12 Conservative * payment to Spain of $20,000,000 in gold , by the United States for an imperfect and fraudulent title ? Is Bryan a confidence man ? Is he a dealer in gold bricks ? If not why did he aid Spain in defrauding the United States out of twenty millions by means of a bad title ? A OKEAT WORK. The international complications in Ohiiia are arousing a great interest in historical literature. One can hardly read intelligently the daily papers without some general knowledge of history , One needs to have a bid's eye view ot all the nations of the world. It is impossible to thoroughly understand United States history without some knowledge of the history of other countries. The "Library of Universal History" now being sold by the history depart ment of the Chicago Record , is the most complete universal history published and the beauty of it is , it is so very readable. It is divided into essays. Several essays pertaining to each country , but each essay a unit , complete in itself. Each one is beautifully illustrated. In fact there are some twelve hundred illustra tions , many taken from the greatest galleries of Europe and America. The art features alone cost over $15,000 to produce. They alone , the art features , are really worth all of the small price which the Record is asking for the twelve large volumes. These superb illustrations tell the story of the world bringing to the mind through the me dium of the eye all the chief events of history. They give a tone to the life and home of any one. Its two hundred maps constitute a valuable atlas. It is said to be one of the best mapped works in the world. Its chronological charts acquaint us with all the different rulers of every country in the world. Its indexes sys- * KNOWN AJ THE GREAT vSOUTMWEST .SYSTEM iCCSNTBR.3 AMD THE R.ICH OURI. THIS &R.OAD COR.N AND AND TMR.IVI/MQ CITICJ Of- \ TMI1 rtR.TILC : ( i.lVER. 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It is a pinnacle from which one gets a most magnificent bird's eye view of the world and can witness with rapt attention the march of hu man progress vastly different , this , from mere chronological narration , and the authorship is the very best. Glare , the historian , is the editor-in-chief , but it is not a ouo-man work. Special sub jects have been treated by special writers. Roosevelt gives a special arti cle on recent history , our late trouble with Spain. Lee tells us of Cuba's struggle with Spain. Benjamin Ide Wheeler's article on the Eastern ques tion is of great historical interest and value. Moses Ooit Tyler's article on the educational value of the study of history is a most inspiring thing. The Record's price is within the reach of all , for the total price for the twelve large volumes is not only low but for those who do not care to pay cash , an easy payment plan has been arranged whereby Record subscribers may have the use of the work and have over one year's time in which to pay for it. Full particulars , together with sample pages of the work , can be secured by address ing the Chicago Record , History Dept. , 215 "Wabash ave. , Chicago , 111. THE WAY TO GO TO CALIFORNIA is in a tourist sleeper , personally con ducted , via the Burlington Route. You don't change cars. You make fast time. You see the finest scenery on the globe. Your car is not so expensively iur- nished as a palace sleeper , but it is just as clean , just as comfortable , just as good to ride in and nearly $20.00 cheaper. It has wide vestibules ; Pintsch gas and high back seats ; a uniformed Pullman porter ; clean bedding ; spacious toilet rooms ; tables and a heating range. 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