rosp1 ? $ ' Che Conservative. VOL. III. NEBRASKA CITY , NEB. , THURSDAY , AUG. 9 , 1900. NO. . 5. PUBLISHED WEEKLY. OFFICES : OVERLAND THEATRE BLOCK. .T. STERLING MORTON , EDITOH. A JOUIINAL DEVOTED TO THE DISCUSSION Or POLITICAL , ECONOMIC AND SOCIOLOGICAL QUESTIONS. CIRCULATION THIS WEEK 7,330 COPIES. TERMS OP SUBSCRIPTION. One dollar and a half per year , in advance , postpaid , to any part of the United States or Canada. Remittances made payable to The Morton Printing Company. Address , THE CONSERVATIVE , Nebraska City , Nob. Advertising Rates made known upon appli cation. Entered at the postofflce at Nebraska City Neb. , as Second Class matter , July 29th , 1898. The attempt to erican people with the spectre of usurpation only makes a general laugh. It is as absurdly pre dicted by the paroxysmal exhorters for Bryanarchy in the year nineteen hun dred as the same emotional economists prophesied the commercial calamities to follow the gold standard in 1890. In that year the candidate for the presidency standing upon "that bad eminence , " the Chicago platform , with vehemence and zeal , proclaimed : "The democratic party has begun a war of extermination against the gold standard. We ask no quarter , we give no quarter. We shall prosecute our warfare until there is not an American citizen that dares to advocate a gold standard policy. You ask why ? We reply that the gold standard is a conspi racy against the human race , and that we should no more join it than we would an army marching to destroy our homes and to destroy our families. "We believe that no language can overstate the infinite distress that the gold standard means to the human race. "I believe we shall win now. But whether we win now or not , we have begun a warfare against the gold stand ard , which shall continue until the gold standard is driven from our shores back to England. " Ho wean a clear- eyed and unerring prophet like Mr. Bryan , whose eloquent tongue is constantly hurling hunks of wisdom and gobs of truth into the re ceptive brain pans of the plain people , stop this "war of extermination against the gold standard , " for the purpose of slaughtering a few incohate imperators ? How can Ool. Bryan , who says "we Dolieve that no language can overstate ; he infinite distress that the gold stan dard means to the human race , " pause a moment to merely squelch a king , a monarch here and there ? "The gold standard is a conspiracy against the human race" and can Ool. Bryan permit that conspiracy to cul minate and catastrophe to come down upon the human race like an avalanche while he wanders off to knock poor , little Paramount Imperialism in the head ? What are a thousand kings and a mil lion of imperators in the United States compared to that Satanic conspiracy of the gold standard against the whole human race ? "We have begun a warfare against the gold standard which shall continue until the gold standard is driven from our shores back to England. " And , having so valorously spoken , how can the great and only peerless now pause in his ohivalrio charge upon the gold stan dard merely to crush , under his thumb nail , a few incipient microbes of'royalty developing in the McKinley incubator ? Why not , Oh ! Valiant and peerless one , continue your deadly onslaught upon the accursed gold standard ? Why miti gate your majestic wrath as to that octopnsal , plutocratic "paramount ? Why switch off to another track and plunge headlong to a deadly collision with the paramount imperial train of the money combine , the trusts , Mark Hanna and Major McKinley to become , in November , 1900 , the paramount poli tical cadaver of this wicked dollar- above-the-man age ? Oh , why change paramonnts ? Why dismount from the paramount of eighteen ninety-six to be thrown and stamped upon in attempting to mount the paramount of 1900 ? BANKS.The report of the NEBRASKA BANKS. condition of Ne braska banks , exclusive of Lincoln and Omaha , at the close of business June 29 , 1900 , has just been made public. It shows a most encouraging condition , financially , among the farmers of the state as they are , in the main , the de positors in country banks. Individual deposits increased over $1,000,000 since last April. The increase was from $18,208,192 to $19,848,861. The gain in the holdings of gold coin was $100,000 for the same period. The reserve has also increased about 6 per cent. The peerless prophet of disaster will certain ly "view with alarm" these unmistak able evidences of prosperity. PARAMOUNT. mount IB paramount - mount to the domestic cat so is the free- coinage-of-silver-at-16-to 1 issue para mount to the imperialistic issues recent ly hatched out by our peerless leader in his Kansas City incubator. That was the first brood of issues born of elec tricity. Every one of them was begot ten by the Lincoln lines of telephone and telegraph. Issues by wire , issues while you wait , issues by fiat are the mirac ulous products of Bryanarchy. VOTE.Notwithstanding . THE GERMAN VOTE. the declaration of the Kansas Oity convention , the Ger man voters are still of the opinion that honest money is the paramount issue in the campaign. Dr. Pretorins , editor of the Westliche Post , of St. Louis , al though an ardent anti-expansionist , will not support Bryan. In 1896 the doctor was a staunch advocate of honest money and he believes the money ques tion is this year the most important issue before the American people. In explaining his position , he says : 1 'I have not abandoned my views , nor do I consider it necessary or possible for any man to shape his principles to full conformity in order to support a candi date or platform * * * Especially am I opposed to free silver at 16 to 1. No more dangerous political heresy has been promulgated in recent years , and the Westliche Post will look upon it as an imperative duty to fight it until it is squelched. Expansion is comparatively an academic question ; free silver is practical. " The resolution adopted at Kansas Oity expressing sympathy for the Boers , a direct appeal to anti-English prejudice , does not appear to influence the doctor. He says : "As to the declarations of the two platforms on the South African war , I understand that it is necessary for the republican party to take a conservative position , it being the administration party. As far as the government is con cerned , it cannot actively interfere in that contest , and the only thing that can be done by it or any party is to give the Boers moral support. The admin istration acted with kindness in causing its representatives to transmit to the Transvaal the funds of which I had charge , and it should be remembered that it was President MoKinley who offered the good offices of this govern ment in settling the quarrel , "