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About The Conservative (Nebraska City, Neb.) 1898-1902 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 2, 1900)
12 PRESS COMMENT ON I1KYAN. "Still the head of a rabble , half fanat ical , half demagogic. " N. Y. "Recent light on his character hns shown him to bo a man who , if elected president , will do his honest utmost in that office to ward the appalling damage which his theories contemplate. " N. Y. "This silver plank seems to be an act of political delirium or insanity. " N.Y. "The weakest candidate on the wick edest platform that has been offered to the American people by any leading party. " N. Y. "The practical politicians are dumb founded at the prospect of another los ing fight over a dead issue. " Phila. 'The same combination of greed , dis content , opposition to all law and order , and craving to profit by another's indus try as was seen in 1896. " Phila. "That prospect ( of victory ) is dissi pated by the revival of an issue that brought about one great democratic dis aster and as surely will bring about another. " Wilmington , Del. ' Events at Kansas City have shown that 1C to 1 has lost its charms for many who had some liking for it when it was alive. " Washington , D. 0. "The silver issue will be worked for all it is worth by the republicans , while it will be worth precious little to the dem ocrats. ' ' Baltimore. "It is logical , of course , for Bryan to insist on his quack doctrine about diver , but it is also suicidal. " Hartford , Conn. "It would have been cheaper to hold no convention and to have Mr. Bryan announce the whole thing from his en larged front porch. " Concord , N. H. "The democratic party today repre sents nothing except one man and his notions. " Chicago. "The most despotic leader of a party who has yet appeared in this country is W. ,1. Bryan. " St. Louis. "The republican party is under lasting obligations to Mr. Bryan for fastening the millstone around the neck of his unhappy following. " Kansas City. "The party went blindly to its fate then ( in 1800) ) ; it goes now open-eyed , and because of its domination by one man. " St. Paul. "It is a platform of bugaboos of hyp ocritical pretenses of froth and wind. " St. Paul. "The public smote Bryan and his party hips and thigh in 1896 for propos ing an imposture. Ho proposes to offer the same swindle this year. " Minne apolis. "Mr. Bryan has proved himself at once bigger and narrower than his pary. " Detroit. "It is a striking illustration of the de cline of the democratic party. " Omaha. TRUSTS AND DEMOCRATS. The Hon. James K. Jones of Arkan sas and the democratic national com mittee is about to go through the motions of conducting a campaign against the trusts. It is depressing to have to say that the Hon. James K. Jones is in fhe all-enfolding tentacles of the octopus and not struggling the least bit to get away. Mr. Jones is said to bo a stockholder in the Eonnd Bale Cotton trust. It is admitted in the south that the round bale is better and cheaper than the square bale. Consequently the round bale trust makes the southern cotton planters anxious. According to the Houston correspondent of the Globe- Democrat the round bale trust is now trying to get ' 'practical control of the south's cotton crop. " Officially Chair man Jones is hot against trusts. As a democrat he froths at the mouth when they are mentioned. As a private citi zen and a man of business ho buys a good trust stock when he has the price. Probably most of the shrewd and en ergetic citizens who are members of the democratic national committee or of the various state committees have a finger in the trust pie. Why should they not ? They might as well be expected not to w - IB gr Asbestos Roofings Pure Asbestos , JVo Co.-il T n * , - \ < = > * WATER AND ACID PROOF , REQUIRE NO COATING. One Quality. Many Styles. Low Prices. Application Simple & Inexpensive , Asbestos Roofings are Fully Guaranteed , i H. W. JOHNS M'F'C CO. , NEW YORK. CHICAGO. PHILADELPHIA. BOSTON. MAKERS OF Asbestos Materials. Liquid Paints and Stains , Pipe and Boiler i Coverings , Electrical Materials. * 30 partners or stockholders in corpora tions as not to be interested financially in trasts. These are intended to be money-making concerns , and for all the conventional democratic pother abont money , democrats like to have it just as ranch as other folks do. When you hear the democrats bellow ing against trusts just wonder how much trust stock they hold. New York San. Start Your Career in a Salaried Position Young men nnrt women looking for employ ment Hliould Hcml for our new circular ' Support Yourself While Learning u Pro fession. " H Is Irt-i' . It tells liow you can fii-ciiio n position ut good pity , nntl while sup porting yourself prepare for u professional career. 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