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About The Conservative (Nebraska City, Neb.) 1898-1902 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 30, 1900)
Tlbe Conservative * must not , wo dare not , stoop to ndopt a declnratiou of dependence , substract- ing liberty and the pursuit of happiness from the rights of man , and maintain that governments derive their just pow ers from the consent of the governors. "Ho'.s true to God who's true to man ; where uvor wrong is done , To the humblest nnd the weakest , "neath the all-beholding sun. That wrong is also done to us ; and they arc slaves most base , Whoso love of right is for themselves , and not for all their race. " Mr Bryi\n * ud . : \ his friends de nounce Grover Cleveland for having deserted democratic doctrines while administering the government of the United States between March 4th , 1893 , and Mnrch 4th , 1897. Let Bryan show what democratic doctrines were ignored. Lot any man show where Grover Cleveland was in any way recreant to sound government and honest money ? Let the business men of the United States , the men who work , who carry on commerce , Comparison. , , manufacture and banking , determine by their ballots whom they would prefer to entrust with the business interests of the country , "Cleveland or Bryan" , and the latter will have not one vote to sixteen votes for the former. What great interests outside of silver mine and bullion owners are support ing Bryan ? Who beside the type of SenatorClarkofMontana patriots ? What big wages-paying , prosperity- producing industry in any city or town in Nebraska or elsewhere is for Bryan ? In an address . .i SITUATION.before the ladies of Oakland , Cali fornia , consul general How Yow , truth fully accounted for existing difficulties in China when ho said that the trouble is due mainly to , "the sacrilegious action of Christian missionaries , whose prose lytizing in China is an insult to a reli gion that was old before Christianity was dreamed of , and to the encroach ments of foreign nations upon Chinese territory. " When we consider the encroachments of European powers , wo need not be surprised at the boxer movement : but should marvel that the Chinese were able to hold themselves in restraint so long and peacefully permit the grabbing of their territory by mercenary Chris tian nations. In this , the United States , be it said to her credit , has never been a party. Let us keep our record clean. The administration have thus far shown a determination to do so. At the very in ception of the trouble in China , before a hostile move was made by the Ameri can forces , Secretary Hay , of the state department , assured the government of China that the United States did not wish to acquire territory in China and were opposed to the partition of the empire among foreign powers. He stated that our sole purpose in interfering in the affairs of the Orient , was to protect the lives of the American legation at Peking and other American residents in China. This has been accomplished. The allied forces have entered Peking and . , . legation is L * . Should Get Out. . safe. Having ful filled our mission in China we should at the first opportunity withdraw our forces from the empire. General Ohaffee has proven himself worthy in every par ticular , of the confidence reposed in him by his government. Ho has wisely notified the war department that there is no need of sending additional troops to China. The men that were on the way to cooperate with him have been ordered by the department to report in Manilla. This action of our govern ment indicates that no matter what the designs of the other powers may be , the United States will not participate in a war of conquest and become a party to international robbery. REFORMERS. distinguished ad vocates of the election of Bryan and the extension of self-government to the Fil ipinos , THE CONSERVATIVE is pleased to note Senator Pitchfork Tillmau , who , speaking of colored attempts at self- government in South Carelina declared : "We stuffed ballot boxes , we shot them ; wo are not ashamed of it. " Ice-Trust Croker of New York , whose Tammany Hall morals are at tracted to the peerless is likewise for Bryan and a bi-metallic reform a self- governing , self-robbing , bi-pirated greater Now York. Altgeld the pure , good and great statesman of Illinois , whose executive pardons of Chicago anarchists , still sweetly perfume the governor's office at Springfield , is also a reformer and loudly for Bryan , while our own immaculate William Vincent Allen , whoso pugilistic propensities are only periodical and who likes to hear the anthem , "Nearer My God to Thee" , is exuberantly for Bryan reform and a return to the senate. CONSERVATIVE . "J OIJSERVATIONS. feelingly as to the laborer down-trodden borer , as the man who himself never did a days' work in any legitimate call ing , either manual or mental. There is no man so pathetic in talking to and of the poor man , as the orator who is making a good income out of that sort of liquid air. Those most prominent in their decla mations for human rights and liberty , are , like Napoleon , not always genuine lovers of their country. Napoleon was a thrilling orator whose boasted love of France led that country into war , dishonor and immeasurable sufferings. A really patriotic citizen need not boast his love of country and parade his devotion to the common weal any more khan good mothers need proclaim their love and care for their own children. THE CONSERVATIVE has never yet known a self-appointed exhorter in be half of the poor and the plain people , who was not smooth , smug , sanctimo nious , unctuous and Pharisaical. The liypocrite is only an actor in a mask. He feigns to bo what he is not. And the declaiming dissembler strives stren uously to appear to bo not what ho is. here iu IMPERIALISM. Nebraska , near Hastings , there have been discovered several avowed imperialists. Some of them propose , at no distant day , in per son to ascend the American throne and insist upon coronation. These plotters for a change of government should re ceive the oratorical attention of the peer less prophets and seers of Bryauarohy. These adherents to royal methods and the tiuselry of crowns , are all in the State Asylum for the incurably insane. The executive committee of f nsionists should have Bryan , Allen , Edgar How ard , Oldham and other anti-imperial spellbinders address those imperially inclined and royally disposed persons at once. There is danger. Which "will you choose , oh , my friends , A lunatic republic or a single standard empire ? " REI-UHLICOR peerless EMPIRE. Bryan is vocal izing with great sonoroubuess relative to gold standard empires and bimetallic republics. In nearly all of his recent speeches he has thrown himself into oratorical hysteria and asked with cavernous emotion : "Oh , my friends , which will you choose , republic or empire ? I am the republic , McKinley is the empire. " This is very fetching. Nobody has proposed to traubmute this into a mou- arohial government. Nobody has suggested a desire to become the subject of an empire. But as between a republic run by fusion , collusion , illusion , de lusion and confusion , and presidents elected by populists , free silver radicals , sixtoeu-to-oue democrats , and the alliance of all the cranks , vagarists and darnphools , almost any kind of an old emperor and empire would bo a rescue and a relief. A veally , half-ripe , partly- demented president would be more in imical to liberty , the rights of property , and the pursuit of happiness than a monarch like Victoria.