The Conservative (Nebraska City, Neb.) 1898-1902, August 30, 1900, Page 11, Image 11
'Cbc Conservative. 11 Philippines , Alaska , and Hawaii , with out which the Uuited States would have beeu the most remote from , instead of being as it is now the nearest of all the nations to the great Asiatic market. The foreign relations of the United States are , in every respect , auspicious for peace. No portent is seen that can cause any reasonable fear of war. Wo were never more friendly with all na tions than wo are today. There is not now and there never was any secret alliance , compact or understanding be tween the United States and Great Britain. Germany does not purpose any enterprise in defiance of the Monroe doctrine , nor is there any controversy between that empire and this govern ment , which in the least degree war rants the apprehension of anything more serious and vigorous than beneficent ne gotiations. Each state enacts its own economic and protective laws , and each state has the right to do so. These con flicting economic policies will , in due time , be brought to the minimum of conflict by wise and conciliatory diplo macy. With all this the United States will , as heretofore , stand for peace. It is true of nations as it is of the smallest villages or of two families , or of two men that peace is secured by obedience to that precept of righteous selfishness "mind your own biasiness. " We shall attend to our own affairs. We shall not en tangle ourselves in the controversies of European states , nor , by any unfriendly act , intermeddle with that which does not concern us. These states will fight to the uttermost their own wars in their own way , and be judges for themselves of the causes for which those wars shall bo waged. The United States is the great armed neutral of the world. It will have peace , not as the boon of a suppliant non-combatant , but as the right of a peace-loving , armored puis sant nation whose rights are secured by its manifest ability to cause other na tions to respect them. OUSIIMAN K. DAVIS , Chairman Senate Committee on For eign Affairs. "I'llOGKKSS" IN CHINA. The wisdom of governments and the destinies of nations are determined by long periods of time. People of our generation and race who frequently mistake change for progress naturally wonder at the Chinese and denounce them as "heathen" for their opposition to it. It may have boon forgotten by people who indulge this kind of con tempt for the Chinese that the founders and architects of the most populous of nations and the most stable and endur ing of civilized governments were build ing suspension bridges across rivers and navigable canals through vast regions , twenty centuries before Ooosar ruled Home , and that Confucius had given to ihe world the Golden Rule 500 years before Jesus Christ , was "born of the Virgin Mary" and "suffered under Pontius tius Pilate" . It is true , the genius of invention had not inspired one of the most intelligent of the races of men to discover labor-saving machinery , steam , railroads , nor Maxim guns and Mausers for the wholesale slaughter of men who possessed something which they might covet. Nor need one go afar in search of sound reasons for the failure. They are readily found in their simple neces sities and modes of living. They have no use for industrial inventions to dis place , and starve , in population so dense , vast volumes of human labor , or railroads and steamships to answer the demands of their internal carrying trade. They now prefer canals to rail roads for reasons thus intimated , and it might have been better for this coun try , under the long-tests of the'dura bility of nations , if it had followed their example. But , above and over all , the paramount and potential fact stands that the Chinese have been taught for ages to love peace and to hate war. Passionate lovers of learning in every known period of their history , the writings of their sages are the delight of modern scholars. They have a religion that has satisfied the spiritual needs of a great race for thousands of years , which the Christian seeks to overthrow , by peaceful means , if possible , and by man and the sword , if necessary. No longer ago than a mouth , the imperial head of the German Empire virtually proclaimed the early coming of such a war , with only a riotous revolution in Peking as a pretext. "Progress" in China has possibilities of which the insane greed of other na tions may have occasion to take more serious notice in the not far future. In the months of March , April , May and June , 1861 , William H. Seward would have plunged the country into war with England on the hare-brained theory that it would unite the South with the North and save the union. Mr. Lincoln and Charles Francis Adams averted that calamity. Dynastic union of tke Chi nese for a common defense against a common enemy of the religious faith , civilization and territorial integrity of China , and the alternative of war , forced by a long and continued criminal aggression , might result in a form and of " " in China and power "progress" out side of China , that would drench the world in the blood of innocence. Iii a speech made SWINDLED. recently at Falls City the peerless and paramount Bryan declared that the government of Spain transferred no title to the government of the United States because Spain was not a rightful but only a forceful hold er of the Philippines. If that be true , why did Bryan insist upon the ratifica tion of a treaty which compelled the Start Your Career in a Salaried Position Yoig men and women looking for employ ment should fiend for our new circular "Support Yourself While Learning a Pro fession. " It la free. It tells how you can secure a position at good pay , and while sup porting yoHrself prepare for a professional career. You can become a Mechanical Engineer Electrician Architect 200,000 studcnta and graduates In Mechanical , Electrical , Steam , Civil and Minim ; Engineering ; Architecture ; Drawing and Designing ; Chemistry ; Telegraphy ; Telephony ; Stenography ; Book-keeping ; English Branches. When writing , state subject In which Interested. 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