The Conservative (Nebraska City, Neb.) 1898-1902, October 04, 1900, Page 10, Image 10

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10 Conservative.
I { thus'elects him the'boss' ofTamman3
{ will be supreme not only iu the distribu
tion of patronage in the state of Ne'w
; York but in the decision of all question ?
concerning the state and city In which
; itho general government may bo in-
terested. It is said , probably with truth
' that Oroker will have a representative
, in tlio cabinet , but that will count for
little with him as compared with the
control of the custom-house. If ho can
select the collector and other officers of
' the chief port of the United States he
need ask no more of fortune.
Crulcor Appointees.
1 The men whom Oroker would select
< to manage the custom-house would have
the same sensitive and delicate feelings
and the same scrupulous consideration
for public interests which Oroker him
self has exhibited in public matters.
Saoh men , worthy successors of Swart-
wont and Hoyt , who , under Jackson
and Van Buren , defrauded the govern
ment at New York , would sit at the re
ceipt of customs at the gateway of the
continent , putting valuations on goods
. and collecting duties. It is no wonder
that Mr. Oroker is enthusiastically in
favor of Bryan , who is to give him con
trol of the custom-house and an im
perial revenue.
It is a question whether the votera of
New York will view with complacency
this alliance which has been entered into
between Candidate Bryan and a man of
Oroker's antecedents. Perhaps the mer
chants of Now York City and of the
United States generally will wake up
when they understand what the election
of Bryan , through the alliance with the
most corrupt politician in the United
States , will mean to them. Decent
voters throughout the United States
must be driven away from Bryan when
they .learn that to raise money with
which to elect him assessments are to be
levied on dives , saloons , slums and places
of doubtful repute in New York Oity.
Vice is to supply Mr. Bryan with a cam
paign fund. Money from that source
will be far more tainted than any con
tributed by corporations or. trusts.
- . . " , ' " ' - < T' ' ' , , / " '
„ t
f " ? Bryan RatlfleJ rTtenty lyith Broker.
Mr. Bryan has perhaps committed the
most fatal blunder of his whole cam
paign iu rushing to New York to ratify
his treaty with Oroker and make
arrangements to carry the state with his
aid. Mr. Bryan will set all New York
iii rebellion and solidify the opposition
throughout the rest of the North. ' It
has been apparent for some time that
Bryan has no principles. His erratic
campaign has showed that. He has
jumped from free silver to imperialism ,
and from imperialism to trusts , drop
ping one issue after another as he saw
there was nothing to be made out of
them. As the conclusive proof of lack
of principle he has thrown himself into
the arms of the imperialist Oroker and
asks-from him the vote of Now York ,
to bo obtained by Mr. Oroker's favorite
methods of bribery , violence and fraud ,
Mr. Bryan has clasped hands with the
most unscrupulous and dishonest oi
Americans. The fluent denouncer oi
"imperialism" has agreed to hand ovei
the federal patronage in New York to
the arch representative of that domestic
imperialism which is to bo feared the
most that imperialism best known in
New York , but not unknown in other
'cities , which means corruption and debasement -
basement of the suffrage and the
plunder of property-owners by ruthless
politicians of the baser sort. Chicago
In his apology for his attitude on the
question of ratifying the recent treaty
of Paris , Mr. Bryan says that he "be
lieved it better to ratify the treaty and
end the war , release the volunteers ,
remove the excuse for war expenditures
and then give * the Filipinos the inde
pendence which might ba forced from
Spain by a new treaty. " It is apparent
that Mr. Bryan did not foresee or expect
that the Filipinos would signify their
disapproval of the action of our nation
by firing on our troops while the treaty
was still under discussion. The treaty
was ratified by the senate on the 6th of
February , 1899 , the Tagals made their
first attack upon our forces. Mr. Bryan
thought the ratification of the treaty
would put an end to fighting , enable the
volunteers to return to their homes and
remoye the necessity for war expendi
tures. As a matter of fact it resulted
merely in the substitution of the Filipi
nos for the Spaniards as our adversaries
in the field , and remove the theater of
war from Ouba to the Island of Luzon.
Mr. Bryan is not tp be blamed for his
laok of foresight and of understanding
of the situation in the Philippines. We
should like to know , however , how he
would have regarded the treaty had he
suspected that its ratification would not
result in peace , that our soldiers would
bo sacrificed npon the field of battle
despite its provisions , and that our
treasury would be required tofoot - the
bills almost as-though the senate had
rejected , it. . Our curiosity upon this
point is not an illo one by any means.
In his reasons for advising the ratifica
tion of the treaty Mr. Bryan , after enu
merating the blessings that would
accrue to our nation through the restora
tion of peace , said ' 'And then give the
Filipinos the indepencence , " etc. The
cessation of hostilities , the release of
the volunteers , and the cutting off of
war expenditures seem to have been
regarded by him as conditions precedent
to the granting of independence to the
natives of the Philippines. If they were
so regarded , Mr. Bryan is bound to
concede that events protest against be
stowing liberty upon the Filipinos. If
they were not so regarded his apology is
clumsily conceived and awkwardly ex
Mr. McKinley's policy , as outlined
in his recent speech and letter of
acceptance , arid Mr. Bryan's , as above
defined , differ in this respect only : after
the restoration of reaco Mr. MoKinley
would give the Filipinos a reasonable
measure of self-government , while Mr.
.Bryan would grant them independence.
That is the plain deduction from the
words employed by them respectively.
Mr. Bryan would doubtless protest I
against putting such construction on his
language. Wo will grant that on this
occasion , as.on many others , he was
talking at random and did not moan
what ho eaid. What then is the pro
gram which he has in mind respecting
the inhabitants of our distant archipelago
pelage ?
Mr. Bryan's'purpose is expressed in
his speech of acceptance as follows :
- ' 'If elected I will convene congress in
extraordinary session as soon as inaugu
rated and recommend an immediate
declaration of the nation's purpose , first ,
to establish a stable form of government
in the Philippine islands , just as we are
now establishing a stable form of gov
ernment in Ouba ; second , to give independence - !
pendence to the Filipinos just as wo *
have promised to give independence to lt
the Cubans ; third , to protect the Filipi
nos from outside interference while they
work out their destiny just as we have
protected the republics of Central and
South America and are by the Monroe j
doctrine pledged to protect Cuba. " |
The expression of the nation's purpose
to establish a stable form of government
in the Philippines would be a work of
supererogation. The present adminis
tration has not only announced that
purpose , but it has adopted the only
practical means of putting it into effect.
The Philippine commission is clothed
with ample powers and the President's /
instructions to it under date of April 7 , , ' |
1900 , disclose a well-considered plan of i 1
government to be put into operation as I
soon as possible. In Mr. McKiuley's J
opinion the establishment of a stable
form of government involves the neces
sity of subduing those who seek by force
of arms to prevent our nation from tak
ing any action in the premises. It is
very doubtful if civil government can be
permanently established in the Philip
pines until Aguinaldo and his Tagals
have been beaten into a proper frame of
mind. There is a possibility , of course ,
that the mere expression of our purpose
to give the Filipinos independence ,
would result in the immediate cessation
of hostilities and remove the obstacles
that now lie thickly in our path ; but
there is no certainty that such a thing
would happen. Suppose the Filipinos
should declare their opposition to the
plan which Bryan outlines ! Suppose
ihey should refuse to permit our inter
ference in the matter and should assert
their unalterable determination to estab- v