The Conservative (Nebraska City, Neb.) 1898-1902, October 11, 1900, Page 11, Image 11
13be Conservative * 11 production for any considerable length of time , and so long as production is not- reduced the laboring man is not in jured. The object of the combination is to get more business , and not less , as well as to save expense. More than this , under centralized management , when demand slackens , an adjustment of labor can be BO arranged that com plete idleness never results to all , as fol lows in the case of smaller concerns with a lessened volume of business. It is the cheapened cost of the production of the individual article that brings it into more general use , makes requisite the employment of moie labor , and adds to the wealth of the nation. And unless the combination is able to furnish to the consumer an article equally good at a lessened cost the plant which is outside of it will make impossible the swallow ing up of all the business in the line in which engaged. I submit that if com bination of capital neither fixedly in creases the price to the consumer , nor diminishes the number of laborers , nor the amount of wage , it cannot be either a menace to society or a detriment to the public good. Money the Issue. "Mr. talk anti Bryan may imperialism - ism , " said Mr. Eckels , "but back of it all is his free coinage of silver purposes. He may denounce trusts , but his acts in office will be in the interests of silver. His expression of sympathy with the Boers is but a subterfuge to make the voter think less upon a debased cur rency. Whatever his words may be now , his acts will , if once given an elec tion , accord with the wishes of those who first made him a possibility in the country's political annals. "It will not do for the country to lull itself into a supposed security from all danger on this score because Mr. Bryan has seen fit to cease talking on the money question or because we have had some financial legislation. The people must not flatter themselves that Mr. Bryan or those with whom he counsels have changed their views on this subject. Mr. Bryan has not and he will not. He has found it politic for the present to only conceal his erroneous views. Who forgets that he was the strenuous advo cate of silver until he had gotten through with the populist and silver conventions ? If he no longer talks it he still , notwithstanding such fact , enter tains and stands for it. " IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNI TED STATES FOR THE DISTRICT OF NEBRASKA. In the matter of Rebecca Chatter ton , bank rupt. In bankruptcy case No. 503. To the creditors of the aforesaid bankrupt : You are hereby notified that on the 1st day of October , A. D. 1000 , the bankrupt herein , Rebecca Chatter ton , filed with the clerk of said court her petition for discharge from her provable debts ; and that a hearing will be had on said petition at the office of the un dersigned , Referee in Bankruptcy , at Nebraska City , Nebraska , upon the 80th day of October , A. D 1000 , at 11 o'clock a m. , at which time you may appear and show cause , if any you nave , wny the prayer of said petition should not be granted. Dated at Nebraska City , Nebraska , this Oth day of October , A. D. 1000. 1000.JAS. JAS.V. . EATON , Referee in Bankruptcy. . * Parched Rolled Oats * "QUAIL BRAND" mark a great advance In the character of Breakfast foods , having that Tine , fresh , fruity flavor. which has so long been sought for. USB QUAlb ROL.I.BD OATS and you'll pronounce your Breakfast a success , the Deli cious , Healthful Oats bringing harmony of body and mind. USE ONLY Parched Rolled Oats. "Quail Brand. " OBTAINABLE OF PROGRESSIVE GROCERS. MANUFACTURED BY Nebraska City Cereal Mills , NEBRASKA CITY , NEBRASKA. I Support I Yourself While Learning a Profession Building erected and occupied by | ? The International Correspondence Schools. Our now circular will show a way for you to cnrn a ( rood salary in a pleasant position while learning the profession of your choice. As you learn more you will earn more. The circular is free. You can become a MechaniceJ Engineer Electrician Architect 800,000 * tndcntn and graduate * In Mo < chnnlcal , Electrical , Steam , Cltll nnd Min ing Engineering ! Architecture ! Drawing and Resigning ; ClicmUtry ; Telegraphy ; Telephony ; ( Stenography ; nook-fcccplnrc ; Engllnh Rrnnchcu. When writing state sub ject in which interested. IHTERMATIONAL CQGRESPOHDENCE SCHOOLS , Established 1801. Capital $1,600,000. Box 12 ! G , SCUAXTOX , PA. Speaking of Block Signals. "The New York Central has , firstly , the interlocking system , and superadded - added to this , secondly , the union of the lock and block system ( Syke's ) . " Extract from an address of Mr. John P. O'Donnell , the English ex pert on block signals , before the American Society of Civil Engineers. si' BROWNVILLE , NEB. Declining years and consequent inability to give required attention , alone prompts offer to sell. There is nothing better in the West. Located immediately on the west bank of the Missouri River , 24 miles north of Kansas and Nebraska state line and 14 miles south of the Iowa and Mis souri state line. Particulars address , ROBT. W. FURNftS , Brownvllle , Neb.