The Conservative (Nebraska City, Neb.) 1898-1902, July 19, 1900, Page 3, Image 3

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    Conservative *
under Bryan in precisely the same man
ner as we now have it under McKinley.
If the maintenance of a standing army
for the purpose of establishing a stable
government in the Philippines be mili
tarism we would not escape it by elect
ing Bryan president. His election would
only augment the difficulties in the
Philippines for the reason that Bryan
has caused the impression to exist
among the Filipinos that he favors im
mediate independence , which he does
not. In the event of his election , when
he should put his policy in force , the
Filipinos would discover that they had
been deceived by this apostle of purity ,
and they would resist more stoutly than
ever before our efforts to establish a
government for them.
There is nothing in Bryan's record erin
in the platform adopted by his party to
commend either
Uryaii an Imperialist. . . . . . ,
to anti-imperial
ists. The latter , in supporting Bryan ,
would not only be endorsing imperial
ism and militarism but would be uphold
ing financial heresies and the many an
archistic utterances of the Ohicago plat
form , so repugnant to intelligent
American voters. Why then should
those who oppose militarism and imper
ialism favor the election of Bryan over
McKinley ? As the record of neither
can be endorsed from the standpoint of
the anti-imperialist , would it not be
better to aid in electing the one whose
position on the currency question is
sound and whose election would not en
danger the stability of the business and
commercial interests of the country ?
THE CONSERVATIVE believes the anti-
imperialist convention can resist more
effectively imperialistic tendencies by
adopting a platform opposing imperial
ism and denouncing the fallacies of
populism , without nominating a ticket ,
leaving the voters to choose between
the two evils presented by republicanism
on the one hand and Bryanarchy on the
TIIE KANSAS .TIJ ? importance
CITY PLATFORM.f the following
plank in the plat
form adopted at Kansas Oity cannot be
overestimated :
"We reaffirm and endorse the princi
ples of the national democratic plat
form adopted at Chicago in 1896. "
It distinctly "reaffirms and endorses
the principles of the national democratic
platform adopted at Chicago in 1896. "
Every paragraph , every line and every
syllable of the discredited Ohicago plat
form is thus incorporated in the Kansas
Oity platform as effectively as if the
exact words had been reproduced and
rewritten. It means that this declara
tion of political wisdom , enunciated at
Ohicago four years ago , is reiterated and
again made a part of the creed of Bry-
anarchy :
"We declare that the act of 1878 de-
demonetizing silver , without the knowl
edge or approval of the American people
ple , has resulted in the appreciation of
gold and a corresponding fall in the price
of commodities produced by the people ;
a heavy increase in the burden of tax
ation and of all debts public and private ;
the enrichment of the money lending
class at home and abroad ; the prostra
tion of industry and the impoverishment
of the people.
"We are unalterably opposed to mono-
metallsm which has locked fast the
prosperity of an industrial people in the
paralysis of hard times "
The Kansas Oity convention thus de
scribes present conditions. According
, to the Bryan-
industry Prostrated. . . . , ,
orohists a most de
pressing condition of affairs now pro
vails. These sage economists , who so
bravely follow their peerless leader , im
petuously declare "that "prices are fall
ing , " that "industry is prostrated , " and
that the "people are impoverished. "
For this they declare the gold standard
to be responsible. The friends of the
gold standard are willing to assume for
it the responsibility for present condi
tions. Every intelligent voter knows
that the industrial life of the community
was never healthier than it is today.
Conditions were never more encour
A Nebraska Oity paper , a local
organ of the calamity shouters , published
tne Bryan plat-
, , . .
„ *
Xiocal Condition. . , . , ,
form and in the
same issue inserted the following notice
of the mortgage record for this county :
"During the last six mouths there were
filed for record on farm land 144 mort
gages amounting to $256,649.05 and 210
releases amounting to $857,895.81. There
were filed on city and town property dur
ing the same period fifty-nine mortgages
amounting to $28,557.68 and sixty-six
releases amounting to $87,969.10. This
shows that during the past six months
there has been a decrease in the debt of
$110,656.68. What county in the state
can make as good a showing ? "
Otoe county is not an exception. The
farmers of the country are generally
prosperous. They are cancelling mort
gages. They are building new homes.
On every hand we see indications of
industrial activity and evidences of
greater prosperity. Knowing all this ,
how can any honest , intelligent voter
east his ballot for the Bryan ticket ?
A vote for Bryan under existing con
ditions is either a confession of igno
rance or the acknowledgment of dis
honesty. To endorse the Kansas Oity
platform and by so doing declare that
"industry is prostrated" and the "people
are impoverished , " is of necessity either
the wilful assertion of a falsehood or an
untruthful declaration prompted by
The Kansas Oity platform again en
dorses the following appeal to rioters
. , , and anarchists :
Appeal to
We denounce
arbitrary interfer
ence by federal authorities in local
affairs as a violation of the constitution
of the United States and a crime against
free institutions. "
President Cleveland's conduct in us
ing federal troops to suppress the Chicago
cage riot , to prevent the destruction of
property and to protect the lives of
citizens , was upheld by the supreme
court of the United States , by congress ,
and endorsed by every intelligent and
law-abiding citizen. It remained for
the Ohicago anarchistic sympathizers
and the brainless reaffirmers at Kansas
Oity to denounce the act. THE CON
SERVATIVE believes that the American
people will not tolerate a man for the
presidency who thus appeals to the ene
mies of society , to those who oppose the
present social order , to those who believe
that riots should be unsuppressed and
lawlessness should go unrestrained.
The convention at Kansas Oity also
endorsed the attack upon the civil service -
_ , , . , vice as enunciated
Civil Service. . / - , . . ,
at Ohicago and
again makes it a vital principle of Bry an
archy :
"We are opposed to life tenure in the
public service , except as provided in
the constitution. We favor appoint
ments based upon merit , fixed terms of
office , and such an administration of
the civil service laws as will afford
equal opportunities to all citizens of
ascertained fitness. "
Because of this plank the friends of
the civil service arrayed themselves
against the nominee of the Ohicago con
vention. This declaration was de
nounced as a menace to the civil service ,
a step backward , the substitution of the
spoils for the merit system. This plank
is just as much a part of the Bryan
creed now as it was in 1896. If in 1896 ,
a vote for Bryan would have been an
attack upon the civil service , it will be
no less hostile m 1900. If the people of
the United States are ready to acknowl
edge that the civil service is a failure ; if
they wish to make the vast number of
federal positions mere spoils of office ; if
they wish to thus increase the power of
the professional politicians ; if they be
lieve such an elaborate system of parti
san rewards would increase the effi
ciency of government , they should
vote for Bryan. If , on the other hand ,
they wish to maintain the civil service ,
to remove imperfections and make it
more efficient , they should cast their
votes against the spoils leader as they
did in 1896.
THE CONSERVATIVE cannot be coerced
into the support of any man , measure or
measures against which its reason
revolts , THE CONSERVATIVE is not the
organ of any clique , political organiza
tion or conspiracy. It is merely the
outspoken enemy of all that it be
lieves to be wrong in government.