A Limited Edition Specially Prepared for Readers of THE CONSERVATIVE. H BRIGHT NEWSPAPER MflN conceived the idea that the American newspapers should form a syndicate and issue an edition of the works of HUDYARD KIPLING , the greatest of newspaper men since the world began , which would fully preserve his writings and he pro duced at such u price that it could go into every English-reading family on this continent. Bo Printing an Edition ol a Million Copies the cost of the paper , printing and binding could bo reduced to a iniuiuuun. By further eliminating all profits of middlemen and the newspapers themso res dis tributing it the cost could bo reduced over one-half , so that the subscribe might got it at a price any one could afford. The newspapers of this country had made Kipling's name a househol. word ; they had , by reprinting his wonderful stories and inimitable verses , created u popular demand for his worka which only such , an edition would satisf.y. It was a public duty they owed their readers to put in force the plan thus conceived. RUDYARD KIPLING. This plan has been fully carried out in the most perfect manner by one of the largest publishing houses in the country , acting merely as an agent for the newspapers , and. the' result is ten neat volumes which contain the worlw that made Mr. Kipling famous. The set is as follows : Vol. 1. "The Light That Failed. " His first and most famous novel. Vol. 2. "In Black arid White , "Under the Deodars , " and Eight Short Stories. Reprint of First Indian edition held at $24 per copy. Vol. 8. "Story of the Gndsbys , " and Nine Other Stories. Vol. 4. "Departmental Ditties" and "Barrack Room Ballads , " including The Vampire , Recessional and Sup pressed Poems. Vol. fi. "Soldiers Three. " Reprinted from the first edition of 1888 , that now sells at $ h'5. Vol. (5. ( "American Notes. " Sixteen Chapters , describing his trip across the Continent. Vol. 7. "Mine Own People. " Many of his very best stories. Vol. 8. "Wee Willie Winkle , " and Four Other Stories of children. The first edition now held at $24 per copy. Vol. ! ) . "The Phantom Rickshaw. " "The City of Dreadful Night , " and Three Other Stories. Vol. 10. "Plnin Tales from the Hills. " Thirty-nine Storios. Description of This Charming Ten-Volume Set of His Works. In Hi7.o it is unique , a tall Ifimo the 12mo .size is too large for the pocket and this "just fits. " The type is largo and made especially for this edition. The paper is the finest used in book work , the ink is the best , and the preaswork is so carefully and daintily done that each page is a typographical delight to the oyo. The sot contains nearly ! f,000 pages. _ The bindings of this edition are something new in bookmuking , a patent thread nawini ! whereby the same effect is obtained as in the cross-stitching of the Oxford Teacher's Bible , so that it can be opened the full width and bent back until the covers 'Tho cloth edition is daintily bound in delicately tinted linen , half-flexible , which will wear like iron. The limp lambskin is a veritable Edition de Luxe. THE CONSERVATIVE will send by mall or express , from New York , to any of its subscribers in the United States , the set of ten volumes , beautifully bound in delicately tinted cloth , ali charges prepaid , for $2,00 , For those desiring a finer edition for library use , the work has been very attractively bound in rod cloth , full gilt back , gilt top , with title page in two colors and frontispiece in each volume for $8.60. Also a Presentation Edition , suitable for a birthday or wedding present , very handsomely bound in soft * lambskin , can be obtained for $5.00. All editions sent by mail or express. All charges prepaid. No orders will be accepted from foreign countries or booksellers , and THE CONSERVATIVE : reserves the right to withdraw this offer at any time , without notice , and return the money sent it. AcZcZross , THE CONSERVATIVE , Nebraska City , Neb.