ; spacious toilet rooms ; tables and a heating range. Being strongly and heavily built , it rides smoothly ; is warm in winter and cool in summer. In charge of each excursion party is an experienced excursion conductor who accompanies it from Omaha right through to Los Angeles. Oars leave Omaha every Thursday afternoon , arriving San Francisco fol lowing Sunday , Los Angeles Monday. Only three days from the Missouri River to the Pacific Coast , including a stop-over of 1 } hours at Denver and 2i hours at Salt Lake Oity two of the most interesting cities on the continent. Write for folder giving full infer mation. J. FRANCIS , Qen'l Passenger Agent , Omaha Neb. . . . . KNOWN AJ THE GREAT .SOUTHWEST .SYSTEM CONNECTIMO THE COMMCH.CIAU CCNTCRJ AND R.ICM rAR.M.3 Or TMtt C.R.OAD COR.N AND WHEAT AND TMR.IVI/MO CITiej OP THE rfcttTIUIt RIVCR. VAUUCVJ , Ct-MTCR.J AND ROLLING PB.AIH.ltJ Or- NEBRAv5KA. THtQEAND PICTXJOtJQUC. AND CNCMANTINO JCtNCRY. ANOTTIC rAMOUJ MININO OUTRICTJOf * COLOFLADO. THE AQRICOLTOB.AU.rR.UIT.MINeR.At. AND TIMBER. LANDJ.ANO TA/AOUJ MOT JPRINOJ Or TMC : JUOAR. PLANTATIO/ AND > ' MMLOUil5YANA. Tne COTTON AND QR.AIN riCLOJ. THE CATTLE : R.ANOCJ AND WINTfcB. RCJOR.TJ OP HUTOR-ICAU. * S C CM 1C * OLD&NEW MEXICO. AND rORMJ WITH ITJ CONNtCTIONJ THB POPULAR. WINTER. ROUTC TO CALIFORNIA. COR. oejcniPTive AND ILLUJTRATCD PAMPMLCTJ. LAND rOLDCRJ. CTC..AODRCU OMPAHTi AOEMU.OR H.C.TOWN END.oua M umMT. JT.LOUU t , W