12 The Conservative. DESIGNATED DEPOSITARY OF THE UNITED STATES. J3g if 1 ; % i National Bank of the Republic SI r OF CHICAGO. OJVJB MILLION DOLLARS. . JjOH-N- . 'LYNCH , President. W. T. FENTON , Vice President and Cashier. Jj H. CAMERON and H. R. KENT , Asst. Cashiers. R. M. McKINNEY , 2d Asst. Cashier. | AIR. BRYAN TO MR. GAGE. | Here and there a Bound-money paper still insists.oil rising to inquire if Mr. Bryan is going to answer the question of Secretary Gage whether he would , if elected , do his utmost to put the United States on a silver basis by paying the obligations of the government in silver coin. coin.What What is the sense in this reiteration ? Mr. Bryan has made answer to the question. . In his letter of acceptance he said : " "The ratio of 16 to 1 is not only the ratio now existing between all the gold and silver dollars in circulation in this country , a ratio which even the republi can administration has not attempted to change , but it is the only ratio advo cated by those who are seeking to re open the mints. Whether the senate , now hostile to bimetallism , can be changed during this campaign or the campaign of 1902 , can only be deter mined after the votes are counted , but neither the present nor the future political complexion of congress has prevented or should prevent an an nouncement of the party's position upon this subject in equivocal terms. " This party position to which allusion is made in these cunning words is noth ing more nor less than the free and unlimited coinage of silver at the ratio of 16 to 1. 1C is the issue of 1896 , in the same old form. It may be smothered under a mass of cunning circumlocution such as a master of the art of saying one thing and meaning another -may easily employ , but it is out of sight for the moment only. The sacred cause of silver is just where and just what it was in 1896 , and so it is with Mr. Bryan. He i. seeking to keep the main point at issue in his campaign out of sight until he has the voter safely impaled , but the man who uses his good sense for even a little bit , will not fail to see the hook. It is very thinly baited with very cheap stuff , and the man who is deceived thereby is not wise. It is free silver this year as it was four years ago , and the interests , and the liberties , and the high considerations that were menaced by that proposition then are in the same peril today. Why should Mr. Bryan make a cate gorical reply to the question of Secre tary Gage ? Hasn't he , in good conscience , made answer enough ? Do the business interests of the country want anything more to the point than that quoted above ? Davenport Iowa Democrat. t * Incorporated 1849. Charter Perpetual. SPRINGFIELD Fire and flarine Insurance Co. * Of Springfield , Mass. Annual Statement , January ist , 1900. Cash Capital , - - $1,500,000.00 Reserve for Re-Insurance , - 1,476,584.27 Reserve for all unsettled Claims , 245,262.45 NET SURPLUS , - - 1,685,092.34 TOTAL ASSETS , - $4.906,939-06 The Springfield has continuously transacted business for fifty years , and has disbursed for losses over $26,000,000. It has borne its share of the burdens imposed by the great conflagra tions at Troy in 1862 , Portland in 1866 , Chicago in 1871 , and Boston in 1872. It is one of only three fire insurance companies that have been repre sented in Chicago continuously since 1851. It has never failed to promptly meet its just obligations with 100 cents on the dollar. It stands today in the front rank among American underwriting insti tutions. It insures against fire , lightning and tornadoes , and has agencies in all prominent localities throughout the United States. A. J. HARDING , Manager , Western Department , Chicago , 111. N. S. HARDING , State Agent , Nebraska City , Neb.