Conservative * against Russia , Austria and Italy ; to Greece against the unspeakable Turk , to Turkey as against all Europe ; and to China to protect Manchuria against Russia in short , to the whole world ; it being not yet too late to embrace within the Monroe doctrine the failing cause of the Boers. There is no limit to the foreign com plications and the imperialism to which Mr. Bryan's use of the Monroe doctrine would lead. Suppose the Filipinos get into war with Japan and are conquered , after giving just cause of war. Japan would claim the rights of conquest. Then we must go to war with Japan , with the "Monroe doctrine" nailed to the masthead , to preserve Philippine independence. To call such a scheme nonsense does not fit the occasion. The scheme is full of actual , perpetual , enor mous danger. It departs as far from Washington's admonition and from the Monroe doctrine as the Ohioago plat form departs from the principles of Jef ferson , Bentou , Jackson , Cleveland , Tilden and Bayard. The initial point of departure in the discussion of this subject is at the word "independence" . I am not arguing against Philipp } ' a independence. I do not pretend to foresee the outcome. But I see only three possible solutions. Either those islands will remain under the political sovereignty of the United States , with a territorial government , as any other territory not admitted as a state , or they will ultimately be admitted as a state , or they will be granted inde pendence. With their independence granted our military forces , our flag , our protectorate should be withdrawn. Otherwise the Filipinos will not be working out their own destiny. There would be no necessity for withdrawing the Monroe doctrine. It never went there. Some candidates for the presidency have been better , politically safer , than the declaration of principles or policies formulated by the party conventions which nominated them. Mr. Bryan's platforms are bad enough , but the can didate is worse. For the present purpose it will be assumed that Mr. Bryan is absolutely sincere and politically honest. That would make his election a much greater danger than if he were only a clever demagogue playing on passion , discon tent and ignorance for the purpose ol vote catching. He has given snfflcienl proof of a willful and imperious temper. An Unbalanced Mind. His wanton affront to a gentleman and to all democrats who had dissented from the popnlistio departure of 1896 , in answer to an official invitation to a political dinner , and his singularly in discreet meddling in the Kentucky con test of 1890 , against the advice of dis oreet and conservative democrats of that state , are striking admonitions of his mental and emotional make-up. If the relations between the executive and the egislative departments of the govern ment , and if our relations with foreign countries are to be expressed in the style of the letter to Mr. Belmont , neither nterual harmony nor external peace will bo long secure. If great ) olitical functions are to be discharged n the feeling that prompted Mr. Bryan to congratulate the Kentucky legislature on the fact that it was of a particular mrtisan complexion , that body then jeing about to enter upon the discharge of a very grave constitutional duty , a function at least semi , if not wholly , iudicial in its nature , and in the dis charge of which a decision igreeable to Mr. Bryan could not be rendered with out overriding the choice of a majority of the people of Kentucky as duly ascertained and certified by a board of officers , a majority of whom were dem ocrats , then indeed it may bo asked whether in his view partisan ends are not more sacred than the right of self- government by majorities. The final determination of that great litigation is not here criticised. The decision of the supreme court of the United States that it had no jurisdiction to review and reverse the decision of the court of ap peals of Kentucky was right. And in view of the provision of the constitution of Kentucky that the legislature should be the tribunal to decide finally such contests , it is not perceived how the court of appeals of Kentucky could do otherwise than to follow the decision of the legislature and accept it as1 final , though it may have been purely partisan and against the evidence. It was Mr. Bryan's method and style of treating the question that illustrates his alarming nnfitness to have a controlling influence in any great public emergency. Dangerous , if Sincere. And why would he , as president , be more dangerous , if honestly earnest , than if he were a mere clever political intriguer ? Because most men , even conscious demagogues , when actually clothed with office and power and con fronted with responsibility , are toned down and made more cautions , prudent and conservative by a sense of that responsibility. Mr. Bryan's narrowness of view and fierceness of will would drive him all the more irresistibly , for being politically sincere , to the accom plishment of his wishes and the fulfill ment of all his promises. What are those wishes ? What are those prom ises ? To whom have those pledges been made ? Think of it , and then let voters imagine , if they can , William Jennings Bryan refraining from urging and car rying into effect any one of his pei theories and policies ; and imagine , if they can , that a will so imperious as his undoubtedly is , could resist the clamor of his followers if he dared to make the attempt. He would have three-fourths of them arrayed against him at the first sign of hesitation ; What are those pledges ? Dominating all others is 16 to 1 , with all its cense quences. The conversion of the supreme court into a political instru ment and machine. To stop "govern ment by injunction , " which has no meaning if it does not moan that when mobs are destroying property , detaining ; he United States mail and bringing liter-state commerce to a standstill , courts shall not exercise a well-estab- ished power , and grant a peaceful and bloodless remedy. To prevent all "arbi- trary' ' interference by the United States military forces in the affairs of the states a denunciation aimed at president - dent Cleveland's suppression of the Ohioago riots , or else aimed at nothing. Bryanism Characterized. Then , what is Bryanism ? Undisguised - guised ambition that has passed the point of fever heat and settled into a permanent .consuming white heat ; arro gance of temper that brooks no opposi- kion ; conceit that is ridiculous ; uu- bounded self-confidence and self-suf ficiency ; abnormal activity , so restless and intense , that it comes near being a disease ; catching at his own new born ideas , no matter how crude or how vague when put on paper , as flashes of revealed truth ; gifted with a torrent of language that "goes on forever" ; be yond doubt with the courage of his con victions and having in his following every element of unrest , every material for civil commotion ; these qualities and forces , behind the platforms of Kansas City and Chicago , constitute Bryanism. No offense or sneer is meant by annex ing the final syllable to his name. The ism is a necessity of the case in attempting - ing to express the whole situation in one word. The platforms if fairly trie din practice would soon tumble to pieces. Bryanism is congenital. And whoever thinks that such a character , with such forces behind him , would not as presi dent press all that he believes and all that he has promised is a political ostrich who does not see his own danger because he intentionally thrusts his head under the sand to avoid seeing his pur suers. Writing , as I do , for democrats , it is not irrelevant or egotistic to state the obstacles I overcame in resolving to support MoKinley against Bryan as soon as it was manifest more than a year ago that 1896 had to be fought over again. Viewed as a Democrat , I believe the war against Spain was just. I believe that Porto Rico is as much a part of the soil and territory of the United States as New Mexico or Alaska. Therefore I believe that the Porto Rican tariff was a legal , a finan cial and a political error. I believe that all tariff protection is erroneous in the-