The Conservative (Nebraska City, Neb.) 1898-1902, August 02, 1900, Page 3, Image 3
Conservative * PAKIS CORRESPONDENCE. EDITOH GONSEKVATIVE : THE CONSERVATIVE for July 5th ar rived , and I have read your views on the Chinese question as detailed on pages 2 and 8. You express iny views exactly. I wish our administration had not sent so large a contingent to cooperate with the allies. I do not believe in the forcible partitioning of China , in the name of civilization or trade , or , more than all , in the name of religion. I fear much that there will be a religious war. Russia , representing the Greek church ; Germany , France , Austria and Italy representing Catholic interests ; Great Britain and the United States represent ing Protestantism ; and the Chinese and Japanese upholding their style of faith , Buddhism , etc. These conflicting re ligious ideas will be the fuel to make the fervor of the conflict glow tremen dously. Opening of the Paris metropolitan Under ground Railway. I gladly took advantage of the open ing of the new Metropolitan Under ground railroad of Paris to investigate its workings , etc. It is about six miles long , and goes from La Porte Mailliot to Viucennes. It is operated by a sub- trolley , and does the distance in 12 min utes , not counting the brief stops. The train consists of three cars , one first class , and two second-class. Fare from any point to any other station , 8 cents and 5 cents respectively. The walls of the tunnel are lined with a light colored , glazed brick , and the whole road and the cars are brilliantly lighted by elec trio lamps , so that one can easily read fine print in the cars. I was sorry to observe that the noise of the rolling train was very great ; so that it would be almost impossible to have any pleas ant conversation while in the train. The ventilation was excellent ; and there was a most agreeable coolness in leaving the heated street , with the thermometer in the nineties , and having a temperature of about 65 degrees in the tunnel and cars. This first day the line was well patronized by crowds of gentlemen and ladies , all in an ecstatic state of admira tion of this new system , which , indeed , would have been inaugurated fully 80 years ago , had it not been for French conservatism , and general slowness in keeping up with the rapid march of im provement in this closing period of the century. This line is only the begin ning of an elaborate work of under ground tramways which will be entirely i uuning in about two years ; and will greatly relieve the congestion of travel throughout the city , and make a notable economy of time and money in so doing. The days of the two-horse lumber ing omnibus are nearly over. Both horseflesh and men and women may be sincerely thankful. E. EMEUSON , SB. 3 me Oossini , Paris , France , July 19,1900. THE PARAMOUNT ISSUE. The San Francisco Call , in comment ing on the shrewd attempt of the Bryan- archists to secure the support of honest money democrats by declaring imperial ism to be the paramount issue , says : "By way of a concession to the conservatism vatism of the country the democratic sonvention in renominating Bryan en deavored to make his candidacy more acceptable by subordinating the silver plank to a secondary place in the plat- 'orin , and declaring with an array of iouorous words that the paramount .ssue is that of imperialism. It was a bold bluff , but up to this time it has had ittle or no effect. In fact , the candi dacy of Bryan is itself the paramount ssue put forth at Kansas City , and no effort on the part of the Bryanite orators or organs can delude the people into be- ieving otherwise. Bryaiiism Dishonest. "Bryanism means many things , but to the country at large its worst portent is to be found in his dishonest attitude toward all questions of capital and property and money. His scheme for the free coinage of silver if carried out along the lines he has persistently advo cated would entail disasters unparalleled in our history. That menace of a fifty- cent dollar is the thing that looms up before the mind of every man who gives the subject consideration. The sound money democrats perceive clearly thai this issue of financial honesty and soundness is still before the country and they refuse to give consent to any thing like an approval this year of a man whose nomination they rejected four years ago. A Menace to "Wage Earners. "Matthaw Marshall , one of the fore most financial writers of the country after reviewing the monetary conditions of the republic and the relations of the Bryanite movement to finance and the free coinage of silver , says : "Heroin consists the peril with which the country is threatened by the demo oratic party. They propose to reduce as in the twinkling of an eye , by more than one half , the value of all contract for the payment of money not speoi fioally payable in gold. The wages o labor , and the thousands and millions o savings of the industrious and thrifty poor would suffer the same fate as the accumulations of the rich. The rich indeed , would not submit to be despoilec without 'resistance. As soon as it be came known that on March 4 , 1901 , Mr Bryan would be president and a Bryan ite congress could be called together in extra session to pass an unlimited silve coinage act , every holder of seouritie liable to be paid in silver would hasten to turn them into gold at the best pric obtainable , and a monetary panic would ensue , more violent than any which th country has ever experienced. " Honest Money Paramount. "So long as a candidate for the presi : ency , supported by a powerful party , hreatens the country with a debased oinago that will be the paramount issue > efore every man who earns wages or las savings in the banks. A deprooia- loa of the value of money , besides being utterly dishonest , has the further evil in its nature that it will be more blighting upon labor than upon any other interest. The intelligent ) eople perceive that fact , and accord- ngly in this campaign the one issue which the voters will recognize will be ; hat of determining whether we shall maintain the existing prosperity or try chaos. * h WHY BRYAN RESIGNED , letter , dated Sept. 24th , 1899 , was written by Colonel Victor Vifquain , lieutenant colonel of the third Nebraska , of which W. J. Bryan was colonel , and was in reply to criticism of Bryan's resignation when the regiment was or dered to Cuba : "Colonel Bryan resigned after the peace protocol was signed in Paris , and I am in position to know why he re signed then. We all knew at the time that there would be no more fighting in Cuba. If there had been the slightest chance for a fight , he would never have resigned. "Colonel Bryan resigned because he wanted the treaty of peace ratified. That treaty was in danger. He saved it ; and this has been acknowledged by all the leading papers of the country. " Colonel Yifqnaiu is a prominent Ne braska politician in Bryan's party. He has been inti- Savcd the Treaty. - , , . , , mately associated with the gunless soldier in both polit ical and military affairs and , as he states in his letter , is "in a position to know why he resigned. " As Bryan has never challenged the accuracy of Colonel nel Yifquain's statements it is fair to presume that the letter was written au thoritatively and meets with his approba tion. This explanation of Yifquain's brings out Bryan's solicitude for the treaty and establishes the fact that when it was in danger , if he did not do all Yif- quoin said he did , he , at least , did what he could to save it. Bryan's original motive in favoring ratification could not have been to avoid further trouble with Spain because Yifquain says , "we all knew there would be no more fighting in Cuba , " and if there had been the slightest possibility of a mix-up with the Spaniards Bryan could not have been driven from the army. A writer in the FANATICISM. Lincoln Indepen dent piously declares "Bryan , Lincoln , Jefferson and Jesus failed to get rich. ' ! In the populist mind Bryan and Jesus are at a parity no 1C to 1 in that com : parison.