The Conservative (Nebraska City, Neb.) 1898-1902, August 23, 1900, Image 1
A X Cbc Conservative. VOL.'III. NEBRASKA CITY , NEB. , THURSDAY , AUG. 23 , 1900. NO. 7. PUBI/ISIIED WEEKI/T. OFFICES : OVERLAND THEATRE BLOCK. J. STERLING MORTON , EDITOII. A JOUIlNATi DEVOTHD TO THE DISODBSION Or POI/ITICAT , , ECONOMIC AND flOOIOT.OQlOATj QUESTIONS. CIRCULATION THIS WEEK 7,650 COPIES. TERMS CUT SUBSCRIPTION. One dollar and a half per year , In advance , postpaid , to any part of the United States or Canada. Remittances made payable to The Morton Printing Company. Address , THE CONSERVATIVE , Nebraska City , Neb. Advertising Rates made known upon appli cation. Entered at the postofflce at Nebraska City Neb. , as Second Class matter , July 20th , 1808. BKAI , REFORM. HWnJth the Tammany cor- rnptionist and chief of the ice trust , violently for Bryanarchy in New York , and Olark of Montana , who burglarized his way into the United States senate with a hundred and fifty thousand dollar " " for it who "jimmy , fervidly yelling , can doubt that its leader means real reform ? Look at his Oroker-Olark character of henchmen everywhere and how can you call Bryanarchy anything else than an organization to make pure and dove- like this wicked world in general and to particularly New Jerusalemize New YorkOity ? ln this " * > of CANNED . PREDICTIONS , conserved foods for the physical man the canning of prophecies for the credulous intellectual man is a twin industry. Eloquence on ice is agreeable. A specimen from the Madison Square garden speech of Bryan in 1896 is : "The gold standard will increase the purchasing power of the dollar. " Taste that. Can you detect any flavor of truth therein ? Discoursing of the diabolisms of the gold standard , that same phosphorescent campaigner , the Down Wo Go. , ° Peerless Prophet , remarked at Newton , Iowa : "It will be as certain to make prices fall as a stone is to fall when it is thrown into the air. " Sermons from the desiccated fore casts made in 1896 by the infallible in- carnation of Lincoln , Jefferson and Jackson may be preached from every rostrum with delicious effect. Denoun cing the gold standard at Baltimore that year this great economist , statesman , soldier and producer of paramonnts de clared : "It will increase the debts of the people ple and lessen their ability to pay them. It will make times harder and haider. " At New Haven , instructing the youth of Yale college , the peerless seer and Starvation. sage . shuddermgly . , 7 , proclaimed of the gold standard : "It will starve everybody except the money changers and the money owners. " And , as he could not tell a lie , and never makes a mistake , it is fair to con clude that everybody to whom Bryan spoke in 1890 is now dead except "money changers and money owners. " In the last four years all the rest have starved to death ; and who will vote for Billie now ? At Hartford , Conn. , the peerless said of the wickedness of gold and its tricks : "It will transfer the bread which one man earns to another man who has not earned it ? " And the question comes laughingly up to Bryan's face and ingenuously remarks - marks : "Who Whoso lircnd. , . , , , earned the bread which has fed you for the four years since you made that damphool prophecy ? " "It will make the rich richer and the poor poorer. " This perfectly original thought expres sed with such egoistic force must not be lost in 1900 when New Remark. , . , the tax assessor shows that no man in Lincoln has been getting "richer" with more celerity dur ing the last four years than our beloved leader , the peerless , who , in the same verbal eruption at Newark , Ohio , said : "It will decrease the number who are happy and increase the number who are in distress. " This last sentence , if verified , might elect the peerless in 1900 , for those in distress , being in a majority , will try any patent politics presented with proper certificates of infallibility. At Minneapolis , Minn. , from intro spection of his own ceaseless and ex haustive efforts Ool. Bryan , with deep pathos and profound insight , declared of wicked gold : "It will destroy the hope of the toiling masses. " Thns , in the four years just expiring "the toiling masses" have worked with out the inspiration of hope. The results are overwhelmingly in favor of hopeless labor. Possibly Bryan experiences what sadness comes when there is no hope ? . , , , In the same dicta A llreefler. , , , . , evolved at the same place , same date , Mr. Bryan makes gold a breeder of "idle men" and a destroyer of opportunity to work and in his great part of seer and prophet says : "It will destroy the opportunity for work and increase the number of idle men. " And further along in the stream of his veracious verbosity THE GONSEUVATIVE finds this verified gem : "It will decrease the volume of stand ard money. " That is the reason the United States has now a bigger per capita circulation than ever before i. e. $27. That is also the reason why $25,000,000 of the English loan was snapped up in money-pinched New York the other day. That is the reason why there are four hundred mil lions of dollars increase in the circula tion. That is why there is an addition to the gold of the United States in four years of $250,000,000. More of the conserved fallacies , canned humbugs and desiccated oratory of 1896 in next week's CONSERVATIVE. LIKE PAP. L. Thurston , son of Senator Thurston of Nebraska , sailed on the St. Paul July 18th to ACCEPT a position with the United States com mission to the Paris Exposition. " News Letter. WANTED. who have the right to vote at presidential elections in the United States and are still nnpossesed of a "paramount issue" will please call at the Bryan farm near Lincoln where a large stock is kept constantly on hand for free delivery. The cultivation of tantamounts will be continued from the cuttings of the famous 16 to 1 tantamount of 1890. Paramounts from demagogy and am bition furnished to nil conventions on demand. Every paramount warranted to wear well , wash well and bear fruit true to name. Wanted , paramount consumers.