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About The Conservative (Nebraska City, Neb.) 1898-1902 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 4, 1900)
Conservative < _ i'jj".v. * fe jv - ' f v i-S ' * * ' - v'A ? ; Gloss Starch \ \ Is the whitest , purest and strongest of all Starches ; is peculiarly adapted to fine Fabrics and Laces , and gives to all Clothes a beautiful , snow-white Satiny Finish that is so much desired and admired. A Pure Starch is a White Starch , and a White Starch ( being. pure ) is a Strong Starch. Starch satisfies every demand , causes no injury , and is perfect for all uses. is pocked in all styles and sizes of packages and can be obtained of all Leading Grocers. national Starcl ) Companp , NEBRASKA CITY , NEB. r - ! Everybody Likes a Good Bargain The best bargain in railroad travel at present is a personally conducted excursion to Cali fornia by the Santa Fe Route. Excellent accommodations and reliable personal escort without extra charge. Three times a week from Chicago and Kan sas City. Ask for full details. * T. A. GRADY , Manager California TourlHt Service , The Atchison , Topeka & Santa Fe Railway Co. , 109 Adams St. , Chicago. ' 15L tf * WEARE COIHMISSION COMPANY/ Grains , Provisions , Stocks and Bonds , Old Colony Building. CHICAGO. Morton Printing Company , Printers , Publishers. A REAL , CRAPHOPHOHE FOR - Simple Clockwork Motor , tiechaniMi Visible , Durable Co - structio * . ( NO BOTHER , MUCH FUR All the Wonders and Pleasures of HigbPricedTalkinMachine. . 4 iThen accompanied by a Recorder this l Graphophone can be used to make Reords. . Price with Recorder. $7. BO. Reproduces all the standard Records. Send order and money to our nearest office , ( COLUMBIA PHONOGRAPH co.oept so NEW YORK , . I I43-U5 Broadway. V CHICAGO , 88 Wabash Avc. ' rr. LOUIS , 720-722 Ohve St. ' / WASHINGTON , 919 Pennsylvania An. PHILADELPHIA , 1032 Chestnut St. BALTIMORE , 10 E. Baltimore St. , BUFFALO , 313 Mam St. SAN FRA N CISCO , 135 Geary St. PARIS , 34 Boulevard des italtens. ERLIN , 55 Kronenstrasse. V Blend most softly and play most effectively over a festive scene when thrown by candles. ' The light that heightens beauty'scharm.that gives the finishing touch to the draw ing room or dining room , is the mellow glow of CORDOVA WAX CANDLES Sold in all colors and shades to harmonize with any interior hang * ings or decorations. For * ! vr