The Conservative (Nebraska City, Neb.) 1898-1902, August 16, 1900, Page 11, Image 11

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    The Conservative. 11
lie questions , policies , principles or ex
But in 1900 our peerless one declares
"imperialism" the "paramount" is 3ne.
And paramount as thus used by the rein
carnation of all the saints and states
men who over died , means superior , pre
eminent , chief , principal. The paradox
of a paramount superior to a tanta
mount which is the equal of all
was produced at an oral incubation at
Indianapolis and came out feathered in
eight thousand words.
A Missonri pop.
roi'UMST. uhst thus approves
of the withdrawal
of Charles A. Towue. ( The spelling is
thoroughly populistio ) :
"Charley Towue withdraws so graceful
from the Sioux City Falls Populist nom
ination for Vice Presidency and pays
such an elegant tribute to Bryan and
Stevenson , that it brings a tear of joy to
the patriots cheak.
"The young man , the bulwark of the
republic is now face to face with the
question of empire or republic , which ?
Which will he make his bride , the colon
ial or empire regeine , of Hanna and Me-
Kinley with its perpetual war taxes , a
stamp or duty on every item you use or
consume ? Or will he chose the republic
of our fathers , the Declaration of Inde
pendence and constitution wherein equal
rights and humane laws govern , will he
vote for the great tribute of the common
people "W. J. Bryan , whose armor is the
declaration in one hand , the constitution
in the other , his voice paraotin. Peace
on earth good will toward men. "
Mr. J. Sterling Morton's paper , THE
CONSEKVATIYE , touches a raw spot in
W. J. Bryan's record by republishing
the speech made by Senator Money of
Mississippi against the treaty with Spain
while Mr. Bryan was himself urging its
ratification. It would seem as though
Senator Money was addressing himself
particularly to Mr. Bryan when he said :
"We are told that we want peace ;
that we want to get the volunteers
home. We all do. Everybody wants
peace. I want the volunteers brought
home * * * Does any man say we
are going to have peace by ratifying this
treaty ? Yes ; we will have peace with
Spain , but we will begin war with the
Filipinos * * * If we ratify the
treaty with no declaration in it that we
disclaim any right to enslave these people
ple , or to hold them in subjection , or
use language which does not mean
giving them their liberty , we have al
ready embarked in a war that will nol
release the volunteers , but which will
call for fresh volunteers , and thousands
of the best American youth will lay
their bones upon the plains and in the
jungle of Luzon and in other parts ol
the Philippines. "
Referring to the Bacon resolution
which Mr. Bryan wished to have
adopted simultaneously with the rati
fication of the treaty , Senator Money
said that there were several such reso-
utions before the senate , but that they
amounted to nothing because they were
mere declarations of opinion. Congress
might pass them today and repeal them
tomorrow. They did not fix the status
of the Filipinos. They did not disband
the army. They did not put a stop to
Bloodshed. The only place to accom
plish these things was in the treaty it
self. He ( Mr. Money ) could not vote
for a treaty without stipulations in
suring peace engrafted in the instru
ment itself. With such stipulations he
Delieved that it would receive every vote
on his side of the chamber. New York
AT LINCOLN , gratulated. A new
industrial plant
will soon be permanently established
and constantly in operation at that
ihrif ty centropolis.
The corporation has already arranged
for the ownership of the patents which
_ . . will be used in
Patents. .
producing the new
exohangeables. The inventions are
evolved by the majestic mind of "the
peerless leader" who has made Lincoln's
name famous.
The factory will make tantamonuts
and paramounts.
The daily out-put of "tantamountcies"
and "paramountcies" will be limited
_ , _ _ . only by demands
The Output. , , ,
made by conglom
erate political conventions from time to
time as old "tantamounts" and decayed
"paramonnts" require fresh ones. Col.
Bryan is the sole originator of the patent
paramount" producer and the speedy
"tantamount" invigorator. Political
issues of all kinds furnished to order
and while you wait.
The international complications in
China are arousing a great interest in
historical literature.
One can hardly read intelligently the
daily papers without some genera !
knowledge of history. One needs to
have a bid's eye view of all the nations
of the world. It is impossible to
thoroughly understand United States
history without some knowledge of the
history of other countries.
The "Library of Universal History'
now being sold by the history depart
ment of the Chicago Record , is the most
complete universal history published and
the beauty of it is , it is so very readable
It is divided into essays. Several essays
pertaining to each country , but each
essay a unit , complete in itself. Each
one is beautifully illustrated. In fac
there are some twelve hundred illustra
tions , many taken from the greates
galleries of Europe and America. The
art features alone cost over $15,000 to
produce. They alone , the art features ,
are really worth all of the small price
which the Record is asking for the
twelve largo volumes. These superb
illustrations tell the story of the world
bringing to the mind through the me
dium of the eye all the chief events of
history. They give a tone to the life
and home of any one.
Its two hundred maps constitute a
valuable atlas. It is said to bo ono of
the best mapped works in the world.
Its chronological charts acquaint us
with all the different rulers of every
country in the world. Its indexes sys
tematize the contents of the entire work
and render any particular fact easily
accessible , make of it a great encyclo
paedia of historical fact , as well as a
work to be read.
It has done a great good by making
history readable , not dry reading. It is
really a most fascinating story of the
world's progress. It is a pinnacle from
which one gets a most magnificent bird's
eye view .of the world and can witness
with rapt attention the march of hu
man progress vastly different , this ,
from mere chronological narration , and
the authorship is the very best. Clare ,
the historian , is the editor in chief , but
it is not a one-man work. Special sub
jects have been treated by special
writers. Roosevelt gives a special arti
cle on recent history , our late trouble
with Spain. Lee tells us of Cuba's
struggle with Spain. Benjamin Ido
Wheeler's article on the Eastern ques
tion is of great historical interest and
value. Moses Coit Tyler's article on the
educational value of the study of history
is a most inspiring thing.
The Record's price is within the reach
of all , for the total price for the twelve
large volumes is not only low but for
those who do not care to pay cash , an
iasy payment plan has been arranged
whereby Record subscribers may have
the use of the work and have over one
year's time in which to pay for it. Full
particulars , together with sample pages
pf the work , can be secured by address
ing the Chicago Record , History Dept. ,
215 Wabash ave. , Chicago , 111.
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