The Conservative (Nebraska City, Neb.) 1898-1902, October 04, 1900, Page 6, Image 6

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world will miss him. It has need of
more iiiou of his strong and standfast
typo , bat the world has the satisfaction
of knowing that he did a largo work aud
did it well. Davenport Damoorat.
We are told that Bryan will not do
any mischief if he is elected because he
will not have congress back of him ; that
even if Congress should bo democratic
ho couldn't control it couldn't do with it
as he did with the Kansas City conven
tion. Wo are told tbnt the tariff will not
be disturbed and that the sound money
democrats in congress will tie Bryan's
hands and feet on the free silver
If all this bo true what's the use of
making any change. If Brynn can't
disturb the tariff , bring about free coin
age of silver , and haul down the flag in
the Philippines , what's the use of going
to the bother of electing him ? He
doesn't really need the salary of the
office , for ho makes good money de
livering his lectures , and as for the
honor of the position , he has had as
much of that as is good for him.
The election of Mr. Bryan would
make the greater part of the trouble
that would be inevitable long before ho
assumed the office. Industry would bo
chocked instantly. Distrust would re
appear everywhere. People would re
sume hoarding. Labor would become
idle again. Nobody would build any
more factories. Nobody would invest
money in productive enterprises. Stag
nation would be upon the country in a
very little while. Until the people
learned what Mr. Bryan's policy would
do to establish conditions , they would
hold on to their money ; that's certain.
It is conceded , we believe , that Mr.
Bryan doesn't pretend to be able to
make times any better unless he can
open the mints. But it is claimed that
he will not make them any worse. But
is it worth while to run the risk of his
being mistaken about his prowess in this
regard ? Ha was egregiously mistaken
about the practicability of the tariff aud
distressingly mistaken in his prophecies
concerning the gold standard. Mistaken
about these two important matters and
being fallible he may be mistaken about
not making times any worse than they
are now. He might mean to help sus
tain good times , but his election would
so demoralize business that years would
be required in which to restore it to its
normal size.
We are getting along tolerably well ,
all things considered , and whether our
prosperity is dispensed by Providence or
by confidence and a good government , it
would be folly to make a change just
for the sake of a change. It would be
unwise to hazard an experiment just to
gratify the ambition of a clever man to
be president. Detroit Journal.
Wo have had occasion to refer to many
of the militant expressions of ministers
of the gospel as to the Chinese troubles.
As a rule these expressions have favored
force and bloodshed , war and its horrors ,
as missionary efforts , necessary to open
the Orient gates to Christianity. Wo
have felt , earnestly , that such a policy
is antagonistic to the spirit and teach
ings of Christianity. It is true that
they have some warrant in Jewish
history and the stories of the old Testa
ment , originating when Jehovah was a
tribal God , differing from other tribal
gods in being greater than they. But
in the teachings of Christianity the law
of an eye for an eye and a tooth for a
tooth disappears not only , but is
reprobated and superseded by a gospel
based primarily upon nonresistance and
teaching that evil must be requited with
This philosophy was in the world be
fore the events which fill the new testa
ment and make the body of Christian
doctrine had occurred. It was taught
by Buddha , Confnscius and by the
Roman bondman , Epictetus. The morals
aud ethics and the religion of com
passion , which have gentled the rude
spirit of man , were early among men.
Christianity revived them , spiritualized
them , gave them a metaphysical basis ,
and made them an enduring force in the
world , refined of all the dross of selfish
ness and passion. As we have been
taught , and today understand , this is
that Christianity which has wrought out
in many nations.
But the spirit shown by the ordained
class among us and by the missionaries
in many cases is something widely
different , and the nations concerned are
confronted with the inquiry whether
they have any function in its propaga
Opposed By ChalTeo.
The Associated Press announces that
the American general , Chaffee , is
opposed to the outrages and the looting
at Tientsin and Peking , saying he "could
not have believed that any city would
ever be given over so completely to
looters , " and he earnestly desired the
co-operation of any nation to prevent
this. That is the feeling aud opinion of
a soldier and man of war.
The same dispatch says : "On the
other hand , the missionaries complain
because the sacred city has not been
looted also. "
Now , the sacred city is the inner one
of the series of cities of which Peking is
composed. It is the holy of holies. It
is to them more than the threshing floor
of Oman , the Jebusite , was to the Jews.
They believe that it is under super
natural guard. It is piled high with
treasure. The missionaries , unlike the
soldier , want it looted. They want its
treasure for the spoil of the Christian.
They are promoters of an act repugnant
3 . . - * ' \ ? " * * fl * ' 'V e tf'
to the laws of war , offensive to the true
soldier , revolting to morals , aud they
are the teachers of Christianity to the
heathen !
Surely it is time to rewrite the Sermon
on the Mount , that it may not rebuke
those who profess Him that preached it.
Lot it read :
"Blessed are the numorcifnl , for they
shall obtain mercy. "
"Blessed are the strife-makers for
they shall bo called the children of God.
"Therefore , if thou bring thy gift to
the altar , and there rememberest that
thy brother hath aught against thee ,
leave then thy gift before the altar , go
thy way , first smite thy brother , bruise
him from crown to sole , take from him
purse and script , and then come and
offer thy gift.
"Ye have heard that it hath been said
an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth ,
but I say unto you resist evil with
evil , and whosoever shall smite thee on
the right oheek smite thou him also.
"I say unto you hate your enemies ,
curse them that curse yon , do evil to
them that hate you.
"Therefore all things whatsoever you
would that men should not do unto yon ,
do then unto others. "
The beautitudes must be reversed to
fit the cult of the missionaries. Chapters
of the Koran must be transplanted into
the New Testament , and the religion of
mercy and compassion , represented by
the beaming face of the Madonna , must
be transformed to one that forgives not
its enemies , that loots and murders , and
the goddess Bellona must be placed in
its temples to typify its spirit.
Americans Did Not Join.
The authentic reports from China not
from Chinese but American sources , and
from soldiers at that confirm the news
of the awful outrages committed by the
sacramental armies of the Christian
nations. To the honor of our service ,
Americans have had no part in these
crimes. The Buddhist warriors of
Japan have also acquitted themselves
with conspicuous honor in the same
matter. General Fukushima , the
mikado's field marshal in command in
China , has reported to General Chaff ee
the most sickening and appalling out
rages , crimes unspeakable , bestial and
beyond belief , committed upon hundreds
of helpless Chinese women by the
anointed troopers of the Czar. Cleaving
and quartering the deflowered bodies of
these poor creatures has been the sport
of the soldiery. And the missionaries
stand crying , "To that add the loot of
the' sacred city ! " They rebuke our high
hearted Ohaffee , when he appeals to any
nation represented there by soldiers to
join him in ending the crimson carnival ,
and only Japan responds 1
It is our fear that these things foretell
the downfall of what has been called
and practiced as Christianity. The
theory of Christianity does not appear