The Conservative (Nebraska City, Neb.) 1898-1902, July 12, 1900, Page 5, Image 5
Cbe Conservative , of strength and safety. For the first time in our history and co-evil with the Philippine conquest , has there been a whole departure from our time-honored and approved system of volunteer or ganizations. We denounce it as un- American , undemocratic and unrepub- lican and as a subversion of the ancient and fixed principles of a free people. Private Monopoly Evil. Private monopolies are indefensible and intolerable. They destroy compe tition , control the price of all material and of the finished product , thus rob bing both producer and consumer. They lessen the employment of labor and arbitrarily fix the terms and conditions thereof and deprive individual energy and small capital of their opportunity for betterment. They are the most efficient means yet devised for appropriating the fruits of industry to the benefit of the few at the expense of the many , and unless their insatiate greed is checked all wealth will be aggregated in a few hands and the republic destroyed. The dishonest paltering with the trust evil by the re publican party in state and national platforms is conclusive proof of the truth of the charge that trusts are the legitimate product of republican poli cies ; that they are fostered by republi can laws and that they are protected by the republican administration in return for campaign subscriptions and political support. Control of Trusts. The failure of the present administra tion , with an absolute control over al the branches of the national governmen ! to enact any legislation designed to pre vent or even curtail the absorbing power of trusts and illegal combinations or to enforce the anti-trust laws already on the statute books prove the insin cerity of the high soundiu g phrases o : the republican platform. Corporations should be protected in all their rights and their legitimate interests should be respected , but any attempt by corpora tions to interfere with the public affairs of the people or to control the sov ereignty which creates them , should be forbidden under such penalties as wil make such attempts impossible. Breeder of Trusts. We condemn the Dingley tariff law as a trust-breeding measure , skillfully devised to give the few favors which they do not deserve , and to place upon the many burdens which they should not bear , We favor such an enlargement of the scope of the interstate commerce law as will enable the commission to proteo individuals and communities from dis criminations and the public from unjns and unfair transportation rates. American Finance for Americans. We reaffirm and indorse the princi pies of the national democratic platform adopted at Chicago in 1896 , and we re- terate the demand of that platform for an American financial system made by ihe American people for themselves , which shall restore and maintain a bi metallic price level , and as part of such ystem the immediate restoration of the 'roe and unlimited coinage of silver and gold at the present legal ratio of 10 to 1 without waiting for the aid or consent of any other nation. We denounce the currency bill en acted at the last session of congress as a step forward in the republican policy which aims to discredit the sovereign right of the national government to issue all the money , whether coin or paper and to bestow upon national banks the power to issue and control the volume of paper money for their own benefit. A permanent national bank currency , secured by government bonds , must mve a permanent debt to rest upon and if the bank currency is to increase with population and business , the debt must also increase. The republican currency scheme is therefore a scheme for fasten ing upon the taxpayers a perpetual and growing debt. No Watered Stock. We pledge the democratic party to an unceasing warfare in nation , state and city against private monopoly in every form. Existing laws against trusts must be enforced and more stringent ones must be enacted providing for publicity as to the affairs of corporations engaged in interstate commerce and requiring all corporations to show , before doing busi ness outside of the state of their origin , that they have no water in their stock and that they have not attempted and are not attempting to monopolize any branch of business or the production of any articles of merchandise and the whole constitutional power of congress over interstate commerce , the mails and all modes of interstate communication shall be exercised by the enactment of comprehensive laws upon the subject of trusts. Tariff laws should be amended by putting the product of trusts upon the free list to prevent monopoly under the plea of protection. Retirement of Bank Notes. Debt for the benefit of the banks we are opposed to this private corporation paper circulated as money , but without legal tender qualities and demand the retirement of the national bank notes as fast as government paper or silver cer tificates can be substituted for them. Senators by The People. We favor an amendment to the fed eral constitution providing for the elec tion of United States senators by direct vote of the people , and we favor a direct legislation wherever practicable. No Government by Injunction. We are opposed to government by injunction ; we denounce the blacklist and favor arbitration as a means of set tling disputes between corporations and their employees , Department of I < abor. In the interest of American labor and the upbuilding of the workiugman as the corner stone of the prosperity of our country , we recommend that congress create a department of labor , in charge of a secretary , with a seat in the cabinet , believing that the elevation of the laborer will bring with it increased production and increased prosperity to our country at home and to our com merce abroad. Liberal Pensions. We are proud of the courage and fidelity of the American soldiers and sailors in all our wars , wo favor liberal pensions to them and their dependents and we reiterate the position taken in the Chicago platform in 1896 that the fact of enlistment and service shall be deemed conclusive evidence against disease and disability before enlistment. We favor the immediate construction , ownership and control of the Nicaraguan - guan canal by the United States and we denounce the insincerity of the plank in the republican national platform for an Isthmian canal in the face of the failure of the republican majority to pass the bill pending in congress. Surrender to England. We condemn the Hay-Panncefoto treaty as a surrender of American rights and interests ( not to bo tolerated by the American people. ) i Statehood. We denounce the failure of the repub lican party to carry out its pledges , to grant statehood to the territories of Ari zona , New Mexico and Oklahoma , and we promise the people of those terri tories immediate statehood and home rule during their condition as territories , and we favor home rule and a territorial form of government for Alaska and Porto Rico. We favor an intelligent system of improving the arid lands of the west , storing the waters for the purposes of irrigation and the holding of such lauds for actual settlers. We favor the continuance and strict enforcement of the Chinese exclusion law and its application to the same classes of all Asiatic races. Land-Grabbing Condemned. Jefferson said : "Peace , commerce and honest friendship with all nations , en tangling alliances with none. " We ap prove this wholesome doctrine and earnestly protest against the republican departure which has involved us in so- called world politics , including the di plomacy of Europe and the intrigue and land-grabbing of Asia and we especially condemn the ill-concealed republican