The Conservative (Nebraska City, Neb.) 1898-1902, August 09, 1900, Page 11, Image 11

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    1Cbe Conservative. 11
in vain. Looking about saw a Ktum-
kee boy in bathing. By giving him a
half dollar , I got ouo of the coal passers
to tell him what I wanted. Down he
went like a duck , but soon came up de
claring it was not there. The water was
very dark. Giving him a match , I told
him to try again. His little black face
assumed a puzzled half-frightened look ,
then he slowly began to smile ; but grin-
lied all over when I put another fifty
cents into his chubby fist. Putting the
money in his mouth , he tumbled over
the ship's side and disappeared. Fully a
minute passed and I began to wonder if
he was coming up at all , when a black ,
woolly head broke the surface , next
came coffee strainer ; then the boy. He
was prouder than a king. I shall always
love him ; he saved me a world of
At Sea Again.
The sun rose next morning over roll
ing hills of green. The vessel was
pitching heavily. Wo were at sea once
more and the days went swiftly by. On
Oct. 19 , one of the boys died from
typhoid fever. It makes a fellow feel
strange , when some one you know dies
on such a voyage , and to watch them
put the poor body into a steel coffin and
solder down the lid , took away my
spirits and made inn down hearted for a
week. The next day , after he died I
saw King , his berth mate , under one of
the forward boats , crying as if his heart
would break. Some of the boys laughed
at him , but they were given such a look
that they went below.
In the morning we sighted a steamer.
She passed us half a mile to windward.
The signals were run up and she proved
to be the Tartar , with General Funston
and his famous 20th Kansas volunteers ,
returning home from the Philippines.
It was getting warmer. The sea like
an endless mirror , glstened in the white
sunlight. I saw a long bamboo pole
floating upon the water. Half an hour
later land appeared. It was a lone
mountain , rising steep from the ocean ,
and upon the highest point floe ted the
stars and stripes. I don't know how
they got there , but I felt very much like
crying. I wanted to go over there and
die , it looked so lonely in that vast wil
derness of water.
At eight bells , midnight , I went on
deck. The vessel was slowing down.
All at once a great flash swept across
the heavens and the sky shone as if it
were on fire. I confess I was somewhat
frightened. I could not understand
this strange phenomenon. Then I heard
one of the sailors remark that it was a
search light from some man-of-war. I
afterwards learned it came from the
Baltimore , thirty miles away.
By three o'clock the engines ceased to
throb. Then two , five thousand pound
anchors struck the water with a mighty
splash. On every hand , lights shone
from various battle ships and transports ,
while from Manila they sparkled like a
phosphorescent sea. The day dawned.
As far as the eye could reach , were long
dark lines of forest. They told me the
sand was still wet with American blood.
"Both ticket and platform will prove
less pleasing to a country filled with
well-paid labor than they did four years
ago. " Denver
"The party will go into the campaign
with but one definite , affirmative issue ,
and that the moth-eaten chestnut of 1G
to 1 , which the country repudiated in
1896. " Memphis.
"Mr. Bryan is essentially a dangerous
citizen. He is an honest fanatic. "
Charlotte , N. O.
"Mark Hanna himself could not have
arranged a program better calculated to
insure democratic defeat than that de
vised by Mr. Bryan. " Birmingham ,
"The Democrats of North Carolina
profess to stand for the doctrine that the
Constitution follows the flag. Has it
followed the flag into their own state ,
so far as the fourteenth and fifteenth
amendments are concerned ? " Chicago
In the Matter of Rebecca ) Case No. 66.
Chattorton , Bankrupt. ( In Bankruptcy.
The creditors of said bankrupt are hereby
notified that a meeting of the creditors of said
bankrupt will be held at the ofllco of the
referee in Rottman block , Nebraska City , Neb. ,
on the 8th day of August , 1000 , at 0 o'clock a.m.
And you are further notified that all the
personal property of said bankrupt will bo sold
at her place of business at 1817 Central avo. , in
Nebraska City. Nebraska , at public auction on
the 10th day of August , 1000 , beginning at 10
o'clock in the forenoon.
Witness my hand at Nebraska City , Ne
braska , this 1st day of August , 1000.
The Michigan Farmer , Detroit , Mich. ,
established in 1843 , is the oldest regular
weekly agricultural and live stock jour
nal in the country.
It is well printed on high-grade paper
and employs the most eminent writers
on the science and practice of agri
culture , horticulture , live stock , dairy
ing and poultry. It has a standard vet
erinary department for free treatment
of all diseases of farm animals ; contains
complete and reliable reports from all
market centers and gives the agricul
tural news of the country and an inval
uable literary and household department
every week.
The publishers are offering to send
this great paper every week , postage
paid , to January 1st , for only 20 cents ,
in stamps or coin. Here is a great
opportunity for our readers who care to
keep in touch with the conditions ,
ways , prospects of crops , etc. , in that
section , to get a good paper at small
Address your order to the Michigan
Farmer , Detroit , Michigan.
is in a tourist sleeper , personally con
ducted , via the Burlington Route. Tou
don't change cars. You make fast time.
You see the finest scenery on the globe.
Your car is not so expensively lur-
nished as a palace sleeper , but it is just
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to ride in and nearly $20.00 cheaper.
It has wide vestibules ; Pintsoh gas and
high back seats ; a uniformed Pullman
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rooms ; tables and a heating range.
Being strongly and heavily built , it rides
smoothly ; is warm in winter and cool in
In charge of each excursion party is
an experienced excursion conductor
who accompanies it from Omaha right
through to Los Angeles.
Cars leave Omaha every Thursday
afternoon , arriving San Francisco fol
lowing Sunday , Los Angeles Monday.
Only three days from the Missouri
River to the Pacific Coast , including a
stop-over of 1 % hours at Denver and 2i < j
hours at Salt Lake City two of the
most interesting cities on the continent.
Write for folder giving full infer
mation. J. FRANCIS ,
Gen'l Passenger Agent , Omaha Neb.
H. W. JOHNS' * vw- *
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Jure Asbestos , No Coal Tar- ,
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