: ' -sf Stti I Che Conservative. I k . . , . , , , . . . VOL. III. NEBRASKA CITY NEB. THURSDAY JULY 26 1900. NO. 3. PUBLISHED WEEKLY. OFFICES : OVERLAND THEATRE BLOCK. J. STERLING MORTON , EDITOR. A JOURNAL DEVOTED TO THE DTBOU88ION OF POLITICAL , ECONOMIC AND SOCIOLOGICAL QUESTIONS. CIRCULATION THIS WEEK 7,317 COPIES. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. One dollar and a half per year , in advance , postpaid , to any part of the United States or Canada. Remittances made payable to The Morton Printing Company. Address , THE CONSERVATIVE , Nebraska City , Neb. Advertising Rates made known npon appli cation. Entered at the postofflce at Nebraska City , Neb. , as Second Class matter , July 29th , 1868. BRYAN AND EGAN. United States who can remember the Phoenix Park murders and the immed iate exodus of Irish suspects to other lands can remember Patrick Egan. His name and fame were about equally linked with the assassinations in Phoenix Park and his wildly zealous devotion to the protective tariff which is imperialism in commerce. From the day he landed at Lincoln , Nebraska , Patrick Egan was an agitator , a radical republican and a developed appetite for public prominence with official emoluments attached. He assaulted free trade and the Cobdeu club' with venom and vituperation. He denounced all and singular the English advocates of free trade as conspirators and pirates. He spared not Gladstone , one of the founders of the Cobdeu club , nor Charles Russell , nor any other real supporter of home rule for Ireland. But every friend Ireland then had in the English parliament was a Oobden club man. Patrick Egan , therefore , was a practitioner of gratitude long before he was , with very bad international amen ity , sent by President Harrison to repre sent the United States at Ohili. Of all republican improprieties the appoint ment of a fugitive from the United Kingdom of Great Britain an ambassa dor of the United States was the gross est. It was as though England had made Judah P. Benjamin governor-gen eral of Canada immediately upon his arrival in England as a fugitive from the United States. But Mr. Egan was BO stalwart in advocating protection and the despotism of unoompetitive manu facture that republicanism exalted him. And now this itinerant revolutionist , who was for anarchy ill Ireland , is yell ing for Bryanarchy in the United States. The tender protestations of affection ate regard now passing between the , . , , . , Bryan and Egan - Two of aKiiul. , . . , . dromios m state craft must touch the tear fountain of emotional populism in its wonderfully hysterical organism , as miraculously as Moses smote the rook for water. The two are as much alike as two minutes , two peas , two phonographs and in eco nomics , statesmanship , and a knowledge of how to skip from one paramount issue to another paramount issue they are Siamese twins Eng Egan and Chang Bryan. NEW YORK , July 19. The following letter , given out for publication by Pat- rick Egan , former- , . . . Sample BilletDoux. , _ , . , ' , , . . ly United States minister to Chili , was received by him , he states , in answer to a telegram of congratulation sent by him to Mr. Bryan on the latter's nomination for the pretidency : "LINCOLN , NEB. , July 14. Patrick Egan , New York My Dear Mr. Egan : Your telegram of congratulation was one of the first received , and none was more highly appreciated. You were the first prominent republican pointed out to me when I arrived in Lincoln October 1 , 1887 , and you may remember that I re sponded to the toast 'Our Friends the Enemy' the evening when you and other republicans were celebrating the republican victory in 1888. I attended the banquet given you when you were departing for Ohili. So much for rem iniscences. "Am glad that you like our platform. I think it is superb. It ought to appeal to the conscience and patriotism of the people. You are in a position to do im portant service for the party in the crisis which is upon us , and I am delighted to know that your zeal is equal to your ability. Yours truly , W. J. BUYAN. " For ambassador to England or secre tary of state put down Patrick Egan of Phronix Park and Lincoln , Nebraska. Absence of gov- ANARCHY. eminent is an archy. Those who rebel against any and every form of government are anarchists ; a country where anarchy prevails is a goverumentless country. And the differ ence between anarchy and Bryauarohy is only three letters. And in substance they are more nearly identical than they are in verbal form. Either dominant will ruin the country in which it pre vails. The Omaha "GET TOGETHER. ' World-Herald , formerly edited by' 'our peerless leader , ' ' and the acknowledged champion of con glomerate partyisrn , is out in large scare headlines and cash- , auto-wind-raising , - raising , and hair-raising editorials on "Get Together. " The trouble is , and has been , among the conglomeration of office-seekers that each one wishes to "get" so much that they cannot all "get" together. To "get to-gather the emoluments of poli tical jobs is the appetite of the Tam many tiger , hybridized upon the am bition , vanity , vioionsness , and venality of Bryanarchy. "It is the money and not the honor" sought in official life. BRYANARCHIC . WISDOM. candidate of the conglomerates for the presidency sent out this : "The democratic platform declares the question of imperialism to be the para mount issue. If any opponent of im perialism refuses to support the demo cratic ticket , because of the silver plank , it must be because he considers the money question more important than the Philippine question. " The same platform declares that the Chicago platform is re-uttered and reaffirmed. And the Chicago platform made the money question "paramount. " Thus Bryan , Towne & Co. have twin "paramonnts" this year. But who urged the ratification of the Paris treaty and boasted of securing the same ? Bryan 1 And did the "consent" of the Filipinos to be sold and transferred from Spain to the United States , lands , homes , bodies and souls reach Col. Bryan by cable be fore he espoused the cause of imperial ism ? With what consistency can Col. Bryan denounce the imperialism which he created ? How can any man , who voted to ratify the treaty with Spain or urged others to so vote , consistently except to the logical results of that treaty ? No other man in America is so perfectly estopped , by his own actd , from criticis ing the Philippine conditions.