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About The Conservative (Nebraska City, Neb.) 1898-1902 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 13, 1900)
Che Conservative. VOL. III. NEBRASKA CITY , NEB. , THURSDAY , SEPT. 13 , 1900. NO. 10. PUBLISHED WEEKLY. OFFICES : OVERLAND THEATRE BLOCK. J. STERLING MORTON , EDITOR. A JOURNAL DEVOTED TO THE DISCUSSION OT POLITICAL , ECONOMIC AND SOCIOLOGICAL QUESTIONS. CIRCULATION THIS WEEK 8,000 COPIES. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. One dollar and a half per year , in advance , postpaid , to any part of the United States or Canada. Remittances made payable to The Morton Printing Company. Address , THE CONSERVATIVE , Nebraska City , Neb. Advertising Rates made known upon appli cation. Entered at the postofflce at Nebraska City Neb. , as Second Class matter , July 20th , 1898. Th6 A CURRENCY . HUMBUG. form at Kansas City upon which Bryan and Stevenson were nominated , among other economic heresies , talks of "the sovereign right of the national government to issue all money , whether coin or paper. " To an original green- backer like Stevenson that may seem sound doctrine. But there is no political economist of admitted prominence who does not denounce that sort of twaddle as humbuggery of the rankest kind. "The sovereign right of the national government to issue all" quart measures , peck measures , half bushel and bushel measures is equal to its "sovereign right" to issue all measures of value. Its "sovereign right" to own and con trol all lines of transportation and all plants of manufacture is equally clear with "the sovereign right" decreed from Lincoln and adopted and proclaimed from Kansas City. * "I.OCAI , ADVERSITY. ADVERSITY.and the hundreds of operatives employed in her industrial plants understand the causes of business conditions in this propinquity. Accord ing to Bryan and his disciples , whenever never caused a new engine , new mach inery and new capital to combine here or elsewhere to propagate prosperity these are dreary times and adversity and despair cover us like a garment. The Cereal mills in Nebraska City and they were not built by sixteen to one lunatics have on a gold basis paid for one million , seven hundred and fifty- three thousand bushels of corn since 1897. The dollars paid for it in gold or its equivalent were four hundred and nineteen thousand , four hundred and eight and three cents over. In the same period of distress and local depression the same plant paid for one million , fifty-two Outs. , , . . . thousand , eight hundred and thirty-eight bushels of oats the sum of two hundred and fifty-two thousand , one hundred and thirty-three dollars and seventy-three cents. Daring the same time the same mills paid out for coal consumed in grinding up corn and oats grown by the poverty-stricken yeomanry of Nebraska , twenty-two thousand , seven hundred and ninety-six dollars and seventy-five cents. In the same plant the wages paid out were on the diabolical and infamous standard-conspiracy basis ninety- three thousand , seven hundred and seventy-one dollars. This was paid to about one hundred persons. The money brought into and paid out at Nebraska City by this plant in three years was more than one million of dollars. These adversities and oppressions have been brought to Nebraska City by the damnable gold standard democrats and gold standard republicans whom Bryanarchy and its organs asperse and condemn. They will be quieted after the malcontents get control of the gov ernment and destroy the gold standard as Bryan has promised and still promises to destroy it as soon as he can get the power to destroy. To put down your best industries vote for Bryan. To dry up the sources of prosperity in Nebraska , support the vagaries , socialism , communism and an archy. To stop the hum of contented industry , to silence the hustling activities of the great factories and mills which are furnishing markets for home prod ucts and wages for home muscle and mind , vote for Bryan whose fame and fortune are evolved of cant , demagogy , and constant candidature. Hall .Tammany A DESPOTISM. . is a municipal des potism. It is the best organized gang of pirates on earth. It is commanded by Richard Oroker. He names the subor dinate officers and throughout the great city of New York dictates all sorts of appointments for those who have sworn allegiance to the savages of Tammany and all their methods of invading and looting the public treasury. Neither in 1884 , in 1888 nor in 1892 did Tammany Hall and its head men , braves and chiefs , support Qrover Cleveland for the presidency. They fought him bitterly. But Oroker and all the metropolitan barbarians under him are declared to be unanimously for Bryan. Thus the only king , the only imperial despotism in the United States is for anti-imperialism. Bah ! HARD TIMES. , from 1893 to 1896 , inclusive , the mortgages upon real estate , filed in Otoe county , aggregated the snug sum of $459,000. Those we called "hard times. " Some statesmen say we have no better times today than we had then , and that , while there is some seeming prosperity , there is no real pros perity. Bat Otoe county in the year 1897 and up to the present date in 1900 has paid ± 1 that I459 > ; 000 the sum of $401,000. Ninety-nine thousand dollars of this money was paid daring the first seven months of the present year of grace 1900. If prosperity in Nebraska which is only "seeming" pays off ninety-nine thousand dollars of real estate mortgage indebtedness in seven months , how long would it take real" prosperity to pay off all debts and purchase , O. O. D. , the adjoining states of Missouri , Iowa , Kansas and Dakota ? Neither Mr. NOT YET. Cleveland nor Mr. Carlisle nor Mr. 'Harmon , nor Mr. La- inont has yet given in his adhesion to Bry anarchy 'and arrayed himself in sackcloth and ashes , the livery prescribed for returning recusants by Ool. Bryan. One of the cutest and pertest pieces of political impertinence and presumption That tetter. . _ , perpetrated . . . by Ool. Bryan is his open letter to Qrover Cleveland , dated at Omaha , April 18 , 1805. The "peerless prophet" says , in that epistle to President Cleveland : "Your opponents are in favor of the free and unlimited coinage of silver bullion into dollars , each containing 412 grains of standard silver ; are you in favor of this ? " When Grover Cleveland answers that in the affirmative he will become an ardent advocate of Bryanarohy. Then he will vote the populist ticket.