rriL Conservative * In Nebraska Oity I > READFUI , . nncl elsewhere the Bixteeu-to oneites are threatening to withdraw their money from the banks and their capital from industrial plants unless the vote for Bryauarchy is main tained at , or placed above , that of 1800. This is terrifying. If every advocate of free silver in Otoe county should with draw his wealth from banks , manufac tories and farms , there would be not a ripple to disturb the tranquil depths of our flush prosperity. The damnable gold standard men own the banks , plutocracy runs the factories and the man who has dollars and sense too operates the farms and bays more laud. The men who place work above talk think that no dollar is too good to com pensate them , and Work , not Talk. no dollar too poor to pay off the living-getter-by-talking whether he is a walking delegate to stir up wrath among trades-unions people era a presidential candidate who sows dis cord between those who employ and those who are employed. The exercise of the mouth is not to be placed above that of the muscle and mind any more than the dollar is to be exalted above the man. The populism of GKT TOGETHER. the Omaha'World- Herald wishes to get to-gather plums political. How would it do to recom mend bequests and inheritances for the Bryauarchy cause ? Why not petition Olark of Montana , and Wetmore of St. Louis and Belmont of New York , who are plutocratioally for Bryauarchy , to die and leave their vast estates "for Bryan's sake and the glorious ratio of 16 to 1 ? " Any fool can inherit money. Wise men may make and leave it to be squan dered in bad causes. Why not ask somebody to die and bequeath funds to the Bryanarchy campaign ? It requires no ability to receive gifts or inherit ances. On the fifth day DEMOCRATS IN NEBRASKA. of September , in the year eighteen hundred and ninety-five a state demo cratic convention , with more than eight hundred members present , proclaimed principles , truth and patriotism in these manly words : The democrats of Nebraska , in con vention assembled , congratulate the country upon the sure signs of returning prosperity. In spite of the evil predic tions alike of protectionists and silver inflationists , the country is steadily and surely gaining ground , thus justifying the wisdom of the reversal of the repub lican policies of protective tariff taxes and coinage of a redundant quantity of token dollars. The fact that the wheels of industry , so long silenced as a consequence quence of these policies by a long and depressing panio , have resumed their wonted motion and that more than 300- > * 000 laborers are receiving an increase of wages of 12 per cent proves this asser tion. tion.We We send greeting and congratulations to Grover Cleveland and his cabinet , not only for their wise and prudent course which has aided so much in bringing about the better financial condition , but also for their firm and fearless adherence throughout the long depression to sound principles of economics ; for their just conception of the rights of the whole people , and for their unswerving fidelity in upholding and protecting the honor and integrity of the nation against or ganized mob violence. We indorse the National Democratic platform of 1892 and the interpretation placed thereon by the president , and we declare ourselves unequivocally and un reservedly for that metallic money as the standard unit the bullion and mint values of which are approximately the same , the purchasing power of which , regardless of government mintage , is the least fluctuating in all the markets of the civilized world. We insist upon this policy as especially necessary for the protection of the farmers , laborers , and property-owning debtors , the most de fenseless victims of unstable money and fluctuating currency. Free coinage of silver , 16 to 1 , means silver monometallism ; it means poorer money and less of it ; it means less wages for the laboring man and less actual money for the farmer and very much less credit as well as money for the business man. It means bankruptcy for all save the mine owner. We recognize in the issue and reissue of our treasury notes a serious menace to the stability of the national finances , and we favor the retirement of all treasury notes at the earliest possible moment with proper and safe guarantees for maintaining the necessary volume of the currency which shall be devised by a competent nonpartisan currency com mission. The constitution of this state provides that no religions test shall be made as a qualification for office. That provision we accept both in the letter and in the spirit. We condemn every attempt by secret societies or otherwise to proscribe any portion of our citizens on account of their religious beliefs or affiliations. ( Signed ) N. S. HARWOOD , D. P. ROLFK. JOHN A. MCSHANE , HENRY KCEHLEE , GEORGE P. MARVIN , Jos. J.MONTOSH , G. M. SHALLENBERQER. I hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a true copy of the platform offered to the state democratic conven tion held at Lincoln on the fifth day of September , 1895 , by the committee whose names are given above , and adopted by the unanimous vote of the convention. N. S. HARWOOD , Chairman of Committee on Platform. Then , with the pride and strength of honest faith in an honest currency , the Nebraska democracy said we are "un equivocally and unreservedly for that metallic money as the standard unit the bullion and mint values of which are approximately the same , the purchasing power of which , regardless of govern ment mintage , is least fluctuating in all the markets of the world. " Strenuous , courageous and absolutely logical were the assembled democrats of Nebraska at that time I Where are they now ? Who are they now ? They are in the stomach of populism. They are only Bryan and Oldham. How have the cohorts dwindled 1 How are the mighty fallen I BRYANARCHY ANI > , THE NEW VOTER , shows quite clearly that Bryanarchy is not popular with the young men of the country. With the nid of populists , free silverits and democrats Bryan re ceived but 81.48 per cent of the new vote (1,868,160) ( ) between 1892 and 1896 , while Cleveland , without populist assis tance , received 89.14 per cent of the new vote between 1880 and 1892. If we deduct the populist vote of 1892 from the Bryan vote of 1896 , Bryan received 95,014 votes less than the vote of Cleve land and lost the entire new vote. G' Apaoible , THE VOICE OF . THE FILIPINOS , representing the Central Filipino committee , has issued an address to the American people on behalf of the Filipinos pines , dated at Toronto , June , 1900. It is an official statement from the stand point of the revolutionary government. Speaking about the government the Filipinos had established for themselves prior to American occupation , the ad dress says : "That we are progressive , was well shown by the conduct of our whole country when , at the time of the capitu lation of the city of Manila , the inhab itants of our islands , supposing them selves to have entered upon a career of national independence that was to be assured to them by the United States government , instead of abandoning themselves to any revolutionary fever and excess , established with careful thought and scrupulous regard for jus tice a prudent government which re spected all rights created legitimately ; they convoked a congress whose legisla tive work has not been justly criticised by anybody ; they reorganized the ad ministrative machinery which had been disturbed by recent struggles ; tele graphs , railroads and means of commu nication began to work regularly ; we had adopted the electric light in some of our towns ; and we had established a new university , four high and several primary schools. In brief , the new na tion had entered upon a path of progress which already promised a bright future. All this progress' the imperialists have disturbed ; all this progress have they destroyed. " If this indictment of our government is true who is responsible for the action of _ . the United States , , Brynii'sResponslblllty . . . , . . in thus "disturb ing and destroying all their progress. " i * Af I " 'ISirC